Good idea!
Wait, the Lightning to 30-pin Adapter is included in the box? I didn't know that ..
Good idea!
Wait, the Lightning to 30-pin Adapter is included in the box? I didn't know that ..
.5" screen addition
new charging cable
Nothing else, thats how I saw it.
Funny, the apple store doesn't work on Safari or Chrome for me, but Firefox works.
Funny, the apple store doesn't work on Safari or Chrome for me, but Firefox works.
Sucks that Verizon didn't offer the Applecare option. Guess I'll be visiting the Apple store at some point to get the protection plan.
If I use the phone upgrade from another number with unlimited data, would that number lose the grandfathered unlimited plan?
Verizon wireless btw.
I give you a full one min before some one calls you out.Fastest CPU on the market. Fastest GPU on the market. First mobile screen with full sRGB colour gamut coverage. Having the best specified phone on the market yet again, is no small achievement these days.
Clear my Chrome cache didn't work. Tried IE, no go. I had to go to my brother's PC and use Firefox to get their site up. Weird. Anyways, I bought it through the apps.
Yes. You can switch the share everything plan at any time.
I bet most trolls are asleep already ;PI give you a full one min before some one calls you out.
I dont agree or disagree with what you said
Which web site?
(Implicit question: Why are people ordering from anyone but Apple? Maybe I just trust the carriers less than you all?)
Important notes
AppleCare+ must be purchased within 30 days of the date you bought your new iPhone. If you did not purchase AppleCare+ with your iPhone, you may purchase it at an Apple Retail Store. To buy AppleCare+ at an Apple Retail Store, a Genius will first need to verify your iPhone purchase date and confirm that your iPhone has no pre-existing damage
Good idea!
Wait, the Lightning to 30-pin Adapter is included in the box? I didn't know that ..
I give you a full one min before some one calls you out.
I dont agree or disagree with what you said
what hte hell, I can't edit shipping at
You can do it right now if you want. Login, go to change plan, and it should be right there.Thanks, ordering it then.![]()
what hte hell, I can't edit shipping at
what hte hell, I can't edit shipping at
what hte hell, I can't edit shipping at
what hte hell, I can't edit shipping at
Does everyone else have just the processing order e-mail if you used the Apple website store?
I'm hoping that doesn't mean I'm not in the first batch. one white 32GB Verizon iPhone coming.
I had to go from Unlimited Data to 5GB of data though......Take my extra $20 per month. Bastards.
Yeah this freaked me out too because I'll be at work and would hate to go all weekend without my phone but apparently we can call in and change the address.
wait till tomorrow and call the apple sales line. They fixed it for me the day after last year
I give you a full one min before some one calls you out.
I dont agree or disagree with what you said
wait till tomorrow and call the apple sales line. They fixed it for me the day after last year
Yea, I just have the processing email. But I mean...damn...I ordered within 19 minutes of the site going up. If that puts me in any batch other than the first I'll be shocked. I just assume their site is moving along on the backend and it'll come out alright.
I really like the design of the new iPhone. The one thing that bothers me is that top and bottom on the back of the device still have that glossy glass. Why didn't they just make the whole back out of aluminum?
And this has probably been brought up, but why is it called the iPhone 5 when it's technically the 6th? If the 4S didn't count, then neither should the 3GS.
what hte hell, I can't edit shipping at
Whatever phone number you put on that phone will lose the unlimited plan (most likely). That would be a crazy loophole. Although they mentioned nothing about that when I ordered it.