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iPhone 5


Someone earlier was trying to downplay the issue saying it was normal and overblown. Apple even told my sister in law that it was normal.

That's because lens flares are normal. It's what happens when light shines directly into a lens. Here's what it looked like on my iPhone 4:

Look at that purple on the top!

Purple on the right!

As I said before, the pics with the purple glow would have a glow no matter what. It may not be purple with every lens, but it would still be there. It's what happens when light shines into a lens. I saw Looper tonight and that movie is filled with blue light streaks going across the frame. Is that because the cameras were defective? No, that's what happens with anamorphic lenses when light shines into them.

The only reason this has become a problem is because people online have decided it was a problem. It's people who aren't knowledgeable about cameras and lenses suddenly noticing something that's always been there that they ignored before, but now notice since it's been brought to their attention. People wouldn't have given the purple flares any second thought if they didn't think it was a problem and didn't actively look for it. I can look back at my iPhone 4 pics and see crappy glows and flares all over the place but I never freaked out because I know that's what happens with light and crappy tiny lenses paired with tiny cameras in a camera phone.

EDIT: What's funny is the farther back into my iPhone 4 camera roll I go the more purple glows I find in the exact same conditions that it's now suddenly a "problem." People be ignorant.


recorded a video at a bassnectar concert the other day, quite surprised how good the audio sounded compared to iphone 4


So I checked it out tonight and sure enough it's not ideal. It's definitely related to the light sources and you can see it before you snap the shot in the live view. I don't think exchanging it is going to do anything. She's pretty annoyed with it and Apple's response. She says she'll probably keep it though cuz she loves the LTE speed and needs the higher capacity over her iPhone 4.

Well if that's her only motivation she should get an Android


Does anyone know where you can find white iPhone 5 screen digitizer replacements. I see LCD plus screen digitizers, but not digitizers alone
Regarding purple in pics:

Apple to a user via private email:

Our engineering team just gave me this information and we recommend that you angle the camera away from the bright light source when taking pictures. The purple flare in the image provided is considered normal behavior for iPhone 5's camera.

Apple official message:

Most small cameras, including those in every generation of iPhone, may exhibit some form of flare at the edge of the frame when capturing an image with out-of-scene light sources. This can happen when a light source is positioned at an angle (usually just outside the field of view) so that it causes a reflection off the surfaces inside the camera module and onto the camera sensor. Moving the camera slightly to change the position at which the bright light is entering the lens, or shielding the lens with your hand, should minimize or eliminate the effect.

In summation, "You're holding it wrong." Again.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know where you can find white iPhone 5 screen digitizer replacements. I see LCD plus screen digitizers, but not digitizers alone
The touch sensors are integrated in cell with the LCD on the iPhone 5. You can't separate them.


Regarding purple in pics:

Apple to a user via private email:

Apple official message:

In summation, "You're holding it wrong." Again.
It's been shown repeatedly that it occurs on previous iPhones and other phones. Lens flare is a reality of internal lens reflections in photography.
That's because lens flares are normal. It's what happens when light shines directly into a lens. Here's what it looked like on my iPhone 4:

As I said before, the pics with the purple glow would have a glow no matter what. It may not be purple with every lens, but it would still be there. It's what happens when light shines into a lens. I saw Looper tonight and that movie is filled with blue light streaks going across the frame. Is that because the cameras were defective? No, that's what happens with anamorphic lenses when light shines into them.

The only reason this has become a problem is because people online have decided it was a problem. It's people who aren't knowledgeable about cameras and lenses suddenly noticing something that's always been there that they ignored before, but now notice since it's been brought to their attention. People wouldn't have given the purple flares any second thought if they didn't think it was a problem and didn't actively look for it. I can look back at my iPhone 4 pics and see crappy glows and flares all over the place but I never freaked out because I know that's what happens with light and crappy tiny lenses paired with tiny cameras in a camera phone.

EDIT: What's funny is the farther back into my iPhone 4 camera roll I go the more purple glows I find in the exact same conditions that it's now suddenly a "problem." People be ignorant.

Nobody is trying to say pointing a camera at a light won't end up with blown out lights or lens flare. It's the purple tint that makes it stand out more that seems to be the issue. My sister in law doesn't hang on tech sites or anything of the sort. She's as sheltered from that stuff as yo can get and yet it stood out to her. She had no knowledge of the problem. I had no idea she even got the phone. She independently noticed it when taking some pictures and then she took out her iPhone 4 to compare it and noticed there was a difference. She also understands how pointing a camera at light is nowhere near ideal and what the results are but she feels this stands out more than her older iPhone. It was enough that she saw it instantly, so I think there really is something to it here that makes it more noticeable now.

Edit: In fact DPReview, which is a very popular and trustworthy photography site concluded:

But in our shooting we've found that it's a little more noticeable on the iPhone 5.

So there is definitely something there and it's not a figment of people's imagination.

