What didn't you like about Android? I was thinking of change over to it from IOS after having iPhones for forever.
It's not any one thing in particular I guess. It's just that Android does alot of things just a tiny bit worse (I'd almost say "less good" to make it sound more positive) then iOS. Sure, it has some nice features and more customisability, but it didn't weigh up to the little annoyances in the end.
For instance, the touch screen seems less responsive, at least on the S2, then the iPhone's I had. I used Pattern to Unlock and for some reason it would break up the pattern mid-way unless I first cleaned my phone on my paints or shirt (I've heard this complaint from other users, so it seems a common issue) and the keyboard, as said, was alot worse as well, I mistyped alot (just one key left or right to the one I wanted to tap) even though on the iPhone I hardly ever did that. Even after 1,5 years of using the device (got it May of 2011) I still mistyped alot. The default browser is horrible, but that got alot better with Chrome now.
Then there's the overall slugishness of the system, alot of app crashes, random reboots and what not. I hear they fixed alot of that with 4.1, but that comes too late for me.
Another thing that pissed me off was Samsung. They have a Voice app that launched on double tap of the home button, then a woman's computer voice comes on "What would you like to do?" For the first year or so, there was no proper way of removing this app unless to root your phone, so I heard that alot. A LOT! It pissed me off more everytime. I removed her later on though without rooting, so that's an option now, but again, it just pissed me off.
Also, Samsung decided to roll out 4.0 for each country individually, I live in the Netherlands and we were one of the last countries to actually get the update, we waited over a month compared to the original launch, I am not a patient man, and I do not appreciate waiting for stuff when I know it's available if I lived 5km's over (I live next to the German border), that's not acceptable in 2012 when the whole world's connected. I blame Samsung wanting to forcefeed certain Dutch pre-installed application from their sponsors.
As I said, nothing is really a major issue, aside from the touch screen responsiveness. Overall it's a good device and Android is pretty much nearing equal to iOS with 4.1. It's just a little less refined and with each update they change the design (once again, the lockscreen, they change the design of the patternbuttons and the font of the date and clock with every version. Pick one already and stick with it! I hate change for the sake of change).
Overall. If you want to try Android go for it, I'm a nitpicker (comes with being a UID designer I guess) and get easily annoyed. The more annoyed I get by something the less chance it ever has of redeeming itself. But for what it's worth, the iPhone never pissed me off that much and I'm very happy going back to it.