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iPhone 5


I played with an iPhone 5 for about a minute or 2 on my way to work (there is a SmarTone carrier store in the building I live in). They only had the black one on display, next one was a white iPhone 5.

Seems very light. Couldn't get the best feel since it was attached to a chained security mechanism.

The screen is a lot better. Much better colors and it seemed the pixels were even closer to the glass.

Seems to be very fast.

The aluminum didn't scuff when I took a fingernail to it. Didn't try a key :p

Really only had a very short time with it, so not much else to say.

It's going to be hard for me to get one of these--the market price just from scalpers selling to resellers is like $250 on top of the original price, it's going to be hard to beat the scalpers.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just be like "Bitches, I wrote Book of Eli, I demand to be first in line".

Or, alternatively, "I'll get Will Smith to kick your ass if you don't give up your spot in line".

Either will do.. Gotta use that geek cred some how.


The aluminum didn't scuff when I took a fingernail to it. Didn't try a key :p



Anyone getting an iPhone 5 wanna send me their earpods? If you aren’t using them, I would love a pair. I’ll pay shipping. PM me.


Question: To ensure that all my content (music, apps, photos, videos, etc.) gets transferred to my new iPhone tomorrow what do I have to do? Do I have to back up the phone to my computer or iCloud?

Note: I don't use a lot of iCloud features like the photo hosting feature.


Question: To ensure that all my content (music, apps, photos, videos, etc.) gets transferred to my new iPhone tomorrow what do I have to do? Do I have to back up the phone to my computer or iCloud?

Note: I don't use a lot of iCloud features like the photo hosting feature.
Just back it up to your computer. Then when you get the iPhone 5, sync it to that.


Question: To ensure that all my content (music, apps, photos, videos, etc.) gets transferred to my new iPhone tomorrow what do I have to do? Do I have to back up the phone to my computer or iCloud?

Note: I don't use a lot of iCloud features like the photo hosting feature.

You can backup to your computer to be safe, but iCloud should suffice. Be sure you choose the option 'Restore From iCloud' during initialization. I'm not positive about this, but that option may not appear if your phone is plugged into your computer.


You can backup to your computer to be safe, but iCloud should suffice. Be sure you choose the option 'Restore From iCloud' during initialization. I'm not positive about this, but that option may not appear if your phone is plugged into your computer.

iCloud doesn't back up your Mp3s though (unless you have iTunes match).


I'm not holding my breath on this one, but I am going to stop by an AT&T store on my way in to work just to see if there's a line/try and get a phone. Now, I've already preordered a phone from Apple that won't ship until 10/10-10/16. Will they tell me that I have to cancel that one first? Or can they cancel it for me if by some miracle they have a phone I can pick up in person?


Bleh. Not getting mine through Best Buy, I might go to AT&T since I'm not getting off work tonight till 4am, catch some zzz's wake up and buy phone. Although my closest AT&T is in the hood.
I can't see this being worse than antennagate.


Who am I kidding. This will be a catastrophe even though in the end it's not that big of a deal.
Good thing nobody carries coins in their pocket.

I've always been extremely careful to designate one pocket as the phone pocket. I don't ever put anything but the phone in there or something else that would not be harmful at all, like paper. I also make sure the screen is facing my body so that any sudden hits do not damage the screen.


Good thing nobody carries coins in their pocket.

Sure, but

1. We don't exactly know exactly what they did. They said "the side is pretty tough but..." so they may have went to town on it like an old lady attacking a scratch off. Just need a little more info.

2. If you're sticking your bare phone in the pocket with your change, you probably are going for that worn look anyway.


If it takes a coin to scuff then it's not that big a deal. I bet you can scuff the shit out of the plastic backs on most phones but yeah... because it's Apple every blog is gonna be FLIPPING their shit.


I haven't been keeping up with the thread but are people really freaking out over barely visible marks on the sides of the phone?

I'm more angry about iOS6 than I am about the prospect of a minor cosmetic deficiency. I'll probably still go naked too.


Probably punching the next person in the face who uses the term "gate" in an effort to overly hype a virtual non-exist issue that whiners will moan incessantly about, forgetting that they represent 0.0001% of the 1.123% of people who are actually effected by the "problem."

I got black and will receive mine tomorrow. This whole "scuff-gate" thing is so overblown.

def sim

i though scuffgate was that it scuffs just by light use

anodized items getting scuffed by coin isn't really news is it? that's just kind of a given
Don't people buy cases for their phones? Pretty hard to scuff it when its protected. Unless you're one of those people who leaves it bareback for extra pleasure... i mean, so that other people can see you own an iPhone.
Ok so I've managed to

A) not scuff my phone in the last 5 hours
B) speedtest 61mbs down 31mbs up 32ms ping
C) geek bench 1644

Light, thin and incredibly sexy. Goin to blow your minds.
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