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iPhone 5


I had a dude come through my line with an S3 at work, I hadn't seen one IRL before so I asked about it. He tells me he's been telling all his friends getting the iPhone 5 that "they're making the biggest mistake of their lives."

Yeah, ok.

Also, the bumping phones together to share info is the stupidest fucking gimmick I've ever seen a piece of tech use. "Bump" for the iPhone has been doing it for years and it is seriously just goddamn idiotic. The commercial for the S3 that plays in theaters about sharing photos is just painful in its stupidity, I cannot believe they are bragging bout that as a flagship feature.

what happens if you take a key to the edge of a galaxy s3

ask him how it holds up to scratches :p
Sure as fuck wasn't as easy to scratch the previous iteration.

This is true, but this new phone is lighter. You can't really have it both ways.

Maybe I'm weird, but the older I get the less OCD I am about this sort of stuff. I know my phone is not going to be perfect a year from now, so I'm just not that concerned with a scratch here or there. Even the most amazing automobile is going to get minor damage with use.

No, but I can't name many other phones or brands heralded for their hardware design that are coming scratched out the box. And enough of them to warrant an emergency elevation in quality standards at the manufacturing facilities too.

I agree about damage out of the box being unacceptable, but I also think a lot of people go hunting for a spec to complain about. I've seen some pics that seemed to require extreme examination to notice the "damage".
I've had my iPhone caseless for a week now and I have one of the tiniest little scuffs on the edge on the back of the phone. The only way I would have ever noticed it is if I were looking for it. I can't even see it unless I angle it correctly in the light. I'm happy with the phone. And if the scuffs ever get bad, I can easily mark it black with a specialized marker.


tagged by Blackace
I agree about damage out of the box being unacceptable, but I also think a lot of people go hunting for a spec to complain about. I've seen some pics that seemed to require extreme examination to notice with a human eye.
To some degree, yeah. But it varies, some phones have it considerably noticable when it's along the sides and you can't rub it out.

As a potential prospective buyer, I'm terrified at the though of getting a scuffed phone out of the box. Cuts resale value in case I want to sell it, makes me have to go through the hassle of returning it, looking through if it's in my warranty etc. It just shouldn't be an issue at all. This is very uncharacteristic of Apple which is why it stands out to me so much. It's definitely going against the iPhone 5 for me, and I'm looking closely at this story as it develops, though I doubt much will change. Guess that's my personal OCD on display.


That spotlight video was great. And it captures the type of advancement that I would expect Apple to make.

On the surface, it's just a tweak to the UI. you still access it the same way from the home screen but there's a bar added at the bottom for filters. it's a good example of the kind of tweaks I say Apple should be adding in future revisions.

But... underneath that small UI evolution, thee's a lot more data that Apple allows apps to expose to the service (both system and third party apps) so it provides a lot more power and speeds up info access while still being easy for the user to discover.


To some degree, yeah. But it varies, some phones have it considerably noticable when it's along the sides and you can't rub it out.

As a potential prospective buyer, I'm terrified at the though of getting a scuffed phone out of the box. Cuts resale value in case I want to sell it, makes me have to go through the hassle of returning it, looking through if it's in my warranty etc. It just shouldn't be an issue at all. This is very uncharacteristic of Apple which is why it stands out to me so much. It's definitely going against the iPhone 5 for me, and I'm looking closely at this story as it develops, though I doubt much will change. Guess that's my personal OCD on display.

Are there any reports of scuffed iPhones out of the box nowadays? It sounds like the recent reports of increased QC is because of those launch week scuffed-out-of-box iPhones.

You earlier said "despite them reportedly increasing quality control over in China" and now you say you "doubt much will change" so it sounds like you know about the recent post-launch iPhones.


tagged by Blackace
Are there any reports of scuffed iPhones out of the box nowadays? It sounds like the recent reports of increased QC is because of those launch week scuffed-out-of-box iPhones.

You earlier said "despite them reportedly increasing quality control over in China" and now you say you "doubt much will change" so it sounds like you know about the recent post-launch iPhones.
I should clarify: I don't think much will change by the time I get my phone when my contract is up mid-to-late November. There has been an increase in quality control, but it also has lead to strikes of workers at Foxconn because of the recent increased pressure on workers. The issue reportedly being that they just weren't trained properly in the first place with making iPhone 5s. Article here.

I don't think this is something that will be ironed out in only a month or so, seems way too quick, especially with the next few batches of phones that are probably already on their way here. Maybe a few months down the line, or maybe they'll just chalk it up as an L and do something different with the manufacturing process with the 5S.


