I am already a victim of Scuffgate, right out of the box:
I'm not going to worry about it.
I have the exact same thing on mine and wouldn't have noticed if I didn't see your super zoomed-in pic. I don't think it's a big deal
I am already a victim of Scuffgate, right out of the box:
I'm not going to worry about it.
Just did a speedtest 20.43 down 21.12 up on LTE.
I would be willing to bet money this didn't happen. Employees couldn't purchase an iPhone until like 1 month after release when I was there and I doubt that has changed.
Man, you people really need to give BB a break sometimes. Or if they're that shitty stop doing business with them.
I average buying around 200 albums per year right now.
supposedly glass or layer between the screen and glass is smaller so the color are more vibrant....according to Apple PR
Got my 32GB Black and opened it about 10 min ago. Flawless, no scuff-gate, so sexy. Question: I have at&t do I have to re-input all my contacts because its a new type of sim card? I assume I can go to an at&t store and they can do it there?
AT&T Downtown Atlanta
I just fixed my unresponsive home button a couple days ago. Make sure to take off any screen protector or case if it surrounds the home button first. What I did was get a can of condensed air an spray the hell out of the home button, pressed it down and sprayed all around the diameter of it. I had read the reason it becomes unresponsive was because of dust and grit building up in there. Worked like a charm.I'm also trying to get my home button cleaned up. I've tried alcohol before and it didn't help either. Anyone have any other ideas?
Word. I'm in downtown Atlanta too but I'm with Sprint, as this is one of the few cities where they have 4G LTE. Interested in seeing how fast they are.
Hey Sean, i'm also Sean.
There's a free third party google music app if you search the App Store. No idea if it's any good though.My iPhone 5 is on the UPS truck and should be here soon.. Just wondering if there's a way for me to continue listening to Google Music. I assume I can navigate to the mobile site. Is there a way I can minimize it and still have access to play or skip controls?
Coworker just ran his speedtest on AT&T: 52Mbps down, 12.8Mbps up.
There isn't enough time in the day to listen to 200 albums a year. OK, maybe once per album, but who listens to music like that?
Wow. That blows away my home DSL connection with AT&T.
Coworker just ran his speedtest on AT&T: 52Mbps down, 12.8Mbps up.
Wow. That blows away my home DSL connection with AT&T.
Coworker just ran his speedtest on AT&T: 52Mbps down, 12.8Mbps up.
Make sure you report back.
Where are you guys located? I feel jipped. LOL
There's a free third party google music app if you search the App Store. No idea if it's any good though.
Coworker just ran his speedtest on AT&T: 52Mbps down, 12.8Mbps up.
LOL. To participate in iTunes Match your library must contain fewer than 25,000 songs which have not been purchased from iTunes. I have 36,000+ songs in my library.
That's insane. I'm curious how quickly people will hit their caps on AT&T and Verizon LTE. I'm on Sprint so I can use as much as I wantJust as soon as I get LTE, LOL
I'll try that out, thanks. I didn't know if there was a way to minimize it and continue listening. Saw a protip about how to listen to youtube videos or podcasts with the browser minimized and they still had access to the player controls. Didn't know if that was possible with Google Music.
That's insane. I'm curious how quickly people will hit their caps on AT&T and Verizon LTE. I'm on Sprint so I can use as much as I wantJust as soon as I get LTE, LOL
I don't get why they should be worried about hitting there caps just because they are LTE. To me it just means they are getting the data faster and more reliable. If they currently aren't hitting the caps, as long as they don't change they consumption habits they shouldn't have a problem no?
So, a quick question, once I get the phone in the mail can I turn it on to play around with it w/o activating the cellular service yet for billing cycle reasons? How does activating the service on it even works? I have Verizon, if it plays any role.