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iPhone 5


Now Google still has maps on the iPhone, but they get all the extra data they wanted from users. Apple now has full control over the default mapping experience as well as all of the data collected from their Maps app, and it's not being used to feed a competitors service.

You're right, a ton of effort was expended by both companies to arrive at roughly the same place they were before from the users perspective, and they both lost something from it as well. It would have been easier if they could have just come to an agreement, but one or both sides just weren't willing to give. I don't think we'll ever know how the negotiations truly went down.

edit: It's hard to tell from your posts, but I just want to clarify that Google didn't write the original Maps app -- Apple was always the one writing the default Maps app for iPhone. Google only provided the data.


I see many of my game apps from my iPhone 4 still are not updated for the larger screen, just going to delete them for now so least I save about 5 gigs. All of the newer games though seem to be updated, but there are some good old ones I am thinking they might not bother to update.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I kind of wish the iPhone had a dumb phone mode for battery conservation. Basically, you would only be able to send and relieve calls and the phone does everything it can to conserve power.
Can't you sort of achieve that by turning off wifi and cell data/3G/LTE?


I see many of my game apps from my iPhone 4 still are not updated for the larger screen, just going to delete them for now so least I save about 5 gigs. All of the newer games though seem to be updated, but there are some good old ones I am thinking they might not bother to update.

I'm not surprised. I think it takes a LOT more work to edit games to fit the iPhone 5.

Keep in mind that some games are designed for that space and changing it can affect the way the game is played. Ie. street fighter. Making it wider will give more space for the players to move around which isn't the developers design


Dropped my phone for the first time yesterday. Nasty scratches on the left edge. :(

But glass is like new. :)

Happened to mine a couple days ago. I had a screen protector on the front and back, but since I got chips on the sides now, I decided to take them off loll.


Does anyone use geofencing stuff? If so how much of an impact on battery life do you notice?

I use it a lot, and haven't noticed any effect on battery life. I find it very handy to remind myself to do something at the office tomorrow, or get something from the store on the way home. I hate (hate!) the Reminders application on the Mac though. I use Siri to create all of them.


I use it a lot, and haven't noticed any effect on battery life. I find it very handy to remind myself to do something at the office tomorrow, or get something from the store on the way home. I hate (hate!) the Reminders application on the Mac though. I use Siri to create all of them.

What is the best way to use location based reminders? I setup a reminder to alert me when I was near Home Depot and it didn't work.


What is the best way to use location based reminders? I setup a reminder to alert me when I was near Home Depot and it didn't work.

I don't know whether you can create reminders for arbitrary locations. I created a contact for Whole Foods. I then use Siri:

Me: I need to create a reminder
Siri: What would you like to be reminded about
Me: Pick up milk
Siri: OK, I'll remind you to pick up milk. When would you like to be reminded?
Me: When I get to Whole Foods work.
Siri: OK <blah blah blah>

If I want it for when I get to my office I just say "When I get to work".
For some reason a quarter of the time I receive a call and I go to swipe to answer, it just won't do it. No matter what I do. Anyone else having this happen?

I have occasional touchscreen issues. Sometimes when I'm playing a game, selecting emails, answering calls, etc., it seems like my initial press/swipe doesn't register. It's rare and random. I took it to the Apple store thinking they could run a diagnostic on the touchscreen, but the employee just uses your phone for a little while to see if it isn't working. Since it isn't a constant problem, that doesn't help. Still, my issue has been registered and it should be easier to exchange if it becomes more than an infrequent annoyance.


I don't know whether you can create reminders for arbitrary locations. I created a contact for Whole Foods. I then use Siri:

Me: I need to create a reminder
Siri: What would you like to be reminded about
Me: Pick up milk
Siri: OK, I'll remind you to pick up milk. When would you like to be reminded?
Me: When I get to Whole Foods work.
Siri: OK <blah blah blah>

If I want it for when I get to my office I just say "When I get to work".

