download 6.0.1 software update. It fixes that problem.Just got the 5 today, and one time, while messing around with the phone, about 10 horizontal lines started flickering in a weird way around the lower half of the screen. I locked and unlocked the phone and it went away, but could that be something indicative of a larger problem? Has anyone else experienced this?
The newest update 6.01 or something, fixes that.Just got the 5 today, and one time, while messing around with the phone, about 10 horizontal lines started flickering in a weird way around the lower half of the screen. I locked and unlocked the phone and it went away, but could that be something indicative of a larger problem? Has anyone else experienced this?
I can't believe cycling your battery does anything
edit: is Push better on your battery than Fetch? I don't really know/understand the concept behind Push
/sadfaceI looked all over, all I could find was the quick start guide, but i see no tool.
edit: is Push better on your battery than Fetch? I don't really know/understand the concept behind Push
Push is literally the worst thing you can enable for your battery life. It will constantly look for new data like mail on the servers using your 3g/LTE connection.
Disable it. Put fetch to like 30 minutes or 1 hour. Put it to 15 minutes if you really need to read every new email and respond to them quickly.
Nope, I'm on a family plan, works fine.Just got my iphone5 and set it up.
LGE is not working but I turned it off and 3G works fine. Why is that? Does it have anything to do with my plan (I'm on a damned family plan still)?
Push is literally the worst thing you can enable for your battery life. It will constantly look for new data like mail on the servers using your 3g/LTE connection.
iOS-Gaf PSA:
I don't know if it's because of iPhone 5, the 6.0.1 update or both, but you can now have a blank homescreen on your springboard.
What's the point of having a phone with you when you're not going to use crucial features like push?No
Push is literally the worst thing you can enable for your battery life. It will constantly look for new data like mail on the servers using your 3g/LTE connection.
Disable it. Put fetch to like 30 minutes or 1 hour. Put it to 15 minutes if you really need to read every new email and respond to them quickly.
What's the point of having a phone with you when you're not going to use crucial features like push?
Lucky you, I guess. I guess if you exclusively use email for personal stuff that you wouldn't get too much volume.How is push crucial for e-mail, especially if one doesn't get much of it?
4 days short of a month, but my iPhone is finally in the UPS delivery system, yay!
About time too, sold my SGS2 3 weeks ago and been using my 3GS, can't wait to have a fast phone again.
Push is literally the worst thing you can enable for your battery life. It will constantly look for new data like mail on the servers using your 3g/LTE connection.
Disable it. Put fetch to like 30 minutes or 1 hour. Put it to 15 minutes if you really need to read every new email and respond to them quickly.
How is push crucial for e-mail, especially if one doesn't get much of it?
How much did you sell your S2 for?
Is there any way to make wifi stay connected instead of going to LTE when the phone is on standby? I'm not sure which is better for battery/data usage (not unlimited) and I want to experiment.
So I'm breaking down and getting a case for my 5 this week, gonna go with the ultra slim Moshi. I don't WANT to (love the naked look), but I'm irreparably terrified now after never dropping it and being uber careful, but then handing my phone to some idiot girl at the club on Saturday for her to put in her number, and she proceeds to immediately drop it.
No broken screen thankfully (would've lost my shit), but there is a nice little dent/scratch on the upper corner of course. All it takes is one stupid mistake and bam.
Remember the days when cell phones were cheap and simple devices? It felt like this girl dropped my god damn laptop!
I was just reading in some other thread about how the wifi goes off in standby. This can't be right can it? I mean, I've seen the wifi signal turn on when I wake my phone, but is it really using just cellular data when in sleep?
That makes no sense to me.
I was just reading in some other thread about how the wifi goes off in standby. This can't be right can it? I mean, I've seen the wifi signal turn on when I wake my phone, but is it really using just cellular data when in sleep?
That makes no sense to me.
How much did you sell your S2 for?
I'm going to see how my battery is with push enabled, because I really like the convenience of being notified immediately, whether its emails or a game.
Is there any way to make wifi stay connected instead of going to LTE when the phone is on standby? I'm not sure which is better for battery/data usage (not unlimited) and I want to experiment.
What is the current fastest way to get an Iphone 5?
I'm on AT&T and all their stores in my city are out of stock along with all the apple stores. The people at the apple store told me to try ordering online on the apple website and to choose pickup from local so that they can hold a phone for me once they get a shipment, but the site says all my apple stores are unavailable for pickup so now I'm stuck. I really don't wanna wait the 3-4 weeks it could take to ship to my home. Are there any alternatives?
I'm on my 3rd iPhone 5 now. My first was averaging 3.5 hours of battery life before dying, my second one had a camera lens that was loose to the touch, and my third one doesn't seem to be much better with battery life. 1% every two minutes while browsing on 3G/LTE (full bars for both). My iPhone 4 had amazing battery life and I'm on the same network using the same cell towers as before. I am honestly at a loss.
I don't recall ever seeing keyboard lag on the 5.Have you iPhone 5 users noticed a dramatic decrease in keyboard lag? This is one of the most annoying things about my 4.
I was just reading in some other thread about how the wifi goes off in standby. This can't be right can it? I mean, I've seen the wifi signal turn on when I wake my phone, but is it really using just cellular data when in sleep?
That makes no sense to me.
Yes it is. Apple's decision seems to be that they turn off the wifi radio when it's on standby.
It didn't used to b this way did it? Why would you want it to use cellular data, when you have wifi available?
I'm on prepay and have very little data (although recently moved up tom500 mb from 100 mbnper month)
Keyboard lag can get insane with 4 with IOS6, one thing that annoys me the most about the phone now. I haven't noticed any when testing 5 the other day. It feels *sigh* like 4 felt under ios4, or perhaps even a bit smoother.Have you iPhone 5 users noticed a dramatic decrease in keyboard lag? This is one of the most annoying things about my 4.
Seems like the right thread to ask this...
Thinking of switching from Android to an iPhone. My only concern is Google Voice. I use GV for all calls and texts. How's the iOS integration? From what I am reading, Google's app is meh but there is GV Mobile + which looks decent.
There is no Google Voice integration. You have to manually launch the app to make calls and texts.
Seems like the right thread to ask this...
Thinking of switching from Android to an iPhone. My only concern is Google Voice. I use GV for all calls and texts. How's the iOS integration? From what I am reading, Google's app is meh but there is GV Mobile + which looks decent.
Honestly if thats what your concerned with stay with Android.
Well, to be honest, GV on Android is nothing special either, so I don't understand this argument.
GV is more or less 'abandoned' by Google, at least in terms of Mobile apps, so I was just wondering how the iOS app was along with the 3rd party ones.
the official ios app is fine for me (other than letterboxing on iphone 5) but don't expect real 'integration' - there's push on texts and calls go through fine, but you have to use the app to make calls through gv