How is bumping phones stupid?
It's just a stupid gimmick. Have you seen the ad for the S3 about the bumping shit?
I can't find it on YouTube but essentially, a guy is talking to the audience, he holds up a phone number and tells everyone to take a picture of it. Then he goes, "Oh, some of you didn't get it in time? That's ok just get it from the person next to you. Oh but that's weird because 'do I have your phone number' or 'should we email' and 'do I know you ahhhh' happens. I've been there. Check this out." Then he pulls out two S3s and bumps them together to share the picture. Oh cool, I should buy the S3 because I can tap my phone against a stranger's to share info if I don't want to give them my number or email address! Sorry, that's just
fucking stupid to me.
This has nothing to do with Android VS iOS by the way. No matter what phone it was on it's a novelty but the way they are hyping it up for the S3 is just so dumb.
Example: Bump for iPhone: I want to share info with someone. Do I have Bump? I'd better download it! Oh, they don't have it? They better download it! Now we run the app and bump out phones together! How cool was that?
And that's on the iPhone, where it's just an app. Any iPhone can use Bump, from the OG to the 5 (as long as both parties have it installed, mind). With the S3, it's not an Android feature. It's not an app that any Android phone can use. It's, as far as I can tell from the marketing, specific to the S3.
So the commercial, the idea of having this "tap your phones to share things!" as a killer app selling point, is laughable. When is a situation like that presented in their ad EVER going to actually occur? Why would I want to share pictures and videos with complete strangers? When I go to upgrade my phone in 2 years I know I'll be watching out for the handset that lets me tap it against others to share things!
Know what works better, or is faster, and is a feature EVERY SINGLE PHONE has? Text messages. To a lesser extent, email.
So that's my rant. For the record I think Bump is just as stupid.
What others said about Bluetooth or NFC is the right direction. And I do think the tech can be used in useful or innovative ways - Apple has patents that let you tap your iPhone against your iMac to unlock it, or to share documents back and forth between the two platforms. What Microsoft demoed with the old Surface table and how it took pictures out of Surface-compatable cameras, that was awesome. There are companies coming out with padlocks for doors that use Bluetooth so you don't use a key to get in, you use your iPhone or iPod Touch (or, since it's an app that uses the phone's BlueTooth, your Android or Windows device). Using your phone for keyless entry, for coupons and NFC payments, that's interesting, that's useful.
But can you honestly imagine a boardroom where someone with a bunch of sales data on his iPad tells everyone to bump their phones and iPads against his to get the info? Come on. It's the very definition of a gimmick. He would email it to them, or put it in a shared Drop Box folder, of if these future devices had NFC he'd simply push the info to his associates. But bumping the devices together? They need to come up with much more interesting uses for it to sell me on the idea.
To clarify: The info sharing aspect isn't what I take issue with, necessarily (although the situations they present you with in the ads are goddamn stupid). It's the act of bumping the phones together and how they're marketing it as this revolutionary break-through awesome feature.