You can just start with "remind me to pick up milk" and Siri will know you want to set up a reminder, by the way. I think you could say it all in one sentence, actually: "remind me to pick up milk when I get to Whole Foods"


I don't know whether you can create reminders for arbitrary locations. I created a contact for Whole Foods. I then use Siri:

Me: I need to create a reminder
Siri: What would you like to be reminded about
Me: Pick up milk
Siri: OK, I'll remind you to pick up milk. When would you like to be reminded?
Me: When I get to Whole Foods work.
Siri: OK <blah blah blah>

If I want it for when I get to my office I just say "When I get to work".

Thanks. I didn't know a contact was needed. I thought it would use POI date from the map.


You can just start with "remind me to pick up milk" and Siri will know you want to set up a reminder, by the way. I think you could say it all in one sentence, actually: "remind me to pick up milk when I get to Whole Foods"

Holy shit, you're right. The one sentence works. That's much nicer, thanks.

Thanks. I didn't know a contact was needed. I thought it would use POI date from the map.

No prob. I don't know why it needs a contact, but that seems to be the case.


bitch I'm taking calls.
No battery cases yet.

This whole google maps ordeal seems really silly in hindsight. Apple wanted vector maps and turn by turn voice navigation. Google said no or had done absurd requirements. Apple makes their own with it obviously not being on par yet. Google releases their own a few months later. Apple now has a Google Maps app. Google did the same work and still made their app feature for feature similar to android. They just lost being a present figure on everybody's iPhone. What was the point?
My theory is:

Google said no, we aren't going to pour resources and extra programming and optimization into your phone infrastructure without rightfully being paid an additional amount. Apple didn't like the amount and was ready to stonewall Google until they bent or bolted. With Android coming up more and more Google was probably in the exact same mindset and refused to bend either so they pulled their data.

I really don't fault Google in this example as much as Apple. You expect Google to just give all the effort for simply the special privilege of being automatically present on an iPhone? Nah, Google wasn't gonna play that bullshit and Apple was already looking for an excuse to jettison competitor software from their flagship product. Simple as that.

Sucks that they weren't able to reach an agreement that was more amenable to the consumers, but really it's only Apple that disappointed here because it's their product and they ultimately have to answer for the negative customer experience which is why we got that letter apologizing and promising future improvements to the iOS mapping software.


Timeline of events:

July 7th 2009
Apple buys Placebase, the first(?) of their many mapping company acquisitions.

July 23rd 2009
Google releases Latitude for iPhone and iPod touch as a web app after Apple blocks the Google native app from the AppStore

July 27th 2009
Apple blocks Google Voice app from the AppStore.

October 28th 2009
Google brings free Turn-by-Turn to Android 2.0 (Motorola Droid, the first hit Android phone was released by Verizon on October 17th 2009)

August 2nd 2010
Android sales overtake the iPhone in the USA for the first time.

December 16th 2010
Google brings vector maps to Android

April 25th 2012
Apple announces WWDC dates for June 2012

June 1st 2012
Google announces Maps event

June 6th 2012
Google holds "rushed" Maps events

June 11th 2012
Apple demoes new Maps app and iOS 6 without any Google services included by default

September 19th 2012
Apple releases iOS 6 to the public

December 12th 2012
Google releases Maps app for iOS


Even without including any hearsay
(e.g. Engadget in 2009:
Update: Navigation for the iPhone? Gundotra said the ball's in Apple's court, so no telling if / when that'll happen.​
I don't see how anyone who isn't ignorant of the sequence of actions claim that Google is to blame or even some variation of Google and Apple are both equally to blame. It should be clear that Jobs and Apple had it in for Google ages ago.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
iOS Google Maps + wide in-store hardware availability the same day it's released: deciding factor for picking up an iPhone 5 yesterday. Switched to Verizon after extreme dissatisfaction with AT&T's network in many locations across the States.


iOS Google Maps + wide in-store hardware availability the same day it's released: deciding factor for picking up an iPhone 5 yesterday. Switched to Verizon after extreme dissatisfaction with AT&T's network in many locations across the States.

