Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
LTE is the obvious cause of rapid battery drain. Watch how much quicker your phone charges when it's disabled...
Black = seamless borders. White = ugly black borders. And I don't mean the letterboxing on old apps, which is even worse, I just mean the thin line around the frame at all times. And then there's how it looks when the screen is off...
With the iPhone 5, we see an average dE2000 of only 2.09, which would make it the best LCD monitor I would have reviewed at AnandTech to this point (in terms of out-of-the-box performance). Only a couple shades of orange creep above the green error line, and nothing moves above the yellow line that would make it clearly visible to a user. Every color point at least comes close to hitting its target, and there are no errors that are excessive or that you will notice even during color critical use.
Wrapping up, the iPhone 5 display is a quantum leap better than the display on the iPhone 4. Contrast levels and light output have both been increased, and color performance is astonishing. The full sRGB gamut is present here, and color errors are remarkably low even for a high end desktop display. While many were hoping for a move to OLED or some other screen innovation, this really is a huge step up that is very easy to quantify. To put this in perspective, in the past few years I've reviewed probably 30-40 different displays, from PC monitors to TVs to projectors. Not a single one, out of the box, can put up the Gretag Macbeth dE numbers that the iPhone can, and perhaps one projector (which listed for $20,000) can approach the grayscale and color accuracy out of the box.
Apple obviously has very high control over what parts they use and what comes off their assembly lines. I don't know if they are having the displays individually adjusted after they are assembled, or if the quality control is very strict, or if I just got a remarkably lucky sample. I do know that if TV and PC Monitor vendors were able to provide displays that looked like this out of the box, professional calibrators would lose a good amount of business. The new panel in the iPhone 5 is simply remarkable in quality and if it were a PC monitor, I'd give it a Gold Award on the basis of its performance.
Black = seamless borders. White = ugly black borders. And I don't mean the letterboxing on old apps, which is even worse, I just mean the thin line around the frame at all times. And then there's how it looks when the screen is off...
In the right light, the black version just looks like a piece of glass from edge to edge. The white version always looks like a thing with a screen in the middle.???
The white iPhone looks fine when the screen is off.
I went from a black 3GS to white 4S and it's fine. The screen size is the same so I don't really see why "boarders" would matter (at least they wouldn't to me).
In the right light, the black version just looks like a piece of glass from edge to edge. The white version always looks like a thing with a screen in the middle.
Anyone else been in this situation (or similar)? I'd really like to be able to exchange the phone in store if possible.
Why is my iPhone 5 extremely slow at times compared to my iPhone 4?
So you guys saying your batteries are fine, just how many hours are you getting? 10 hours of browsing on wifi? 8 on LTE? The Apple numbers are total bullshit as far as my experience.
Mine is doing better than it was after a couple cycles, but I'm still nowhere near those numbers. If I did straight browsing I could get maybe 5 hours with LTE and all the extras turned off, but if I mix browsing with music and texting I could probably pull around 7.5 hours. Is that about normal?
So you guys saying your batteries are fine, just how many hours are you getting? 10 hours of browsing on wifi? 8 on LTE? The Apple numbers are total bullshit as far as my experience.
Mine is doing better than it was after a couple cycles, but I'm still nowhere near those numbers. If I did straight browsing I could get maybe 5 hours with LTE and all the extras turned off, but if I mix browsing with music and texting I could probably pull around 7.5 hours. Is that about normal?
Why is my iPhone 5 extremely slow at times compared to my iPhone 4?
What are you doing that feels slower? I upgraded from a 4 and everything is most definitely faster for me.
Delivery: 3 - 4 Weeks - 25 Oct, 2012 - 31 Oct, 2012
Aww. I was almost asleep. Decided to f5. Suddenly it was live. I can't believe I was all that late for it, but 3-4 weeks? Fuck. Did anyone else get this, then have it change to something sooner later?
That was why I was asking if the iPhone 4S he was using as a comparison was updated to iOS6 or not. But I just got harassed by the local neogaf applebots instead.So in grubers recent post he mentions how the improved lowlight ability of the camera is at least partially software driven. Here it's pretty vague and it i was wondering if he means software as in drivers or as in post processing...
Anyone have an idea? Big big difference and its bothering me,
What times? I can't think of any areas where it's slower than the 4 that I've found, other than purchased in the App Store.