Well if that's her only motivation she should get an Android

She loves the iPhone and now has an iPad to go along with it. She needs certain apps which aren't on Android. Her whole family has gone iOS now so I wouldn't even bother bringing up Android to her. It's just not feasible for their family. The Maps issue is a non issue for her so even that won't play into Android's favor for her.


Do you think I'd be within my rights to return my phone for a new one if I've been consistently getting about 5.5 - 6 hours of only moderate use?

I've cycled my battery 3 times, I have LTE turned off, bluetooth off, and wifi off when I'm not using it. Notifications are off and location services are limited to only a couple apps. Mail is set to manual. I even restored and set up as new and still no improvement. I really want to exchange it.


Do you think I'd be within my rights to return my phone for a new one if I've been consistently getting about 5.5 - 6 hours of only moderate use?

That's about the same for me. I'm only using it for regular web browsing. A rough estimate has my iPad 3 lasting nearly twice as long. I figured the shorter battery life was normal in iPhones (it's my first).


I don't know why Apple keeps failing at Wifi. Every time they release something new, we hear for a couple weeks how shitty the Wifi is, and then they're forced to patch it. How about getting it right the first time?

We hear from a vocal minority that's affected, sure. Most people are fine. Wifi works great on the four iPhone 5's in my family, Wifi included.


I don't think anyone is saying that any tinting is imaginary, but most of those sites say it is normal. I personally have seen more discoloration on my old 4 and haven't seen any on the 5. So it may depend a lot on the unit. If it seems to be really prevalent - especially if none if the light source conditions are involved - its definitely worth taking in. Like I said before, it may be worth trying anyway, your local Apple Store may be much more cooperative than others.

Do you think I'd be within my rights to return my phone for a new one if I've been consistently getting about 5.5 - 6 hours of only moderate use?

I've cycled my battery 3 times, I have LTE turned off, bluetooth off, and wifi off when I'm not using it. Notifications are off and location services are limited to only a couple apps. Mail is set to manual. I even restored and set up as new and still no improvement. I really want to exchange it.

Also might be worth a shot. What would you at your moderate usage is? How high is your brightness? Also, I really don't micromanage all the wireless and Bluetooth functions, perhaps toggling them all time may be hurting more than helping. Something to try, maybe.
Oh, right. Case impressions!

"Installing" The Case

So this bothered me right off the bat. The case itself is somewhat flexible, but not THAT flexible. You are supposed to slide in the first half of the phone, then press down the other half in. I gotta admit I was deathly afraid this would scratch the sides. I've done it three times now and I still get nervous every time.

I just want to reiterate: my phone has not suffered any scratches from this, BUT I get the feeling it could happen way too easily if you are not careful.

Screen protectors: nothing really out of the ordinary here. If you've applied a screen protector before then you already know how it goes. Now, I gotta say I'm disappointed the back protector only covers the aluminium, leaving the glass exposed. Oh well.

Connector protectors: These are rubbish, they simply refuse to stay on so I won't bother with them. You gotta attach them to the headphone jack and the lightning connector, so if you gotta use both connectors at the same time you have no choice but to take them off.

They include two of them with the case. I guess they assume they will break pretty quickly or you'll end up losing them.


The case is very light. It will add virtually zero weight to your phone. This could be a good or a bad thing depending of what you want from a case. If you want something light and unobtrusive, then this case will be perfect for you.


The case is glossy and thus very slippery. If you feel the iPhone 5 is already too slippery then this will make it worse.

Buttons And Case Openings

Many people have been asking about this, so here it goes: The buttons on this thing are a mixed bag.

The 'volume up' button feels great. It makes that satisfying clicking sound everyone loves (or at least I do). 'Volume down' on the other hand does not make a clicking sound and sometimes I can't even tell if it's working unless there's an on-screen sound indicator :(

The wake/sleep buttons is the worst part in my opinion. You have to press harder in order to make it work. The easiest way to get it to work all the time is to hold the phone with both hands and then push. Not fun.

Someone in another review mentioned something about sensitivity. In my experience the case does not make the buttons more sensitive as in, you won't be waking your phone or increasing the volume by mistake.

The case openings align very well to your phone.


I wanted my phone protected from scratches and whatnot, so this is the reason why I got this case. Will it protect your phone from a fall? I don't know, and I don't plan to take one for the team and find out :p

That said I get the feeling that, were my phone to hit the floor by accident, the case would just pop right out.

Oh, by the way. The case won't protect your screen from scratches. It doesn't protect the front of your phone at all as you can see below (thus the screen protectors):


All in all, I would give this case a 6 or 7 out of 10. Get if you want to actually see your phone while protecting it from scratches. Avoid if you are clumsy and tend to drop your phone often.
We hear from a vocal minority that's affected, sure. Most people are fine. Wifi works great on the four iPhone 5's in my family, Wifi included.

