Ninja Scooter
did Apple update the bumpers? The ones for the 4 fell apart way too easily.
Battery life has been really good for me. I've been using it heavily all day (since 7 am) and its now 4;30pm and I'm at 68%
A percentage down every minute in standby seems off.Um so the battery on this phone sucks. Going down a percentage every minute or so. Even in standby.. Anyone else experience this?
What a great business idea I had. A service where they take your phone apart and add some weight sinks to make it feel heavier.
3/4 up.
did Apple update the bumpers? The ones for the 4 fell apart way too easily.
Yes. LTE/GPS is consuming a lot.
It honestly feels nervously lite to me.
Oh yeah and I called everywhere yesterday. No stock for 3 weeks is what everyone said.
battery is fine. It's his phone.
I wish some of you iPhone 5 owners would post some lowlight photos. :_(
Anxious to see just how nice they look.
I took one of my daughter that turned out really nice. Although I won't post it, sorry.
The camera does much better in low light then any cell camera I've seen
Nah, Los Angeles. But I wish I could see these views every day!
I kinda wonder about my battery as well. I haven't been using too much, but I'm at 55% now, and it's only 2 PM. I unplugged at 100% around 10. So for four hours of use I'm almost at half battery. That's weird. I have been downloading some stuff, but still. Seems off.
Google it, I don't think it's just my phone.
Maybe not, but there is still something seriously wrong with yours. That is not normal battery life for the iPhone 5. My phone has been off the charger for 20 minutes now in standby and still shows 100%.
If you are really losing a percent every minute or so in standby as you claim, you need to make an appointment at the Genius Bar and get your phone replaced.
Your cycle might be messed up if you didn't drain it all the way off when you first got it.
No, the batteries are lithium ion polymer, so you should actually refrain from draining themI didn't. I suppose I should do that this time?
No, the batteries are lithium ion polymer, so you should actually refrain from draining them
No, the batteries are lithium ion polymer, so you should actually refrain from draining them
For proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, its important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).
Any idea why speedtest is giving me 20 MB down, .50 MB up? Yes, half a meg.
Probably just a bad signal. Also, that's bits, not it's even worse than you thought it was!
I have 5 bars :-/
Dammit, stuck pixel! So tiny on a retina display and yet...
Dammit, stuck pixel! So tiny on a retina display and yet...
sorry for a stupid question.
Is the iphone5 something you don't want to leave charging after 100%? I took it out last night at 100% before I went to sleep, down to 30% now after like 12 hours standby, 5 hours use.
Just curious if I can leave it charging all night long or is that bad for the battery (like some phones in the past).
Ha, I should have been clearer. My point was the gulf between the value of those contracts, essentially unlimited everything on O2 and pretty much fuck all on Orange. For the same upfront cost.