iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


wow hereafter, that was my fastest cloaks win ever.

Edit: so that there's a bit more detail, he opened vanguard and spread out his initial formation. My turn I copy a gunner with vlox and run up and plink him for 2 since i know he couldn't play a heavy hitter turn 2. hereafter takes the bait and fires back for 2. I then copy a scrapper and walk up to do another point of damage, chaining a scrapper to sera's side to hit a second time. Also casting cloak of shadows on vlox this turn. Hereafter still didn't have enough for a heavy hitter, but manages to kill the scrapper. My next turn I walk away from the guardians and roll 2/2 for the finish.


wow hereafter, that was my fastest cloaks win ever.

Edit: so that there's a bit more detail, he opened vanguard and spread out his initial formation. My turn I copy a gunner with vlox and run up and plink him for 2 since i know he couldn't play a heavy hitter turn 2. hereafter takes the bait and fires back for 2. I then copy a scrapper and walk up to do another point of damage, chaining a scrapper to sera's side to hit a second time. Also casting cloak of shadows on vlox this turn. Hereafter still didn't have enough for a heavy hitter, but manages to kill the scrapper. My next turn I walk away from the guardians and roll 2/2 for the finish.

I was stupid and for not summoning the guardian knight to block your summoner from the top. I think I lost 6-7 times today. I learn a new thng.. Never fight a land war in Asia...


I was stupid and for not summoning the guardian knight to block your summoner from the top. I think I lost 6-7 times today. I learn a new thng.. Never fight a land war in Asia...

Ah, I figured you just didn't have the cards :/ you had built up 10 magic at the end.


Hail to the KING baby
Holy ffffff I have like five summoner games going this morning near the end and I'm literally rolling 75% 1s in all of them. Grrrrrr! CPU is fixed!

(I actually love the dice-chucking in SW, but you have to take the bad with the good. :p)


Hail to the KING baby
QQ to Summoner Wars: When my opponent needs a 3/3 or 4/4 to kill my Summoner, can they ever not roll it? Like, ever? You can just swap in one of my 0/2 or 1/4 rolls. kthx

Can't wait to get the physical version in next week: I'll show the computer how you're supposed to roll dice.


Hail to the KING baby
Astro I feel like I robbed you of that win in SW.

Yeah that pissed me off so much. In a good way fist-shaking way though. As much as I can hate the dice I would have been very pleased had I pulled it off (which I'm sure I have in the past). :D

Edit got threads mixed up


San Juan! August 2nd

Real-time online play only - boo!
[edit: though for a game that takes only 15 minutes face to face it might not have needed it]

San Juan is pretty nice. Seems like they've learned a lot from Puerto Rico. The game is very good at letting you know through animation what is going on.

And the card selection from your hand (with the gold glow) is probably the best handled I've seen. Any game that uses hand cards as a resource should copy this exactly (especially when it auto-selects your entire hand when you have the precise number of cards you have to pay).

Since they added asynch to Puerto Rico I am hopeful that they do the same for San Juan eventually.

My one big, bitchy grip is that the character portraits are AWFUL. Developers, there is a place called DeviantART. GO THERE.


QQ to Summoner Wars: When my opponent needs a 3/3 or 4/4 to kill my Summoner, can they ever not roll it? Like, ever? You can just swap in one of my 0/2 or 1/4 rolls. kthx

Can't wait to get the physical version in next week: I'll show the computer how you're supposed to roll dice.

I seem to get really lucky with Ragnor. Lots of hits and fury seems to work out a lot.


Hail to the KING baby
If anyone wants to ever play live games of San Juan, Ticket to Ride iPad, or other stuff, just hit me up on gchat. PM me if you would like to do this and don't have my gchat.

This was prompted by me looking for San Juan games and being sick of being limited to 2P quickplay.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Holy ffffff I have like five summoner games going this morning near the end and I'm literally rolling 75% 1s in all of them. Grrrrrr! CPU is fixed!

(I actually love the dice-chucking in SW, but you have to take the bad with the good. :p)

That's been my motto in my series with gazele. Even series Is roughly even until I get the 1/4 and 0/2 rolls when I ony need 2/4 or 1/2. And then BAM it's one-sided and he rolls 4/4 :(


That's been my motto in my series with gazele. Even series Is roughly even until I get the 1/4 and 0/2 rolls when I ony need 2/4 or 1/2. And then BAM it's one-sided and he rolls 4/4 :(

I'm usually on the unlucky side of rolls so it feels weird to be hitting them, I seriously thought you'd destroy me dwarves vs cloak, still think you'll beat me but it might be close now


Hail to the KING baby
Double elimination in Carc tourneys is a mistake.

hehe, a couple things:

-32 people is a lot. be awesome if every single person was super engaged but with 32 you're bound to get some slackers and/or bad combinations and there's guaranteed to be 2-4 people that just disappear completely. sucks but totally inevitable. with 16 you can get it to a place where almost everyone is reliable enough

-i like the format but yeah, once people lose some of them are like ok whatever or just sort of aren't interested anymore.

not to say the people who haven't played games are slacking or being bad or whatever but just after having run like 15+ tournaments and leagues over the years on GAF there are certain undeniable truths :D

we'll just have to be very careful about how we set up the summoner wars league!


If anyone wants to ever play live games of San Juan, Ticket to Ride iPad, or other stuff, just hit me up on gchat. PM me if you would like to do this and don't have my gchat.

