Is it just me or the damn software is shit? Freezes loads of times, call drops, and many more glitches and hiccups. Far more than 4/4S ever had.
Had exactly 0 of those. No dropped calls, no freezes or any noticable glitches for that matter.
my boyfriend's contract is up, and he has a 3gs with a broken screen.
he is paying $150 to repair it, rather than upgrade. i've told him it's a waste of money when he can even get a 4s for free on a contract.. he says he prefers the look of the 3gs. can someone please give me some sort of reasoning that could get through to him? am i crazy? i'm not fighting with him over it or anything. i've kept quiet aside from saying i didn't think it was a good idea lol. he likes to save money though, so i feel like this is a bad investment.
Tell him that instead of repairing it, at the very least he can just get another proper working 3GS via craigslist or whatever. Paying 150 dollars for a 3GS is just batshit insane really.