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iPhone 5


You're basing your interpretation on your relationship with his blog and listening to his podcast. I'm basing my interpretation on what he actually said. Other posters here commented that they thought "rather significant system-wide UI overhaul" would mean exactly that not as some euphemism for "I dunno, we'll see how it works". Perhaps he'll change tune on his podcast (I don't listen to that so wouldn't know).

No, you're definitely not basing it simply on what is said, if your first reaction was to link it to his "usual hyperbolic shit," his past discussions on UI, and then later reference his past discussions over UI chrome and fonts.

No posters have said that they thought "apparently rather significant system-wide UI overhaul" means he is creaming his pants.


No, you're definitely not basing it simply on what is said, if your first reaction was to link it to his "usual hyperbolic shit," his past discussions on UI, and then later reference his past discussions over UI chrome and fonts.

No posters have said that they thought "apparently rather significant system-wide UI overhaul" means he is creaming his pants.

What's he said about the proposed UI changes. You're going on about what he's said about rumours in general on his podcasts.


I'm going to have to side with numble here.

You can't refer to his "usual hyperbolic shit," Greyface, and then claim to be taking his words at face value. Words that aren't even...effusive.


I'm going to have to side with numble here.

You can't refer to his "usual hyperbolic shit," Greyface, and then claim to be taking his words at face value. Words that aren't even...effusive.

I didn't respond to the original post that Giga put up though. I responded to the posts by LCfiner and others about whether Gruber's comments about the size of the change are accurate. Some people take his words at face value. I'm just pointing out that Gruber has a history of looking at UI issues... in a certain matter.

His defenders are getting pissed off that I'm mocking Gruber by equating rather significant overhaul with earth shattering and very happy with creaming his pants — even though cumming motifs are a staple on GAF (and Gruber himself is not above suggesting someone is jizzing his pants). They are bending over backwards to minimize his comments and suggest Gruber doesn't even mean what he said.

Ok *shrug*, I take it back. Gruber won't consider a UI reveal earth shattering and isn't jizzing in his pants. You obviously know him better than I do.
Why is it sometimes my wi-fi speed on my phone is like 1.5-3mb download and on my laptop I pull like 35-40mbps? I've tried connecting on both 5ghz and 2.4ghz no difference. This has happened since the iphone 5 came out.


I didn't respond to the original post that Giga put up though. I responded to the posts by LCfiner and others about whether Gruber's comments about the size of the change are accurate. Some people take his words at face value. I'm just pointing out that Gruber has a history of looking at UI issues... in a certain matter.

His defenders are getting pissed off that I'm mocking Gruber by equating rather significant overhaul with earth shattering and very happy with creaming his pants — even though cumming motifs are a staple on GAF (and Gruber himself is not above suggesting someone is jizzing his pants). They are bending over backwards to minimize his comments and suggest Gruber doesn't even mean what he said.

Ok *shrug*, I take it back. Gruber won't consider a UI reveal earth shattering and isn't jizzing in his pants. You obviously know him better than I do.
I am on iTunes as the top-ranked Gruber hater and Gruber even highlighted me hating on him on his podcast, I'm not defending him, I'm saying that your interpretation is extremely odd.

Agreeing with Rene Ritchie's statement, with a "yep" (the same statement that you say "stopped short of endorsing the earth shattering upcoming event") means creaming his pants? That's a huge stretch. Someone that likes skeumorphism and textures could still say "Yep" there if they had knowledge of the changes.


I didn't respond to the original post that Giga put up though. I responded to the posts by LCfiner and others about whether Gruber's comments about the size of the change are accurate. Some people take his words at face value. I'm just pointing out that Gruber has a history of looking at UI issues... in a certain matter.

His defenders are getting pissed off that I'm mocking Gruber by equating rather significant overhaul with earth shattering and very happy with creaming his pants — even though cumming motifs are a staple on GAF (and Gruber himself is not above suggesting someone is jizzing his pants). They are bending over backwards to minimize his comments and suggest Gruber doesn't even mean what he said.