I have only done one full charge test so far, and it wasn't just in one task. But I got about 7 1/2 hours of fairly heavy use (wifi and LTE browsing, YouTube, phone calls, texting, email, some Fieldrunners 2) and about 18 hours standby. Don't know how that compares with everyone else.
Currently doing my second test. Light browsing, lot of email, listened to a podcast on the way home (bluetooth to my car stereo) and bought, downloaded and watched The Dark Knight Returns part 1 from iTunes. I did not turn off wifi or LTE. Usage is at 4 and 1/2 hours and I'm at 64%.
What are you doing that feels slower? I upgraded from a 4 and everything is most definitely faster for me.
Septimus: I don't think you were late - those are simply the wait times the world over. As I mentioned earlier, I'm sure I was pretty close to first online for our store but mines also 3-4 weeks.
Just e glad it's not 5-6weeks!
My sister gt an iPhone 4 similarly and had to wait that month.
How do you use the print feature on ios6? Do we need a compatible printer or can we set up our printer to a wireless router?
So in grubers recent post he mentions how the improved lowlight ability of the camera is at least partially software driven. Here it's pretty vague and it i was wondering if he means software as in drivers or as in post processing...
Anyone have an idea? Big big difference and its bothering me,
higher iso settings are better for low light. it's possible the third party apps just need to be updated to take advantage of themLooking at the EXIF data, the big difference is that the photo shot with the built-in Camera app on the iPhone 5 had an ISO speed of 2500; the other three all maxed out at 800. It appears the iPhone 5 can go up to ISO 3200. Thats the two-stop difference Apple is promoting.
Black = seamless borders. White = ugly black borders. And I don't mean the letterboxing on old apps, which is even worse, I just mean the thin line around the frame at all times. And then there's how it looks when the screen is off...
http://www.slashgear.com/apple-lightning-cables-have-an-authentication-chip-inside-25249169/so are there any 3rd party lightning cables and docks yet?
Best thing about 30 pin, is if you need a cable someone always got a cable to borrow or sell.
Even the local homeless!
No It's still vague. Am I just supposed to assume that because he brings a technical term like ISO into play that it's a driver thing? (Or are you not answering my question) I don't know anything about photography but I do titl the joystick on my Panasonic to change the ISo until a photo looks right so I know that. I, just wondering if this is a "apps don't take advantage of the new hardware yet" thing or if its a software post processing thing. Snyou didn't answer me.
That was why I was asking if the iPhone 4S he was using as a comparison was updated to iOS6 or not. But I just got harassed by the local neogaf applebots instead.
"Partially software driven" + "Official App more ISO than third party app" = "apps don't take advantage of the new hardware yet"
Are you referring to me? I told you that the ISP is on the SoC. How less clear is that?
very unclear, dont understand that kind of nerd talk
No It's still vague. Am I just supposed to assume that because he brings a technical term like ISO into play that it's a driver thing? (Or are you not answering my question) I don't know anything about photography but I do titl the joystick on my Panasonic to change the ISo until a photo looks right so I know that. I, just wondering if this is a "apps don't take advantage of the new hardware yet" thing or if its a software post processing thing. Snyou didn't answer me.
This might explain why the Skype video call I had, in which both of us were using an iPhone 5, looked like garbage. Although it could've also been the network but I thought Facetime looked significantly better.
So you guys saying your batteries are fine, just how many hours are you getting? 10 hours of browsing on wifi? 8 on LTE? The Apple numbers are total bullshit as far as my experience.
Mine is doing better than it was after a couple cycles, but I'm still nowhere near those numbers. If I did straight browsing I could get maybe 5 hours with LTE and all the extras turned off, but if I mix browsing with music and texting I could probably pull around 7.5 hours. Is that about normal?
Something about all my replies. I always get ignored.
I didn't quote you, but I did reply.
[*]It's fast but it's not a world of a difference compared to iPhone 4, maybe I were used to the speed-up tweak from Cydia before.
You mean the tweak that speeds up the animations ? That looks fucking ugly and feels bad, not worth it IMO.
Applications, browser rendering, games... actually everything apart from the animations is significantly faster.
That's what i'm planning on doing. I'll still get a chance to play with one, though, but I think i'll pass on actually getting one for myself.If you got an iPhone 4 you could wait for the next one. I bought an iPhone 5, so that my father could have an iPhone as well.
From my launch last night:
I really hate that screen (lockscreen?) with the text iPhone 5, it is ugly as fuck. Is it possible to change or remove it?