As it is now, 9 of the 10 times I slide over to spotlight, it is in error. It feels so useless right now.

well, I actually use spotlight pretty frequently to launch apps, play a song or get to a contact/ note, etc. similar to that video.

What it doesn't do is let me view note info or contact info, etc while still within spotlight. but it's still fast to launch the app from there and jump to the data I have searched for.

so, depending on what stuff you found impressive in that video, you might find spotlight isn't that useless even in its current state


NFC likely has better transfer speed than messaging. I don't see how NFC is stupid. Sure, it may not be the revolutionary feature Samsung wants you to think it is, but nothing is stupid about it.

Okay, but the feature they advertise isn't specifically NFC, it's the act of bumping phones to share things with others. If NFC is advantageous, great! How about it knows if you are in range to another phone with the feature and defaults to that for any kind of messaging similar to how iMessage knows to work in the proper cases. Then when I message my friend a pic it transfers super fast through NFC. But bumping the phone to do this is stupid.


I should clarify: I don't think much will change by the time I get my phone when my contract is up mid-to-late November. There has been an increase in quality control, but it also has lead to strikes of workers at Foxconn because of the recent increased pressure on workers. The issue reportedly being that they just weren't trained properly in the first place with making iPhone 5s. Article here.

I don't think this is something that will be ironed out in only a month or so, seems way too quick, especially with the next few batches of phones that are probably already on their way here. Maybe a few months down the line, or maybe they'll just chalk it up as an L and do something different with the manufacturing process with the 5S.

There was a 1 hour dispute and no loss of work hours.

It can be ironed out in QC--you just reject cases that are scuffed during production. Apple turns over its inventory every 5 days. Article here. So if you ramp up QC, the problem inventory is gone in less than a week.

It's been about 20 days or so since the iPhone launched, or roughly 4 inventory cycles. Where do you see reports of iPhones currently being scuffed out of the box? I'm betting the shortage of iPhones (did people see 1 month waits for the iPhone 4S, 20 days after launch?) is due to the increased QC.


tagged by Blackace
There was a 1 hour dispute and no loss of work hours.

It can be ironed out in QC--you just reject cases that are scuffed during production. Apple turns over its inventory every 5 days. Article here. So if you ramp up QC, the problem inventory is gone in less than a week.

It's been about 20 days or so since the iPhone launched, or roughly 4 inventory cycles. Where do you see reports of iPhones currently being scuffed out of the box? I'm betting the shortage of iPhones (did people see 1 month waits for the iPhone 4S, 20 days after launch?) is due to the increased QC.
Hmmm.. didn't know they turned inventory so quickly. Sort-of comforting to hear.

I mostly see reports of it on twitter if you go by all tweets for scuffgate. Not the most scientific place to get my data, but it reminds me that if it's still an issue somewhere out there it could be for me for me as well. Also I thought increased QC reports were fairly recent alongside the strike thing which broke I think one or two days ago.


Scuffgate is nowhere near enough to cancel out the rest of the hardware IMO. Screen, speed, overall performance powered by the hardware is pretty substantial to me.
Same here. I upgraded from a 3GS to the 5, and it was like going from using PC with a 486 to one with a Pentium-III.

Whole. New. World.


I didn't say you've never liked or used iOS devices. I just said you don't seem to be much of a fan at this point, and you basically just said so yourself moments ago.

You've spent a lot of time in the past couple pages complaining about purple flare and wifi issues that seem quite uncommon from what I've gathered.

Agreed. iOS isn't going to see dramatic changes anytime soon. It evolves slowly, but I don't think anyone can deny that when they evolve they do so in a slick and intelligent manner.

maybe, unlike you, he is not an Apple apologist and is thinking of his own needs before Apples.....

iOS6 is having numerous issues and causing lots of glitches, thus causing a lot of controversy too. Overall, it adds a whole lot of nothing innovative. iOS is definitely showing it's age and the overhaul is long overdue. Doesn't need to be drastic, but it has been overdue for YEARS. Instead of meaningful stuff they keep introducing fluff like new maps and Siri. Facetime was a good idea though.

I feel like iOS has been getting the iTunes treatment, they have just not cared about updating it properly. Hopefully the "reboot" of iTunes is a sign of things to come for iOS as well.
How is bumping phones stupid?

It's just a stupid gimmick. Have you seen the ad for the S3 about the bumping shit?

