It's just a demo phone.
have seen it on other iPhone 5s as well
It's just a demo phone.
First time i've seen it. That doesn't exist with the retail phones.have seen it on other iPhone 5s as well
You can hold the numbers key and slide over to a number/character to enter it faster without having to go to the separate screen and then back.Been using my 5 for the past day and a half. I really love the device and the screen, but coming from android, I have a few noobish questions.
1. I hate the keyboard - why are all the letters all caps? Why do I have to go to a separate screen to enter numbers? I'm coming from Android, where I used Swiftkey, which was great.
2. How do I set my own mp3 as a text alert noise? Want to use the Crackdown Agility Orb get noise, can't figure it out.
Really do absolutely HATE the map, but I was expecting that, so I'll live. I'm a sucker for well-designed shiny things, so for the most part I'm really happy with the phone.
Been using my 5 for the past day and a half. I really love the device and the screen, but coming from android, I have a few noobish questions.
1. I hate the keyboard - why are all the letters all caps? Why do I have to go to a separate screen to enter numbers? I'm coming from Android, where I used Swiftkey, which was great.
2. How do I set my own mp3 as a text alert noise? Want to use the Crackdown Agility Orb get noise, can't figure it out.
Really do absolutely HATE the map, but I was expecting that, so I'll live. I'm a sucker for well-designed shiny things, so for the most part I'm really happy with the phone.
I just use iRinger to make tones You select a track, it converts it and moves it straight into the iTunes library.2. How do I set my own mp3 as a text alert noise? Want to use the Crackdown Agility Orb get noise, can't figure it out.
:lol It's a common misconception that camera quality is tied solely to megapixels. Here;I'm trying to convince a friend that the iPhone 5 takes better pictures than iPhone 4S with better color reproduction, low-light and such. Did we have pictures or links comparing the two?
She keeps talking about the same megapixels lol.
:lol It's a common misconception that camera quality is tied solely to megapixels. Here;
Just tonight I had some noticeable lag when texting on the iPhone 5... the audible clicks for each letter weren't in sync with my finger presses, something I haven't seen before on my (non-iOS6) iPhone 4. A reboot of course fixed it, but it was new.
I've got a weird graphics glitch with the keyboard when it pops up in the app store. Am I the only one? It only happens when being told to enter password in the app store area.
I've got a weird graphics glitch with the keyboard when it pops up in the app store. Am I the only one? It only happens when being told to enter password in the app store area.
I've got a weird graphics glitch with the keyboard when it pops up in the app store. Am I the only one? It only happens when being told to enter password in the app store area.
I can't seem to reproduce those lines but it's an error that has been reported before yeah.
I think I know why it's more troublesome for me to write on the iPhone 5 keyboard, probably because the screen has been lowered a bit.
Yep and it's driving me fucking nuts. I'm missing keys and hitting the spacebar and misspelling shit all the time now, goddammit.
Had this issue last night! A nice iOS 6 bug.
Also have had an issue where the App Store icon says there are updates, but then when I check, it won't check for new updates until I force close the application.
:lol It's a common misconception that camera quality is tied solely to megapixels. Here;
It's probably too long and too thin to hold it's own well enough. Or Apple just being lazy.. teir docks kind of suck anyway, are there any 3rd party ones out there yet?Oh yeah, wierd that there is no (official) dockstation. That's how I put it when going to sleep.
It's probably too long and too thin to hold it's own well enough. Or Apple just being lazy.. teir docks kind of suck anyway, are there any 3rd party ones out there yet?
Yep, I got it last night when downloading an app. Weird.
Yep and it's driving me fucking nuts. I'm missing keys and hitting the spacebar and misspelling shit all the time now, goddammit.
Isn't is strange that Apple isn't making bumpers for this new phone?
It's almost like someone at Apple said "We're making bumpers for the new phone, right?".
Tim Cook was like "Nah, we don't need the money".
I mean seriously, it's like free money. You make bumpers, and people buy them. Why would you not make bumpers for the new phone? Or if not bumpers, why not any case at all? I always wondered why Apple never made their own cases prior to the 4, and now the 5 shows up and they're back to not wanting that revenue.
You can hold the numbers key and slide over to a number/character to enter it faster without having to go to the separate screen and then back.
Yeah, they might want to get away from the idea that you need a bumper, either to avoid antenna attenuation or to protect it.Maybe their pride associates it too closely with the antenna shit.
What? I own one and I've never seen that.have seen it on other iPhone 5s as well
Been using my 5 for the past day and a half. I really love the device and the screen, but coming from android, I have a few noobish questions.
1. I hate the keyboard - why are all the letters all caps? Why do I have to go to a separate screen to enter numbers? I'm coming from Android, where I used Swiftkey, which was great.
2. How do I set my own mp3 as a text alert noise? Want to use the Crackdown Agility Orb get noise, can't figure it out.
Really do absolutely HATE the map, but I was expecting that, so I'll live. I'm a sucker for well-designed shiny things, so for the most part I'm really happy with the phone.
Guys this might be a stupid question, but I need to ask. (Canadians)
My girlfriend got her iPhone 5 in today so I got to play with it. She upgrades from her 3GS and only had a 500MB 3G Data plan on Rogers. I noticed while we were at a restaurant that LTE was always shown in her bar at the top, which confused me because I knew she only had a 3G plan before.
I thought maybe the dude at Rogers screwed her without her knowing and somehow applied an LTE upgrade on her without her consent. I know LTE is more costly than 3G.
A quick Google search ran this link.
Sooo I guess it's normal? Did Rogers really upgrade EVERYONE'S 3G plan into LTE? I'm so confused...
Just tonight I had some noticeable lag when texting on the iPhone 5... the audible clicks for each letter weren't in sync with my finger presses, something I haven't seen before on my (non-iOS6) iPhone 4. A reboot of course fixed it, but it was new.
just experienced this too. very annoying
Question, in the settings for cellular what does the "Use cellular data for:" "iTunes" contain?
It's set to off, if it's on will iTunes match work better on the road?
PSA: Gmail app just got updated for iPhone 5
Yeah, if it's set to On the App Store, iTunes Store and Music app (Match inclusive) will use cell data when WiFi isn't available.