Just got a shipping notice for my Nexus 4 so I'll be returning the unlocked iPhone 5 that I've been using for a week. I might come back if iPhone 5 gets a jailbreak


I don't see how sny side can be taken without knowing the terms that were in agreeable for both parties.

You can still side with Apple but it should be clear that Apple's terms were 'Android must be destroyed' to paraphrase Steve Jobs. Whether Google's terms were agreeable or not, Apple's decision to remove Google maps and other services from their phone predates the negotiation over features like vector maps and turn-by-turn.
The only good thing about google releasing their own map app is that hopefully in the future this will make apple design some actual changes in ios. Going from android to iphone, I am baffled at the lack some features such as deleting multiple contacts (is this some kind of joke?) and most primarily, being able to switch the default app to another.


bitch I'm taking calls.
iOS Google Maps + wide in-store hardware availability the same day it's released: deciding factor for picking up an iPhone 5 yesterday. Switched to Verizon after extreme dissatisfaction with AT&T's network in many locations across the States.

I recently switched to Verizon as well. So far I've been pleased with the better coverage, have yet to get a dropped or shitty call and it happened all the time in the city (downtown Kansas City) when I was on AT&T.

I'm especially impressed with the speed of LTE.
The only good thing about google releasing their own map app is that hopefully in the future this will make apple design some actual changes in ios. Going from android to iphone, I am baffled at the lack some features such as deleting multiple contacts (is this some kind of joke?) and most primarily, being able to switch the default app to another.
I'm 90% sure this will never change. If it ever became an option that would be awesome I just don't see it happening. Apple doesn't want to allow people to change it easily because they don't want their primary iOS apps replaced.


The only good thing about google releasing their own map app is that hopefully in the future this will make apple design some actual changes in ios. Going from android to iphone, I am baffled at the lack some features such as deleting multiple contacts (is this some kind of joke?) and most primarily, being able to switch the default app to another.

You really shouldn't be baffled at Apple wanting people to use their applications over the alternatives. I mean, I'd love to be able to change the default applications without jailbreaking but I don't really expect Apple to change that much even with the staffing changes that happened :/



Walmart has dropped prices on both the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S, with the 16 GB iPhone 5 now on sale for just $127 and the iPhone 4S coming in at $47.

In addition, Walmart is now selling the latest fourth-generation 16 GB Wi-Fi iPad for just $399, a $100 discount from standard pricing. And beginning on Monday, Walmart will also include a $30 iTunes gift card bonus with iPad purchases.

Despite the iPhone 5 having launched in the United States less than three months ago, retailers are offering aggressive discounts on the devices to attract holiday shoppers. RadioShack is currently offering all iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S models at $50 discounts from their regular prices, and also offering email coupons for $10 credit on future purchases for every $50 spent during the holiday shopping season. RadioShack also offers price matching through its Mobile Low Price Guarantee, suggesting that it is likely to match Walmart's discounted pricing upon request.


Yesterday I saw Swedish House Mafia and recorded some footage. I am very impressed with the video quality. I also made quite some pictures, obviously most turned out shit and but a few turned out quite nice
And yeah Instagram is awesome haters.

I love the iPhone 5 so much.

Also, is Camera+ worth the $ for the extra controls?
Yesterday I saw Swedish House Mafia and recorded some footage. I am very impressed with the video quality. I also made quite some pictures, obviously most turned out shit and but a few turned out quite nice
And yeah Instagram is awesome haters.

I love the iPhone 5 so much.

Also, is Camera+ worth the $ for the extra controls?

What I really like about it is the ability to edit the pictures in a way that I feel surpasses Instagram and the built in auto-fix. Also what's great is the ability to save the edited picture to your camera roll without having to post it to facebook or whatever.

Fox Mulder

Oh geez, making my decision between this and the S3 harder.