Ok *shrug*, I take it back. Gruber won't consider a UI reveal earth shattering and isn't jizzing in his pants. You obviously know him better than I do.

Gruber defenders? In this thread?

:jnc :jnc :jnc
Why is it sometimes my wi-fi speed on my phone is like 1.5-3mb download and on my laptop I pull like 35-40mbps? I've tried connecting on both 5ghz and 2.4ghz no difference. This has happened since the iphone 5 came out.
How old is your router? There have been issues with older just straight a/b routers and the iPhone 5.


I am on iTunes as the top-ranked Gruber hater and Gruber even highlighted me hating on him on his podcast, I'm not defending him, I'm saying that your interpretation is extremely odd.
yet you still listen to his podcast. I don't even bother.

Agreeing with Rene Ritchie's statement, with a "yep" (the same statement that you say "stopped short of endorsing the earth shattering upcoming event") means creaming his pants? That's a huge stretch. Someone that likes skeumorphism and textures could still say "Yep" there if they had knowledge of the changes.

But this isn't some hypothetical tabula rasa person. Gruber's already on record as not liking the skeumorphism and textures. Perhaps you know how he really feels but I'm just going by his words here.
I going to get the iPhone 5 in a few weeks, I am very happy with my 4S, never had an issue with it.. but I have one question...

White or Black ? Michael Jackson says it doesn't matter but I think it does !


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I going to get the iPhone 5 in a few weeks, I am very happy with my 4S, never had an issue with it.. but I have one question...

White or Black ? Michael Jackson says it doesn't matter but I think it does !

The anodized black coating has been known to chip off.

Besides, white looks cooler.


yet you still listen to his podcast. I don't even bother.

But this isn't some hypothetical tabula rasa person. Gruber's already on record as not liking the skeumorphism and textures. Perhaps you know how he really feels but I'm just going by his words here.

Saying that someone is creaming his pants when they agree with a statement (one which you already described as not endorsing the existence of an earth shattering event) with a "yep" is a lot more than "just going by his words."
Yeah I don't see why they'd need to go all out on filters to create really bad viewing angles if the changes were minor. That seems to suggest that the changes would be noticeable if someone were to get a good glance. Who knows though. Could be anything.


but his comments aren't even hyperbolic.

In fact, Gruber, in general, isn't hyperbolic with any of his comments about Apple rumors.

your interpretation of this entire rumor is weirdly antagonistic.

'weirdly antagonistic' should more or less be Greyface's tag


Lol! Your avatar perfectly describes how I felt about the arguing on this page.

LOL. Yes. I have no idea who the fuck "Gruber" is. It makes me think of Alan Rickman.

Not really iPhone related, but I am wondering when the next Airport Extreme is due. Apple is long overdue for a new one, since it hasn't been refreshed since mid 2011 or so. I have a third gen one with shitty range, and could really use one of the newer models. My sister has the 5th gen from 2011 and the range on that thing is amazing.

Holding out for a new one is really painful. I've been kicking around the idea of using an Airport Express to extend my range, but would really rather just upgrade the whole thing.


my mom has a black iphone 5 with no case and she literally treats it like shit tossing it in her purse with keys in it, let it fall off a counter a few times, it honestly has no chips or anything.

Intermittently using a case, maybe like 50-50.

That's good to hear that the chipping isn't happening on hers. I mean over at MacRumors they think everyone goes through with the chipping issue and the members over there tend to forget they make up 2% of the iPhone user base. Plus they are a lot anal about the iPhones. "Omg, a tiny scratch on the back of my iPhone 5 but its only visible in the sunlight and you have to look real close". Man stuff like that made me anal about my iPhone 4 when I had. I had to step back from that forum because of what it was doing to me, lol. Now I have the iPhone 5 in white and been using an all white Rocketfish case I've been less paranoid about scratches and drops.

white all the way man

You got that right. I had the black iPhone 4 last and I couldn't wait to get the white iPhone 5 and try it out. And it truly stands out and is perfect!
This may sound like a strange question but I find myself using Siri more in my car lately for replying to texts, Playing a specific song etc but its still kind of annoying always having to use the home button to activate and dismiss Siri.