This was prompted by me looking for San Juan games and being sick of being limited to 2P quickplay.

I tried to get a 3p going on quickplay and it was not happening.
If you have a matchup that's ready to go you should always go for it. :)

I figured as much, I just wasn't sure if I had been given a forfeit win since it took weeks to get soldat7 to respond. I just looked and I wasn't given a win so I started our game. Now to see how long it takes until he accepts my game.
Now this is what you call a city battle. Last piece on the left. Crazy game!


Im confused, why are the meeple still there? I dont see an opening in the walls even before you drop in that last piece up top, that looks like its a separate little 3 piece city.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Im confused, why are the meeple still there? I dont see an opening in the walls even before you drop in that last piece up top, that looks like its a separate little 3 piece city.

He put the piece there and then took a picture before confirming his selection. ;)


Im confused, why are the meeple still there? I dont see an opening in the walls even before you drop in that last piece up top, that looks like its a separate little 3 piece city.

Yeah a little confusing.

The bright blue bordered tile in the upper left is me closing a 3 tile city because I didn't have any meeples left, and didn't want TM to score on it. That was my turn previous to this one. The last tile in the mega city is two below that, with the lighter border. I took the screen shot before I closed the city.

Not sure how many points it scored, but I unlocked a few achievements haha.
Yeah a little confusing.

The bright blue bordered tile in the upper left is me closing a 3 tile city because I didn't have any meeples left, and didn't want TM to score on it. That was my turn previous to this one. The last tile in the mega city is two below that, with the lighter border. I took the screen shot before I closed the city.

Not sure how many points it scored, but I unlocked a few achievements haha.

Ahhhh, ok I didnt see that little corner piece there. Makes sense now!

Thats a fucking massive city, haha. I thought the one me and Smiley had was big, this destroys that one.

This win over octobot marks my 100th SW game :) 66-34!

Thats a lot of games, and a lot of wins! I think I have about 62 games, with like 30 wins, and 32 losses or something, keepin it close to my 1.0 k/d ratio I usually have in games, haha.

Id love to see your wins and losses with each faction! post that shit!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Dwarves: 11/2
Tundra Orcs: 11/3
Cave Goblins: 8/3
Jungle Elves: 11/5
Vanguard: 8/4
Phoenix Elves: 9/5
Cloaks: 5/5
Fallen Kingdom: 4/7

101 games now... FK are the only faction i'm less than 50% at :(


Dwarves: 11/2
Tundra Orcs: 11/3
Cave Goblins: 8/3
Jungle Elves: 11/5
Vanguard: 8/4
Phoenix Elves: 9/5
Cloaks: 5/5
Fallen Kingdom: 4/7

101 games now... FK are the only faction i'm less than 50% at :(

For me, the worst race are the Cloaks. I just can't be "tricky". The Dwarves are really OP.
Dwarves: 11/2
Tundra Orcs: 11/3
Cave Goblins: 8/3
Jungle Elves: 11/5
Vanguard: 8/4
Phoenix Elves: 9/5
Cloaks: 5/5
Fallen Kingdom: 4/7

101 games now... FK are the only faction i'm less than 50% at :(


Mine for comparison between someone good (smiley) and someone mediocre (me)

Guild Dwarves 8/2
Cloaks 5/4
Tundra Orcs 3/3
Cave Goblins 3/4
Jungle Elves 4/6
Vanguards 2/3
Fallen Kingdom 3/7
Pheonix Elves 2/5

Dwarves really do seem to be the most over powered team, which sucks, because I like there mechanics and would like to play them more, but I hate OP things.

Fallen Kingdom is still one of my favorite teams, because they seem to play completely different from everyone else, Ive been doing alright with them lately too, I think im 2/2 with my last 4 matches with them.

The only race I dont like still is the Cave Goblins, Ive done alright with them lately, but they still just dont mesh with me, horde based teams never do though.

eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24

If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!

My replay with tm24 after our initial draw is complete, match finished wideawakewesley 159 - 119 tm24

I've sent an invite to blahness, so hopefully we can crack on with our game asap.


Well, my game with soldat7 has started, but I'm not sure how quickly he's going to take turns.

Keep us posted. There are still three games going in that round so you're not the last one holding us up yet. ;)

Sorry guys, been out of town then had my folks in town. Who do I play next in Carc?


eznark vs Of All Trades
Smiley90 vs InaudibleWhispa (in progress)
Got the Shakes vs soldat7 (in progress)


Hail to the KING baby
Same here on Puerto Rico. Still haven't learned it which is hilarious because I've had the app for a while and been eurogaming for like five years now. :p


Hail to the KING baby
You guys should remember I think this is Codito async so sometimes it's not great about notifications -- if you play probably worth checking the game once or so a day just in case.


Hail to the KING baby
these are my sw stats. a couple decks i think i tweaked negatively but oh well rather mess around myself

Cave Goblins: 44-12
Jungle Elves: 27-18
Phoenix Elves: 10-7
Guild Dwarves: 10-9
Tundra Orcs: 2-2
Vanguards: 0-2
FK/Cloaks: 0-0


these are my sw stats. a couple decks i think i tweaked negatively but oh well rather mess around myself

Cave Goblins: 44-12
Jungle Elves: 27-18
Phoenix Elves: 10-7
Guild Dwarves: 10-9
Tundra Orcs: 2-2
Vanguards: 0-2
FK/Cloaks: 0-0

I'm surprised by your Jungle Elves losses. I thought your JE was really strong.
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