I may not, but judging by the number of phones Apple is selling even after all the scuffgate reports, it looks like they know how this business works a whole lot more than you just don't know how this business works.
I may not, but judging by the number of phones Apple is selling even after all the scuffgate reports, it looks like they know how this business works a whole lot more than you just don't know how this business works.
Problem is LTE is in some cases 3-5x faster than wifi.![]()
The sound of this is making me super excited for LTE to arrive in Tampa.
The iPad 3 uses a lower quality camera than the 4S/5, doesn't it? That's probably why.
Haha, poor faceless dude![]()
Hold down back button in Safari to view history? MIND BLOWN.
acquire apple 5
Never knew about this, great feature. Was it just added in iOS 6?
I may not, but judging by the number of phones Apple is selling even after all the scuffgate reports, it looks like they know how this business works a whole lot more than you do.
I may not, but judging by the number of phones Apple is selling even after all the scuffgate reports, it looks like they know how this business works a whole lot more than you do.
People buy shitty headphones for $300 even though it's no different than the quality of headphones for $10
So, scratch prone = poorly made, even though it can take several falls like a champ.Most people don't know or don't care about those details. Not everyone is looking macrumors, you know. And Apple will continue to sell any shit their release, that doesn't mean the iPhone 5 is well made because so far it isn't.
Oh, let me guess. Everything Apple makes is crap and the only reason their products sell is because of marketing, correct?Manufacturing, not marketing. Big difference.
I want to know what $10 headphones you use O_O
So, scratch prone = poorly made, even though it can take several falls like a champ.
Got it.
Oh, let me guess. Everything Apple makes is crap and the only reason their products sell is because of marketing, correct?
Just trying to gauge your level of delusion before continuing this conversation.
Manufacturing, not marketing. Big difference.
People buy shitty headphones for $300 even though it's no different than the quality of headphones for $10; that doesn't change the fact that marketing will always dominate manufacturing side of things as no one sees that side of the product.
Oh, let me guess. Everything Apple makes is crap and the only reason their products sell is because of marketing, correct?
Just trying to gauge your level of delusion before continuing this conversation.
I would love to know what $10 headphones are beating out $300 ones. There is hyperbole, and then there is nonsense.
So, scratch prone = poorly made, even though it can take several falls like a champ.
Got it.
I'm not talking about scratches, I don't really mind scratches. But I do mind paint peeling off on a new product and overpriced product.
I'm not talking about scratches, I don't really mind scratches. But I do mind paint peeling off on a new product and overpriced product.
I'm not arguing with your point... but "overpriced" is stretching it.
Most every smartphone at release is $200 or more at launch. And save for the Galaxy Nexus, most flagship phones are in the ~$600 range unsubsidized, too.
A few scratches and now people are saying the iPhone 5 is poorly made, despite all the drop test videos showing it's actually a very durable device?
Don't buy a car. Ever.
Not really fair to compare the time it takes to drop from 100% to 99% vs other drops.
That particular change always seems to take longer on every iOS device I've owned. Especially on my iPad which likes to stay on 100% for longer than it seems it should.
I know it's probably a bad place to voice such an unpopular opinion, but the edges being so easily scuffed, to me, is a sign of the thing being poorly made. Very much not inline with my expectations of an iPhone after four years of using them.
Arguing with me serves no purpose and yet, you think the reason Apple is successful is all marketing...Oh my. Arguing with you serves no purpose. I didn't say everything apple makes is crap. Did I say that? I have owned every single iPhone out there; it doesn't change the fact that the quality isn't top notch. Drop test is not the same as finishing.
There we go. Hey, at least now you're not pretending to be unbias or a "neutral but concerned" poster.I'm not talking about scratches, I don't really mind scratches. But I do mind paint peeling off on a new product and overpriced product.
Have you seen how much profit they make from every iPhone? It's insane. They could easily sell it for $400 unsubsidized and still make a great profit. Apple just liked easy money from selling the phone locked.
It is overpriced.
No, overpriced would mean that no one is buying it. Since Apple is selling millions of them, many consumers find it a great value for their money.
Would they sell that much if buyers had to pay the full price of the phone (650$USD)? I doubt it.
When I get mine I'm gonna take 1200 grit sandpaper to the chamfered edges. Then a buffing cloth/wheel with some Flitz. Bam, polished. Fuck Scuffgate.
No I'm not, because I don't give a fuck.
Outside of units being scratched out of the box, this whole "scuffgate" crap is really overblown. If you got one without any scratches, you should be able to keep it scratch free by just treating it properly.
Would they sell that much if buyers had to pay the full price of the phone (650$USD)? I doubt it. And no, your statement of "overpriced would mean that no one is buying it" makes no sense at all.
But anyway, I'm ok paying 650$USD for the phone if it's well made but it isn't (at least for now).
Would they sell that much if buyers had to pay the full price of the phone (650$USD)? I doubt it. And no, your statement of "overpriced would mean that no one is buying it" makes no sense at all.
But anyway, I'm ok paying 650$USD for the phone if it's well made but it isn't (at least for now).
I don't know. The original iPhone did quite well and it wasn't subsidized (not to mention an almost brand new market). It had a price drop as well but reached a million in sales in just the US a few days later.Would they sell that much if buyers had to pay the full price of the phone (650$USD)? I doubt it. And no, your statement of "overpriced would mean that no one is buying it" makes no sense at all.
But anyway, I'm ok paying 650$USD for the phone if it's well made but it isn't (at least for now).
Outside of units being scratched out of the box, this whole "scuffgate" crap is really overblown. If you got one without any scratches, you should be able to keep it scratch free by just treating it properly.
Treating the phone just as I treated my 3 and 4, and I had a noticeable gash after one day of use. By your example, it would suggest I don't know how to treat my technology properly, but I've had no issues with just about any of my devices in the past.
The black iPhone 5 edges are going to look rough weeks and months from now if people go caseless.
Anodized metal shouldn't scratch that easily period if done well. I've lots of anodized metal accessories that take much more abuse than movement in a box or simply laying on hard surfaces.Did you drop it or allow it to be in contact with any edged/sharp objects?
Anodized metal shouldn't scratch that easily period if done well. I've lots of anodized metal accessories that take much more abuse than movement in a box or simply laying on hard surfaces.
I'd expect the iPhone to be better than dime a dozen aluminum toys that do get scratched up easily.
I can agree with that but I'm seeing people/pictures complain of scratches to the main surface areas as well.Edges will scratch though. I have this flashlight on my keychain and it gets knocked around like crazy. I've dropped it countless times and it's always getting mixed in with my keys and change. Only the edges on it have scratched The edge is going to be a weaker point in these cases.
What counts as usage under the battery stats when using your iPhone?
Is that like the on screen time? Or does it count things like listening to music?
He said its in a soft pouch inside the bag. It shouldn't be banging on other hard surfaces.If your sister intends to keep her phone mixed in her bag with all of her other belongings, she's always going to have a scratched iPhone. No helping her no matter how many times she exchanges it.