I can't find it on YouTube but essentially, a guy is talking to the audience, he holds up a phone number and tells everyone to take a picture of it. Then he goes, "Oh, some of you didn't get it in time? That's ok just get it from the person next to you. Oh but that's weird because 'do I have your phone number' or 'should we email' and 'do I know you ahhhh' happens. I've been there. Check this out." Then he pulls out two S3s and bumps them together to share the picture. Oh cool, I should buy the S3 because I can tap my phone against a stranger's to share info if I don't want to give them my number or email address! Sorry, that's just fucking stupid to me.

This has nothing to do with Android VS iOS by the way. No matter what phone it was on it's a novelty but the way they are hyping it up for the S3 is just so dumb.

Example: Bump for iPhone: I want to share info with someone. Do I have Bump? I'd better download it! Oh, they don't have it? They better download it! Now we run the app and bump out phones together! How cool was that?

And that's on the iPhone, where it's just an app. Any iPhone can use Bump, from the OG to the 5 (as long as both parties have it installed, mind). With the S3, it's not an Android feature. It's not an app that any Android phone can use. It's, as far as I can tell from the marketing, specific to the S3.

So the commercial, the idea of having this "tap your phones to share things!" as a killer app selling point, is laughable. When is a situation like that presented in their ad EVER going to actually occur? Why would I want to share pictures and videos with complete strangers? When I go to upgrade my phone in 2 years I know I'll be watching out for the handset that lets me tap it against others to share things!

Know what works better, or is faster, and is a feature EVERY SINGLE PHONE has? Text messages. To a lesser extent, email.

So that's my rant. For the record I think Bump is just as stupid.

What others said about Bluetooth or NFC is the right direction. And I do think the tech can be used in useful or innovative ways - Apple has patents that let you tap your iPhone against your iMac to unlock it, or to share documents back and forth between the two platforms. What Microsoft demoed with the old Surface table and how it took pictures out of Surface-compatable cameras, that was awesome. There are companies coming out with padlocks for doors that use Bluetooth so you don't use a key to get in, you use your iPhone or iPod Touch (or, since it's an app that uses the phone's BlueTooth, your Android or Windows device). Using your phone for keyless entry, for coupons and NFC payments, that's interesting, that's useful.

But can you honestly imagine a boardroom where someone with a bunch of sales data on his iPad tells everyone to bump their phones and iPads against his to get the info? Come on. It's the very definition of a gimmick. He would email it to them, or put it in a shared Drop Box folder, of if these future devices had NFC he'd simply push the info to his associates. But bumping the devices together? They need to come up with much more interesting uses for it to sell me on the idea.

To clarify: The info sharing aspect isn't what I take issue with, necessarily (although the situations they present you with in the ads are goddamn stupid). It's the act of bumping the phones together and how they're marketing it as this revolutionary break-through awesome feature.


Yeah the guy giving me a hard time was bragging how his friend gave him the movie Scarface by touching phones......and it took 45 minutes...


Yeah the guy giving me a hard time was bragging how his friend gave him the movie Scarface by touching phones......and it took 45 minutes...

First of all, that's hilarious. You should have laughed in his face. They left their phones touching for 45 minutes? Who gives a shit?

Secondly, he's pirating movies. Congrats to him.


First of all, that's hilarious. You should have laughed in his face. They left their phones touching for 45 minutes? Who gives a shit?

Secondly, he's pirating movies. Congrats to him.

Yeah I couldn't wrap my head around why he was bragging. Like I said, very insecure. You'd think I was saying stuff like "oh my god the screen is so big and amazing now more icons on the screen it's so fast blah blah blah!" No. I don't even talk about technology outside of message boards.


Yeah the guy giving me a hard time was bragging how his friend gave him the movie Scarface by touching phones......and it took 45 minutes...
That's odd as WiFi direct, which is the connection S3 bumping makes, is fast.

First of all, that's hilarious. You should have laughed in his face. They left their phones touching for 45 minutes? Who gives a shit?

Secondly, he's pirating movies. Congrats to him.
After the initial bump pair you don't need to hold the phones together. A temporary WiFi direct connection is made.


That's odd as WiFi direct, which is the connection S3 bumping makes, is fast.

After the initial bump pair you don't need to hold the phones together. A temporary WiFi direct connection is made.

So he was just bragging about how easy his piracy has become. Got it.


That's odd as WiFi direct, which is the connection S3 bumping makes, is fast.

After the initial bump pair you don't need to hold the phones together. A temporary WiFi direct connection is made.