I know you can activate Siri with some Bluetooth headsets but I don't really want to wear a headset all the time when I'm driving so basically I'm wondering if there is some type of Bluetooth device that I can place/mount in a convienent location in my car that I can just push a button to activate Siri? Basically like the "eyes-free" thing that some newer cars are starting to have built in to the steering wheel.


formerly "chigiri"
I know you can activate Siri with some Bluetooth headsets but I don't really want to wear a headset all the time when I'm driving so basically I'm wondering if there is some type of Bluetooth device that I can place/mount in a convienent location in my car that I can just push a button to activate Siri? Basically like the "eyes-free" thing that some newer cars are starting to have built in to the steering wheel.

Like.. a bluetooth headset?


Other than the concerns for chipping, I don't know how anyone can prefer the white over the black iPhone. The black is a sexy beast..


Other than the concerns for chipping, I don't know how anyone can prefer the white over the black iPhone. The black is a sexy beast..
I actually believe/prefer the silver and white is a perfect fit for the iPhone 5 plus a lot of cases of various different colors go good with the white iPhone from what I see. But to each is own. The white iPhone 5 is one sexy looking piece of art.


Other than the concerns for chipping, I don't know how anyone can prefer the white over the black iPhone. The black is a sexy beast..

The iphone 5 is the first white device I've owned, and comparing it to my friends black ones even they seem to wish they got white. I feel like the white iphone 5 is more apple/mac like and it definitely stands out more and like the poster above me said it goes with cases better especially if you like color cases, as they stand out more with the white.


I agree that the white iPhone 5 is very beautiful. The black is no slouch but the white and aluminum combo is very striking. There are also a lot of different cases and covers that look more tasteful on the white. However at the end of the day you still have to use the phone. I find the white iPhone demphasizes the app content and doesn't complement the UI. I wouldnt want to watch a youtube video with that white frame. The tinted status bars in iOS6 are plain ugly contrasted against the white (not that they are much better on the lack). The subtle rounded corners of the UI views don't make sense with a white body. For the occasionally app that hasn't been updated to support the iPhone 5 resolution, a black frame is hands down better.

It's unfortunate that we have to choose between looks and function for the iPhone 5. Nokia manages to make striking phone models in a variety of colors that don't detract from the user experience — it even complements the ability to choose a color theme in Windows Phone. Heck I even owned a white iPhone 3GS back in the day so Apple is clearly capable of doing colors right**. Perhaps Ive will brush up the UI in iOS 7 to go better with a white phone. For now though, while the white iPhone 5 looks great on the pedestal and grabs attention, I prefer to use black.

**the white plastic on the 3GS showed scratches more visibly that the black but it was still worth it.


The iphone 5 is the first white device I've owned, and comparing it to my friends black ones even they seem to wish they got white. I feel like the white iphone 5 is more apple/mac like and it definitely stands out more and like the poster above me said it goes with cases better especially if you like color cases, as they stand out more with the white.

Sigh, the whole apple/mac like thing...

In black the phone looks slick when screen is off. I do understand the case argument, but to me the iphone is a phone that I would hate to leave in a case. I've been naked on my Nexus for months.


Asking a similar question in the WP8 thread, but I'm changing phones for work, and could use some advice from smartphone GAF. I write a lot of emails from my phone -a BB 9930- on a normal day maybe 25-40, but when I'm travelling it can be 75-100 emails per day, some with spreadsheets/attachments, 100% from my phone (until I can log on and use Outlook/Office on PC).

