Hey guys, I just had a chat session with an apple rep online. No real new information, but might be peace of mind to someone:
Or maybe it'll just worry you. Whichever.
Apple said:You are now chatting with Mark P.
Good evening. How may I assist you today?
Juice said:Hello, I'm planning on staying up tonight to preorder iPhone 5, and I had a couple questions.
Apple said:I would be happy to assist you today!
Juice said:In particular, I've been an iPhone user on AT&T since the original model, and I've been on the unlimited plan through each of the subsequent models. I was excited to hear that AT&T is letting folks stay on the unlimited data plan.
So question (1) is if I order on apple.com is there anything special I have to do to elect to stay on that unlimited data plan when I order the phone?
Apple said:One moment while I research that for you.
Current AT&T customers are not required to change to a Mobile Share Plan. You will be able to keep your existing plan. when going through the process online.
Juice said:And question (2) I heard a rumor that AT&T will not allow grandfathered iPhone users to buy the iPhone 5 and remain on their $5/month 200 message plans or their old non-unlimited Family talk plan.
Is that true?
Apple said:One moment while I research that for you.
I am sorry but those details have not been released yet. I suggest checking back tomorrow for more information when it's available for order. When you pre-order you will enter your information. If they are prompted to pick a new plan then you will need to.
Juice said:Okay, thank you. Just to confirm, the plan is to bring the store up soon after midnight PST, right?
Apple said:iPhone 5 will be available for order on September 14 after 12:01 a.m. Pacific time in the U.S. and Canada.
Since we do not have an exact time zone, you can check at 12:01 for each time zone just to be safe.
Juice said:Okay, thank you.
Apple said:You're welcome.
Thank you for visiting the Apple Store. We appreciate your business. If you would like more help, please chat with us again.
Or maybe it'll just worry you. Whichever.