Oh man I wish I knew this when he told me they left their phones touching the entire 45 minutes.
except my everlasting disdain amirite?

No, but I think there's a fundamental difference in your thought process if you willingly choose the Galaxy S3 over an iPhone that makes me think we don't have a lot in common. We can still be friends, though. And probably should be!

The touch gimmick means nothing. Being able to easily send files to a friends phone holds value though.

Very much so. I understand why Apple isn't making it easy, but I don't like it one bit.
There are only two widgets in notification center. They should allow for widget apps.

There's no reason why the iPhone cannot act as a USB device. I don't see why Apple would be afraid of this. Hell, they could make an exclusive app that makes it work if they are worried about security.

Google Now works without an internet connection.

Here's a concept for what Spotlight should be


You can't expect Forstall to allow something that useful and innovative to come out of his software team.


If I were to make a list of the things the new iPhone and iOS need, this is what I can come up with.

NFC when it is more mature and secore
Turn the home button into a color light notification button. Different colors light when a notification is received.
Allow the device to act as a standard USB storage device.
Create a method for apps to easily interact with each other.
Allow apps to plug into Siri in some aspect
Allow Siri to do voice recognition for simple commands that require no online database searches.
Greatly enhance the function of Spotlight

Is there a way to customize your homescreen with shortcuts to apps? That's what I would miss the most if I switched. I never see it on people iphones but at the same time, not many people even know you can do such things on Android.


formerly cjelly
Haven't people seen this on other devices too? I thought it was an iOS 6 issue, not just iPhone 5. Or am I misremembering?

Here's the the thing with clickbait:

- Include sensationalist title that may or may not be true

- Say something completely different in the article which proves said headline true or false

In this case, the headline says 'The iPhone 5 has a bug that makes the screen flicker' -- people will click.

Then when you read the story?

"The bug appears to be a software glitch, as it only happens when the keyboard launches."

Oh, so it's an iOS issue? Why not put that in the title... oh, wait.


After the initial bump pair you don't need to hold the phones together. A temporary WiFi direct connection is made.

But you must stay within shouting distance of each other right? You can't just bump phones and then leave, correct?

Personally, I don't think bumping phones is a bad idea, but it seems odd how they have decided to market it. Especially considering that Bump has been doing it for years now.

Also, as ElectricBlue187 points out, radio waves. And Internet. The thing I'd really want to share with people I first meet is not a photo, or pirated film, but contact information - and that's probably best done via message or Facebook - then photos, video clips, and what not can be shared through that, like millions of people do per day already. What might be nice is to add bump to the Facebook app, then when you touch phones it asks you if you want level of info you want to share, done.


I ordered the phone (16gb white) on 9/23 from AT&T, and right now the order status is still processing and under tracking number it shows pending shipment. Does anybody know how much longer it's gonna take? Should I just cancel and try a local Apple store?
I ordered the phone (16gb white) on 9/23 from AT&T, and right now the order status is still processing and under tracking number it shows pending shipment. Does anybody know how much longer it's gonna take? Should I just cancel and try a local Apple store?

You'll probably have it within a week.


...hate me...
Here's the the thing with clickbait:

- Include sensationalist title that may or may not be true

- Say something completely different in the article which proves said headline true or false

In this case, the headline says 'The iPhone 5 has a bug that makes the screen flicker' -- people will click.

Then when you read the story?

"The bug appears to be a software glitch, as it only happens when the keyboard launches."

Oh, so it's an iOS issue? Why not put that in the title... oh, wait.
But I do think it's an iPhone 5-only issue though, even if it's software/drivers or something like that.
Never happened on my other iOS 6 devices nor did I see it mentioned.

Hari Seldon

Apple is seriously getting a low volume of phones in even now. They must have retooled some shit at their factories or something in secret.


How do I get rid of Facebook events in the calendar widget in the Notification Centre? Someone invited me to this poncey student art show and it just won't go away. I've deleted the event from the events bit on the actual Facebook site, unticked Facebook Events in the calendar options, resynced the calendar, rebooted the phone and it just won't go away.


How do I get rid of Facebook events in the calendar widget in the Notification Centre? Someone invited me to this poncey student art show and it just won't go away. I've deleted the event from the events bit on the actual Facebook site, unticked Facebook Events in the calendar options, resynced the calendar, rebooted the phone and it just won't go away.
I'd like to know the same thing. I'm getting birthday notifications for Facebook friends when I couldn't care less about the birthday of my acquaintances.
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