I was thinking about the s3, but now that the iPhone has the same great google navigation I love on android, I might as well get the latest iPhone. I've already been investing in the iOS ecosystem with my iPad, but really valued the awesome turn by turn navigation in my pocket that google provided.


Google's really being scrooge. They're killing ActiveSync, which means no push for iOS (and Windows Phone, apparently) unless you use their app, which still isn't as fast IME as using the native client.

Really really lame.


Google's really being scrooge. They're killing ActiveSync, which means no push for iOS (and Windows Phone, apparently) unless you use their app, which still isn't as fast IME as using the native client.

Really really lame.

Yeah, I saw this. they're deprecating the activesync API for their services. Bummer. I'll certainly set up gmail as IMAP (i stopped using their calendar and contacts syncing when icloud hit) but I might just start using my icloud email (it's empty now) since it has push support on the iPhone.


Hey guys, I'm a first-time iPhone user and I got a quick question.

When I double tap my home button, a horizontal menu pops up on the bottom with app icons on it. I think these are apps that I have recently opened? Would it help save battery life if I eliminated each of them from the horizontal menu?


Hey guys, I'm a first-time iPhone user and I got a quick question.

When I double tap my home button, a horizontal menu pops up on the bottom with app icons on it. I think these are apps that I have recently opened? Would it help save battery life if I eliminated each of them from the horizontal menu?

that lists the most recently used apps, yes.

no, it will not save battery for you to close them manually. the apps are frozen when you hit the home button. they're listed here mainly as a shortcut. (you can also swipe to the right to revela audio controls and rotation lock, btw)

The EXCEPTION is something like GPS or music playback that is still running when you press the home button to exit the app. you'd see the play icon or gps arrow icon in the top status bar if those things are running in the background and you may not be aware. if you close out the app from that recently used apps list, you'll stop that background process and save battery.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Jan 30, 2013


service will still function on existing devices after jan 13. but new device setup won't work. so if anyone is getting a new iPhone next year, google exchange sync won't be an option

So long as we continually upgrade phones and restore from backups we're good forever, right?

And does setting mail up via iOS' Gmail set up even allow push? My girlfriend set her accounts up that way and it didn't work right. I had to redo it as Exchange for it to work as expected.


So long as we continually upgrade phones and restore from backups we're good forever, right?

And does setting mail up via iOS' Gmail set up even allow push? My girlfriend set her accounts up that way and it didn't work right. I had to redo it as Exchange for it to work as expected.

don't know about the first bit, to be honest. I guess we'll find out in February.

As for the second thing, the default iOS gmail setup is IMAP so no push. 15 minute fetch schedule is the fastest it'll refresh, I think.


Google's really being scrooge. They're killing ActiveSync, which means no push for iOS (and Windows Phone, apparently) unless you use their app, which still isn't as fast IME as using the native client.

Really really lame.

This is a shame, and also kind of amusing after the discussion of mean ol apple and good ol google some are pushing regarding Maps.


Yeah, I saw this. they're deprecating the activesync API for their services. Bummer. I'll certainly set up gmail as IMAP (i stopped using their calendar and contacts syncing when icloud hit) but I might just start using my icloud email (it's empty now) since it has push support on the iPhone.

That's terrible news. Google have really become a bunch of assholes.


Okay, so I'm about to go and get a smartphone today. First smartphone I'll ever own.

Right now, and because my carrier (Cricket) is limited to them, I'm on the fence between the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S III. Now I hate when people go "TELL ME WHY I SHULD BY THIS" but as someone who only knows about the smartphone stuff, but has never really experienced it on a daily basis, why would you tell me to pick up an iPhone 5 over the GSIII, or the other way around?


Personal preference obviously but I'd to for an iPhone 5

Better ecosystem of apps
iTunes integration throughout. Read up on iTunes Match and see if you'd like it. I use it
Much more secure and stable
Better support and shelf life than android phones. Apple still support the 3GS...a phone which is four years old. Samsung don't even support their phones from 2011 now
Amazing design and build
Brilliant screen quality, with industry-leading colour reproduction and accuracy
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