I've got the option of moving to an iPhone 4S or 5, which as I understand it doesn't play all that well with Outlook email and calendar- new messages/meeting requests aren't always pushed through in a timely manner, you can't see who's accepted a meeting, etc- but on the other hand it has the distinct advantage because of all the apps and connectivity that iPhones are known for.

So my question (not having read through most of the posts ITT): is anyone here using iPhone 4S/5 as their primary work device in combo with Outlook, and how well does it work for your needs? Will I be cursing every time I type an email with the onscreen keyboard? How easy is it to set up a wifi hotspot and pair with a PC?

Also love to hear complaints or praise from anyone who's switched from a Blackberry or other smartphone to an iPhone device for work.


Anyone here used a nano sim cutter to turn a regular sized SIM card into one that fits the iPhone 5?

edit: @drspeedy The WP8 keyboard is better than iPhone one. The email client is better too (beware iOS occasionally has crippling Microsoft Exchange bugs) and if you need to open those attachments then Office on WP8 is usually better than the iOs equivalents. However no WP8 phone comes with a physical keyboard and I wouldn't want to type 25 emails a day on the default WP8 or iOS keyboard (Android is much better here, is that completely off the table?). You do have the option of purchasing keyboard accessories for iPhone 4S or 5:

I'd suggest getting an iPhone 5 with a keyboard case first and testing out the Outlook/Office support.


And that's when the "the white iPhone 5 is more Apple/iMac like". That's what I like. Beautiful, retro Apple look, hehe ;)

Yeah it's got that look, but the competition has been aping that style for a while now. The grey slate design is a bit fresher imo.

Seth C

That's good to hear that the chipping isn't happening on hers. I mean over at MacRumors they think everyone goes through with the chipping issue and the members over there tend to forget they make up 2% of the iPhone user base. Plus they are a lot anal about the iPhones. "Omg, a tiny scratch on the back of my iPhone 5 but its only visible in the sunlight and you have to look real close". Man stuff like that made me anal about my iPhone 4 when I had. I had to step back from that forum because of what it was doing to me, lol. Now I have the iPhone 5 in white and been using an all white Rocketfish case I've been less paranoid about scratches and drops.

I don't know...I have a launch day black iPhone 5 and the edges are chipped all to hell. I got the first one when it rubbed against my plastic laptop, so yeah.


Hmmm.... what's that do to the battery life?

It cuts down the battery a bit I'm guessing since you'd be making heavy use of it. Can't even say the phone would last the day if you want to do WiFi tethering as well. Blackberry is the best for battery life. You'd be the best judge though of whether the iPhone battery life meets your needs.

Yes you can, but you need to have a normal sim but the contacts must be smaller

See photo of my recently cut o2 (UK) sim. A guy in a mobile shop did it for me with a cutter he got off eBay.
Yep I want to get a cutter off eBay. They all work the same right and won't destroy the sim?


Yep I want to get a cutter off eBay. They all work the same right and won't destroy the sim?

Yes they are all the same, but you need to check what type of regular sim you have? Its likely your sim is compatible, unless you provider uses older style sims.

The link below is a guide to cutting your own sim (if you are brave), and it shows which sims are compatible to be cut.



Asking a similar question in the WP8 thread, but I'm changing phones for work, and could use some advice from smartphone GAF. I write a lot of emails from my phone -a BB 9930- on a normal day maybe 25-40, but when I'm travelling it can be 75-100 emails per day, some with spreadsheets/attachments, 100% from my phone (until I can log on and use Outlook/Office on PC).

I've got the option of moving to an iPhone 4S or 5, which as I understand it doesn't play all that well with Outlook email and calendar- new messages/meeting requests aren't always pushed through in a timely manner, you can't see who's accepted a meeting, etc- but on the other hand it has the distinct advantage because of all the apps and connectivity that iPhones are known for.