A vocal minority with a flaw that prevents Wifi from working still represent a big problem with the phone. Wifi issues are consistent with a lot of Apple hardware over the past 5-6 years. There will eventually be a fix and the issue will be forgotten until it happens yet again. Perhaps they need a bigger beta test market to knockout some of these wifi problems before they hit the masses.


A vocal minority with a flaw that prevents Wifi from working still represent a big problem with the phone..

Man, just thinking about it....wifi problems would be a bitch to pin down off site. If it was widespread that'd actually make it easier to say without a doubt it's a problem with the phone. Otherwise, with just the sheer number of wifi setups out there...bleh.... So glad I don't do home support anymore like in my younger days.
So I've been working on this lock screen for a bit now. I posted some early iterations some pages ago. Here's what I finally came up with. I think it goes really well with the pre-existing blueprint wallpaper.

Lock screen





So I've been working on this lock screen for a bit now. I posted some early iterations some pages ago. Here's what I finally came up with. I think it goes really well with the pre-existing blueprint wallpaper.

Lock screen




That apple logo looks alot better. good stuff!


Do you guys think it is safe to say that the next iPhone will be a minor upgrade to iPhone 5S, with the same form factor with only specs upgrade?


Do you think I'd be within my rights to return my phone for a new one if I've been consistently getting about 5.5 - 6 hours of only moderate use?

I've cycled my battery 3 times, I have LTE turned off, bluetooth off, and wifi off when I'm not using it. Notifications are off and location services are limited to only a couple apps. Mail is set to manual. I even restored and set up as new and still no improvement. I really want to exchange it.
Did you do a fresh install?

If yes and battery is that jank I think you should get a new one. Hopefully Apple makes it easy for you.


I was out with a group of friends last night and a huge android fanboy was relentless.

"How are those maps?" "Aren't the galaxy commercials hilarious?" "Can you share info by touching your phone with another phone?" And other comments. I just kept shrugging my shoulders. It was weird


I was out with a group of friends last night and a huge android fanboy was relentless.

"How are those maps?" "Aren't the galaxy commercials hilarious?" "Can you share info by touching your phone with another phone?" And other comments. I just kept shrugging my shoulders. It was weird

This kind of thing has happened to me with people I don't even know, and it's so damn awkward. Like, outwardly angry people.


This kind of thing has happened to me with people I don't even know, and it's so damn awkward. Like, outwardly angry people.

I don't hide that I prefer Apple products, but I never shove it down people's throats, brag or anything else. Some people are just really insecure.


I'm happy to argue on the internet, but in public I'm mostly indifferent unless in close company. Trolling mobile OSes in real life seems like a somewhat new phenomenon.


I was out with a group of friends last night and a huge android fanboy was relentless.

"How are those maps?" "Aren't the galaxy commercials hilarious?" "Can you share info by touching your phone with another phone?" And other comments. I just kept shrugging my shoulders. It was weird

Man I really can't believe it has gotten to the point in which grown adults are acting like elementary kids back in the '90s (e.g.: Sega vs. Nintendo) in real life about phones.

People are sad.


I was out with a group of friends last night and a huge android fanboy was relentless.

"How are those maps?" "Aren't the galaxy commercials hilarious?" "Can you share info by touching your phone with another phone?" And other comments. I just kept shrugging my shoulders. It was weird

Haha, what a loser. Who get's that serious about this shit?

I have a coworker friend who's big into Android, and he likes to rib me, but it's all in fun. I give it back to him equally.
Yeah, our CIO, bragged that he got a Samsung Galaxy 3 and that he's glad since the iPhone 5 had leaks. I was like what the hell was he talking about, and I guess he was referring to the Verizon wifi issues. I'm not an Apple fanboy, but I know Android is rampant with data security and malware compared to iOS (not to say its immune to it), so hearing the senior IT person feeding into the Android Koolaid was surprising.


Yeah, our CIO, bragged that he got a Samsung Galaxy 3 and that he's glad since the iPhone 5 had leaks. I was like what the hell was he talking about, and I guess he was referring to the Verizon wifi issues. I'm not an Apple fanboy, but I know Android is rampant with data security and malware compared to iOS (not to say its immune to it), so hearing the senior IT person feeding into the Android Koolaid was surprising.

"Leaks"? Wtf does that even mean? Sounds like you need a new CIO.
I was out with a group of friends last night and a huge android fanboy was relentless.

"How are those maps?" "Aren't the galaxy commercials hilarious?" "Can you share info by touching your phone with another phone?" And other comments. I just kept shrugging my shoulders. It was weird

On that one, you should have asked him to take out his phone, and then struck the screen of his phone with the metal edge of your phone, breaking it, then saying "There. I just shared some info: GET LOST."


I was out with a group of friends last night and a huge android fanboy was relentless.

"How are those maps?" "Aren't the galaxy commercials hilarious?" "Can you share info by touching your phone with another phone?" And other comments. I just kept shrugging my shoulders. It was weird

Android fanboys on the Internet and tech blogs are pretty out of control in general, it's not surprising to see they would carry OS warz into real life.
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