At least yours is coming. My guy stopped long enough to put the note up and bolted.
UPS likes to drop off my packages by 7:30pm. Thankfully, for some unknown reason, they delivered my iPhone at 9:30 this morning.At least there was someone there, I haven't seen a ups truck go by at all
How late does ups deliver? It's already 6:25!
Now take this with a huge grain of salt but according to this guy who spoke with Apple Support (German) the scuffed iPhones are part of a defective charge due to a defective manufacturing machine and can be identified through the serial #.
Personally I don't believe it since it's only one source and the scuffs seem to too widespread to be just from one charge but what do I know. Maybe we'll get more info from other people in the next days.
God damn. Crazy how Apple how missed this.
UPS tortured me until 4:30 but got it and loving it. Looks like I avoided the scuffs a lot of people having been getting. Was going to attempt to go caseless but now after everything I'm reading I wanna run out and get one right now. Any good sites with recommendations for cases yet?
Uh oh. I'm in Irvine too, but my iPhone 5 is at home.Anyone from Orange County, CA in here? I'm in Irvine and currently not connected to LTE. I could have sworn I read it was available in OC.
4S to 5 is 650 dollars is it worth it gaf?
No, falling apart. Not falling out.Really? I had no problems with the old ones falling out. Bummer if true.
God damn. Crazy how Apple how missed this.
Adorable kid was not enough to detract from apparent shittiness of the 5's back :/ Sigh, was hoping to go caseless, but not so sure now... And for anyone commenting on industrial design blah blah blah, I wanna keep the phone is as good condition as possible to flip it 2 years down the line when iPhone 6 is out
4S to 5 is 650 dollars is it worth it gaf?
4S to 5 is 650 dollars is it worth it gaf?
Just opened up my 5. First impressions, unfucking real at how thin, light, and sexy it looks. Coming from a 3GS, this is some space-aged hardware right here.
Unfortunately, mine also came with a piece of lint or metal wedged inbetween the side of the screen and the bezel. How picky am I allowed to be in asking for an exchange? Scuffgate doesn't bother me, but this appears to be a gap between the screen and bezel.
UPS likes to drop off my packages by 7:30pm. Thankfully, for some unknown reason, they delivered my iPhone at 9:30 this morning.
Jersey City AT&T LTE gets me 3.3 down and 5.57 up. Why are these pings so slow but it feels so fast?
Any word on how the white models are doing in terms of scuffs?
Finally got home! What a long day of work (though, honestly, work itself was pretty good!)
Phew, white iPhone arrived and no scuffs.
I see a lot of replies like this. Feel free to correct me, but scuffgate is about how easily it scuffs. Not that it comes pre-scuffed.
I see a lot of replies like this. Feel free to correct me, but scuffgate is about how easily it scuffs. Not that it comes pre-scuffed.
I see a lot of replies like this. Feel free to correct me, but scuffgate is about how easily it scuffs. Not that it comes pre-scuffed.