32GB Black ordered. Very quick and easy going through the Apple Store app!
How are people getting through on apple.com? Mine is still down(((
ATT is still down, god damnit.
How are people using the Apple store website? It's still saying We'll be back to me.
After you entered your phone number/SSN/Zip code, did it confirm that it found your ATT account?
Nothing is working for me, not even with app store method. FUCK YOU APPLE.
Order done via Apple.com. Back to bed!
So the store is rejecting my debit card. Do they not take them or something? I have enough in my account...
Apple.com Damn that was so fast and easy. This was NOTHING like other years. Hells yes.
Change your browser. I repeat. Open Internet Explorer; it should work.
ATT is crashing for me with maintenance errors. What's this app you guys are talking about?
Yeah, I'm confused as well...
ATT is crashing for me with maintenance errors. What's this app you guys are talking about?
Change your browser. I repeat. Open Internet Explorer; it should work.
no option for unlocked version from app store one..
I will wait little bit for Apple site to open up
I dont see jackshit?
Same. But why does shipping say: Standard Shipping Free
Delivers within 5 business days after product is available. I thought it was free overnight? Arg....