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iPhone 5

Thanks. Nah, I don't want to return it, I want a replacement. But I don't know if this is reason enough for an exchange. I tried taking a pic with my iPad. Its the scratch above the display on the metal band edge.

So the metal band shows scratches? That ain't good.


Gamma that would seriously wind me up, its worth at least TRYING to exchange. Make them take the nrw one out the box and inspect there and then as well.


Still trying to work out what the best way of getting a 5 on contract, getting my micro-SIM in that phone and then getting the nano-SIM into my current 4S. Having my wife and I on alternating upgrade years is my personal holy grail!


lol dude, of COURSE it is. Think about all the money you paid.

I don't understand why people settle for shit build quality. See Nexus 7 thread.

Gamma that would seriously wind me up, its worth at least TRYING to exchange. Make them take the nrw one out the box and inspect there and then as well.

Yeah, I know. It's just so inconvenient. Luckily an Apple Store opened up in my city just a few weeks ago. I'll call and ask if they have replacement stock.
Fun email to wake up to....

Dear Michael:

I know that you're excited to get your new iPhone 5 and you can be sure we are as excited to sell it to you. Unfortunately, as of the night before the official launch, Best Buy® has not received enough of the specific model phone you ordered, and we will not have it available on launch day. You can be certain that we are working very hard to get you, as quickly as possible, the exact iPhone 5 model you pre-ordered. It could take as long as 28 days to find the iPhone you want. However, there is no doubt that the fact you pre-ordered a phone from Best Buy means you will be able to buy it before any consumer trying to find one on their own.

Trust us, we will be able to get you the phone you want – maybe not as fast as you might want, but likely as fast as anyone else at this point.

I really appreciate your patience and willingness to shop Best Buy. We look forward to getting you the phone you ordered with us.

If you have any questions, please call 1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289).


Shawn Score
Senior Vice President
Best Buy


Not sure what to do now.

Gonna go in there and pretend like I never got it I guess.


Still trying to work out what the best way of getting a 5 on contract, getting my micro-SIM in that phone and then getting the nano-SIM into my current 4S. Having my wife and I on alternating upgrade years is my personal holy grail!
They've already been people that have shaved/cut their microSIMs into working nanoSIMs, maybe someone will release an adapter for the reverse process.


Isn't there a 30 day no-questions-asked return policy? Or is it an exchange policy? Either way I am not worried that if my black one comes and scuffs way too easily after a few days ill just head into the Grand Central apple store and talk to them about it.

The good side of this is if you have black and manage to keep it scuff-free how rare it'll be if everyone exchanges for white, haha.

I'm get side strips anyway, but they won't be here for a bit and if it scuffs out of the box ..


seems like usual. The x-model is the beta model with some seminew functionality and unexpected features due to production and testing not 100% and the xS-model is the proper model where they have gotten quality and production lines in order


They've already been people that have shaved/cut their microSIMs into working nanoSIMs, maybe someone will release an adapter for the reverse process.
Yeah, I've seen that you can apparently just cut it without the need for shaving at all. Fingers crossed for a dock.

Waiting is hard now that it's out there though! D:


Don't you have to book a Genius Bar appointment for warranty stuff?
It helps because they'll try to see you as close to your appointment as possible, but they accept walk-ins too.
seems like usual. The x-model is the beta model with some seminew functionality and unexpected features due to production and testing not 100% and the xS-model is the proper model where they have gotten quality and production lines in order
Which is why you buy both the tick and the tock!


It is madness that in hours phones are already scratched/scuffed that's really shit build quality damnit... are the white ones affected?


Hm, just got through to my Apple Store. They said they don't have any phones left and no replacement stock either :/
Fun email to wake up to....


Not sure what to do now.

Gonna go in there and pretend like I never got it I guess.

Wow - there goes my confidence in my Wii U preorder with them.

My iPhone 5 won't come until October from Verizon - tempted to stand in line but I have to interview someone this morning well before I would have the phone in hand :\


btw when I called I was like "Hey, I received my pre-ordered iPhone 5 today and..." when she interrupted me to congratulate me on my purchase lol
Got my 5, woo! It's a sexy piece of kit.

