SUXXXXXXbut.. it is
Some people have gotten the Ethernet/cell device for free from them. Tell them you are leaving the service tomorrow because you are fed up with the re workin since you moved.Just tried to get mine from the apple store. Switching from AT&T to Sprint.
Everything goes peachy until the end, when apparently Sprint wants a $500 deposit that I won't see again for a year. What the hell? Apparently they pulled up my credit and decided that... except less than a month ago my credit was over 750.
I took out a car loan when buying my car a little ago instead of paying it cash because I was told it would help my credit. The fuck? It's the only change I can think of that might affect it, but why the hell would it get WORSE?
so I call AT&T thinking maybe I can just upgrade, if they're able to get signal inside my house (I don't get shit ever since I moved), and they want me to buy a $200 device to even get signal and use their service.
This is the most frustrating shit right now. Gonna call the credit bureau and financer monday and see if I can get that sprint price down, this whole situation is crazy.
So uh..
I've been seeing some lines across the bottom of my screen briefly, for like a few seconds. I usually notice it when I have the keyboard up.
Should I be worried? Is my day old iPhone 5 gonna die? D:
try tapping on the dog when taking the pic with the flash off. it should adjust the lighting so the dog's features are more visible (assuming you want that). I'm curious to see how good a job it can do.
Anybody's iPhone 5 rattle when you shake it?
Anybody's iPhone 5 rattle when you shake it?
Anybody's iPhone 5 rattle when you shake it?
So uh..
I've been seeing some lines across the bottom of my screen briefly, for like a few seconds. I usually notice it when I have the keyboard up.
Should I be worried? Is my day old iPhone 5 gonna die? D:
I'm done with these Earpods. They won't stay in my ears no matter what I do. What was Apple thinking?
Are you guys sure it's not just your sim tray? Or the sim itself? My iPhone 4 still rattles and I found out it's because of the tray mechanism being bent or something.****** hell, why did you post that..., do i need to take my phone to the store, or is this normal?
I've noticed this as well, I thought I was crazy.
They have an iPhone too.
so the Retail Stores in Canada don't want to sell unlocked iPhones 5...
why kind of marketing is that?
Don't advertise something over the internet with "Buy online and get free shipping.
Or visit your favourite Apple Retail Store." when you actually don't do that...
I'm paying $900, and they don't want
I'm done with these Earpods. They won't stay in my ears no matter what I do. What was Apple thinking?
My original order was ships in "two weeks" with delivery Oct. 5I wish I hadn't read the macrumors story "oh shit people are getting iPhones sent early!" now I can't stop refreshing my order
iphone 5 with flash
ipad 3
iphone 5
They work great for me and my GF.
Pretty decent buds; but yeah YMMV.
So I got the 32GB yesterday and love it. I had LTE right away all day yesterday and all day today until now....I am in the same apartment. It now says 4G instead of LTE. While still fast, without a doubt noticeably slower. Any ideas what is up?
so the Retail Stores in Canada don't want to sell unlocked iPhones 5...
why kind of marketing is that?
Don't advertise something over the internet with "Buy online and get free shipping.
Or visit your favourite Apple Retail Store." when you actually don't do that...
I'm paying $900, and they don't want
Haha, I'm sorry, but I can't help but to laugh at this. LTE is 4G (well, it doesn't actually satisy the requirements of the original 4G standard, but whatever), so it makes no sense for the phone to show you "4G" as something slower than "LTE". Whatever Apple is calling 4G is not 4G. It's probably really HSPA+, which is a 3G technology. Is this the same thing they got in trouble for in some countries (claiming that something that's not 4G is 4G)? I also read that some US carriers like to participate in this deception however, so maybe it's not all on Apple. Still, it's ridiculous and a lie.
3G couldn't use iMessage as it required iOS 5. It's data, not texts. You're going through Apple when using it.I considered this but we both had an iphone previously and it didn't do this before. She had an old ass 3G I think, while I had a 4. Is this a new thing with the 5? Does it still draw from the text plan? or data plan?
Haha, I'm sorry, but I can't help but to laugh at this. LTE is 4G (well, it doesn't actually satisy the requirements of the original 4G standard, but whatever), so it makes no sense for the phone to show you "4G" as something slower than "LTE". Whatever Apple is calling 4G is not 4G. It's probably really HSPA+, which is a 3G technology. Is this the same thing they got in trouble for in some countries (claiming that something that's not 4G is 4G)? I also read that some US carriers like to participate in this deception however, so maybe it's not all on Apple. Still, it's ridiculous and a lie.
So uh..
I've been seeing some lines across the bottom of my screen briefly, for like a few seconds. I usually notice it when I have the keyboard up.
Should I be worried? Is my day old iPhone 5 gonna die? D:
I'm pretty sure they are carrier unlocked devices, they merely need to be activated on a carrier before you leave the store as part of an anti-scalping measure. This does not make them a locked device, merely pre-activated.
Unless something has changed that I don't know about?