Pretty much all of them in the spreadsheet in the OP are playable offline again AI, except for Hero Academy. Not sure what the 'best' is, i like Magic The Gathering 2013.
The co-op games are all quite fun solo. Elder Sign, Ghost Stories, and Forbidden Island. Ticket to Ride is also quite fun against the AI in my limited play. Alien Frontiers, Neurshima, San Juan -- all pretty good.
Heel/Sladeums, I redid the 3 player game with Asynchronous on. Hope that's okay.
Cool, I'll probably pick up Elder Sign eventually.
You should pick up Neuroshima Hex and Ghost Stories before Elder Signs. IMHO of course but I find both of them better than Elder Signs. Neuroshima Hex is great because once you are done/bored with the single player part then you can play me in Async!
If you get Neuroshima Hex and like it, check out Neuroshima Hex Puzzle.
Do any board games let you play async? I finally "got" Carcassonne this weekend and totally love it now (FINALLY), but I can't always sit down for a half hour to play...
Do any board games let you play async? I finally "got" Carcassonne this weekend and totally love it now (FINALLY), but I can't always sit down for a half hour to play...
Carcassonne is THE async game.All friend matches are async.
Other excellent async titles:
-Ascension (it's like PA)
-Lost Cities (by the makers of PA -- iPhone but you can blow it up 2x and it looks fine -- simple but very fun just like Carc)
-Summoner Wars (think you got this -- you should really give it a(nother?) shot -- justifiably Pocket Tactics GOTY)
-Stone Age (also iPhone, but good game)
Some others that are good but a bit deeper so you'd have to spend maybe an hour or so learning the rules:
-Le Havre
-Tigris & Euphrates
-Neuroshima Hex
So, Penny Arcade kind of sucks, right?
Other than a small pool of cards, I find it to be pretty great. It's kinda like only having the base set of Dominion to play with. Do you not like it?
It feels brain dead. There isn't enough of a variation in the cards to really make it stick with me. Basically every game ends with the red pile getting depleted and the green never getting touched. I've tried spicing it up by making attack only decks, trying to go all tokens, etc but it just seems blah. And I'm .500 so it's not because I stuck! It does make me want to play tons more ascension though.
So what's the preference on starting new Carc games? Traders & Builders and Inns & Cathedrals? Does anyone like starting with Rivers too?
Do people just exchange email addresses to get Carcassonne games going? Super confused.
That's the old way before GC was integrated. You can you the ingame list to invite people that are GC friends if they have the game.
I have the latest version, but right now the only person on my ingame list is AstroLad, even though I know there are other GC friends who have it and have played it recently.
I have the latest version, but right now the only person on my ingame list is AstroLad, even though I know there are other GC friends who have it and have played it recently.
Weird. I'll add you when I get home and see if you can start a game then? (I don't think we're actually GC friends because we only played with HA's user system.)
Yeah. I sent you a request yesterday or the day before.
What list are you pulling from? In-game or GC? If I go to create a new game and scroll down past email (the old method) friends, all my GC friends appear -- including yourself which we just connected today. That's weird if they're not showing up for you.
OMFG. I just never scrolled down.
Did you not know about the scroll functionality for any apps? OMG all your unread email passages.
No, I think that's normal...Okay, dumb question #368.
How do I know when it's my turn? If my opponent's scroll is faded out, it's my turn right? I think it's just my connection sucks, each game I go into, the top right corner has my opponents tile and the spinning wheel loading sign over it.
No, I think that's normal...
The little meeple icon in your game list will show green when it's your turn. It'll be brown when someone else has moved since you last were in the game, but it's not your turn. Also, if you have badges/notifications on, you'll see that too on your Carc icon. Carc has probably the best async system out there.
Im really bad at Lost Cities.
Did you have more cards that you could play or had you run out of options? You can take cards back from the discard piles instead of drawing a new one from the deck to prolong the game at the end (will take twice as long to end the game if only one person is drawing).
There is strategy to increase your chances of winning, but it does come down to a bit of luck too. A lot like Carc in that regard.
How do coin cards work in Lost Cities and why do I get so many of them
Summoner Wars is hard
Summoner Wars is hard
It's basically HA, but with non-guaranteed attacks. A lot of the game is also learning what each deck (team) can do so you know what to expect from the enemy, as well as what you can do with your own synergies.