Scuffgate out the box seems very real though. My black one had a very small scuff near the SIM tray which I just dabbed with a permanent marker. You'd never know it was there.

Bigger ones like the picture above however, youch. This'll definitely be the new "-gate".


formerly cjelly
I know I shouldn't be reading the Macrumors forums, but this has me concerned:

His twitter has pictures of the scuffing.

The question is what will they do with all those phones? Send them back?

Seems silly when others may have accepted them. Just means more people miss out.


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
About maps...

"Customers around the world are upgrading to iOS 6 with over 200 new features including Apple Maps, our first map service," spokeswoman Trudy Muller told AllThingsD. "We are excited to offer this service with innovative new features like Flyover and Siri integration, and free turn by turn navigation. We launched this new map service knowing that it is a major initiative and we are just getting started with it. We are continuously improving it, and as Maps is a cloud-based solution, the more people use it, the better it will get. We're also working with developers to integrate some of the amazing transit apps in the App Store into iOS Maps. We appreciate all of the customer feedback and are working hard to make the customer experience even better."

Earlier today it was reported that Google may have already submitted a Google Maps application to the App Store for approval.


Ok Apple Gaf, I have three options.

Use my sister in laws upgrade and upgrade from the 4 to the 5 asap.

Sell my 4 and use the extra cash to cover the early 250.00 fee (meh)

or, have the ultimate patience and wait until January 13th for my upgrade availability :/ :/ :/


Ok Apple Gaf, I have three options.

Use my sister in laws upgrade and upgrade from the 4 to the 5 asap.

Sell my 4 and use the extra cash to cover the early 250.00 fee (meh)

or, have the ultimate patience and wait until January 13th for my upgrade availability :/ :/ :/
Wait until January, imo. Manageable amount of time I think, and you can let all this scuffgate, Apple maps business pass and see what's what when the dust settles.

I have an upgrade right now, but I'm probably going to wait a few weeks.


The question is what will they do with all those phones? Send them back?

Seems silly when others may have accepted them. Just means more people miss out.
... it's called quality control. It's what Apple is usually known for
well aside from Rev A products


I know I shouldn't be reading the Macrumors forums, but this has me concerned:

His twitter has pictures of the scuffing.

Holy shit, they opened up like 30 new iPhone 5s, each one had scuffs. In the end people took the scuffed phones and got free AppleCare from the store.


Eating and unboxing :D


Wait until January, imo. Manageable amount of time I think, and you can let all this scuffgate, Apple maps business pass and see what's what when the dust settles.

I have an upgrade right now, but I'm probably going to wait a few weeks.

But thats like....half a year! ughhhh I'll be surrounded by these phones (my fiancé, my brother, my dad, 3 of my friends).

I know, first world problems.


they made a big mistake when they let (forced) unexperienced students work on the new iphones....

passive agressive scuffmarks spreading all over the world


Scuffgate convinced me to hold off on the phone until a little later. The second or third production run will have fixed a lot of these issues hopefully.

Any reports on fabrication quality on the white version?

Anyway, I did not expect this from a company so meticulous as apple. I mean, they fucking use robot arms with high-end optics to determine the perfect matching face and backplate for your phone. Things like this should not happen.


Loser slave of the system :(
Scuffgate convinced me to hold off on the phone until a little later. The second or third production run will have fixed a lot of these issues hopefully.

Any reports on fabrication quality on the white version?

Anyway, I did not expect this from a company so meticulous as apple. I mean, they fucking use robot arms with high-end optics to determine the perfect matching face and backplate for your phone. Things like this should not happen.
The dream is dead. Something something Steve Jobs.


Haha, hate footage of people walking out of the store crying and shouting in excitement and people clapping for them. That really scares me.


First in line in Durham, got here at 10:45 PM last night, no one else showed until around 3:30am. Fuck, but I wish I hadn't gotten here so early.
Debating the scuff thing. I really, really want black, so I'm going to try that first. If it's scuffed, I'll have them open a white model. If that's scratched too, I'll go for another black and just take it, regardless of condition. I'll have a month to return it, so I can hope for a scuff free batch in the meantime.
Dammit, Apple.
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