So my question (not having read through most of the posts ITT): is anyone here using iPhone 4S/5 as their primary work device in combo with Outlook, and how well does it work for your needs? Will I be cursing every time I type an email with the onscreen keyboard? How easy is it to set up a wifi hotspot and pair with a PC?

Also love to hear complaints or praise from anyone who's switched from a Blackberry or other smartphone to an iPhone device for work.
I actually use my iPhone for work.

In regards to Outlook, I've never had any crippling issues. The only bug that affected me was the March one where accepting an invite on the phone wouldn't carry through until later, but that has been fixed since then. Never even heard about Email issues. Emails come through about half a second before they do on my desktop. Meeting invites show all the invitees and information on my calendar.

In regards to typing emails, it depends how long they are. It was very, very frustrating moving to a touch keyboard after using a Blackberry for about 3 years, but I've certainly adjusted at this point. I surprise myself when I see the length of the Emails I've sent out.

Also, I dunno if your office uses it, but Go2Meeting works pretty damn splendidly on iOS.


In regards to Outlook, I've never had any crippling issues. The only bug that affected me was the March one where accepting an invite on the phone wouldn't carry through until later, but that has been fixed since then. Never even heard about Email issues. Emails come through about half a second before they do on my desktop. Meeting invites show all the invitees and information on my calendar.
Your emails weren't affected by this recent iOS Exchange bug?



Your emails weren't affected by this recent iOS Exchange bug?

When an iPhone or iPad user responds to an update in a calendar event, such as a meeting invitation, the device may flood Microsoft’s Exchange email software with data requests. Microsoft declined to comment beyond the support document, which also suggested admins limit network bandwidth for iPhones and iPads. Another suggested workaround involved recreating the “device partnership” by having users remove and re-install the Exchange account on their devices while IT administrators removed the devices on the server side.
"May" being the operative word.

The way it affected me is that the request wouldn't be reflected on the invite until a day later. It didn't seem to visibly anyone else at the company, though.

We have BYOD, so it's about 70-30 iOS/Android.


Asking a similar question in the WP8 thread, but I'm changing phones for work, and could use some advice from smartphone GAF. I write a lot of emails from my phone -a BB 9930- on a normal day maybe 25-40, but when I'm travelling it can be 75-100 emails per day, some with spreadsheets/attachments, 100% from my phone (until I can log on and use Outlook/Office on PC).

I've got the option of moving to an iPhone 4S or 5, which as I understand it doesn't play all that well with Outlook email and calendar- new messages/meeting requests aren't always pushed through in a timely manner, you can't see who's accepted a meeting, etc- but on the other hand it has the distinct advantage because of all the apps and connectivity that iPhones are known for.

So my question (not having read through most of the posts ITT): is anyone here using iPhone 4S/5 as their primary work device in combo with Outlook, and how well does it work for your needs? Will I be cursing every time I type an email with the onscreen keyboard? How easy is it to set up a wifi hotspot and pair with a PC?

Also love to hear complaints or praise from anyone who's switched from a Blackberry or other smartphone to an iPhone device for work.

We often set up various devices for different offices at my job. WP8 will be the best in terms of Exchange support. iOS has had an occasional bug like the one mentioned, but active sync otherwise works very well. Android phones often give the most problems in our experience.

Anecdotally, I've found the same preferences when it comes to using the respective keyboards.

Regardless, if this is the first outing with a touchscreen keyboard you're going to likely have a learning curve no matter what you choose.


Regardless, if this is the first outing with a touchscreen keyboard you're going to likely have a learning curve no matter what you choose.
Pretty much this.

I hated typing on a touchscreen for the first six months. Just hated it. I loved everything else about it - having a great web browser, the applications, the quality of the screen, etc., but I could not stand the typos.

Eventually though, at some point it stopped becoming an issue, and I type lengthy emails (and even posts) pretty frequently.

At this point, I wouldn't trade the extra screen real estate for a keyboard.
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