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iPhone 5


More about the lighting connector from an electrical engineer, with comments about microusb and usb 3.0.


People keep asking why Apple didn’t opt for the micro-USB connector. The answer is simple: that connector isn’t smart enough. It has only 5 pins: +5V, Ground, 2 digital data pins, and a sense pin, so most of the dock connector functions wouldn’t work – only charging and syncing would. Also, the pins are so small that no current plug/connector manufacturer allows the 2A needed for iPad charging.

This takes us back to the sensing circuitry referred to. If one of the pins is reserved for sensing – even if it is the “dumb” sensing type that Apple has used in the previous generation, using resistors to ground – and two pins are mapped directly to the 2 USB data pins, the other 5 pins can be switched at will to whatever function is necessary. For instance, if the USB-to-Lightning cable is used, the data pins can signal whether the USB side is plugged to a charger or to a computer’s USB port, and the other 5 pins can be used for charging current without overloading any single pin.

This also explains the size (and price) of the Lightning-to-30 pin adapter. It has to demultiplex the new digital signals and generate most of the old 30-pin signals, including audio and serial transmit and receive. The adapter does say “video and iPod Out not supported”; I’m not sure if the latter refers to audio out, though I’m now informed that the latter exports the iPod interface to certain car dashboards.

It’s as yet unknown whether Lightning will, in the future, support the new USB 3.0 spec – the current Lightning to USB cable supports only USB 2.0. This would require 4 (instead of 2) data pins, which is well within the connector’s capabilities. But would the mobile device’s memory, CPU and system bus support the high transfer rate? My guess is, not currently. Time will tell.

Völler on Yesil: "We let him leave, because we got a lot of money. We follow him and will get him back, when he has further developed."

What? Völler is an idiot.


Apple GAF is best GAF.

One last question. If the phone is set to arrive "Next Friday"
and I am switching over my number, When should I expect my ATT 4 to be cut off?

Probably pretty quickly after you activate the phone with Sprint. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just don't cancel with AT&T before you get your phone, just let the activation with the Sprint phone be all you do. I think you just call the number on it when you get it, but there's also sprint.com/activate or something like that that they just launched (probably in anticipation of so many iPhone 5 users).
Probably pretty quickly after you activate the phone with Sprint. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just don't cancel with AT&T before you get your phone, just let the activation with the Sprint phone be all you do. I think you just call the number on it when you get it, but there's also sprint.com/activate or something like that that they just launched (probably in anticipation of so many iPhone 5 users).

Thanks again. You have been awesome. As someone who switched like I just did, you have helped a lot. I guess I just sit back and let everything take care of itself.


The Lightning cable being only USB 2.0 really bugs me and I think a lot of people here are overlooking it. I understand some of the arguments made on the other side of this saying that only the Macbook Pro Retina has USB 3.0 thus far. I get the feeling that once the Mac line gets a solid refresh everyone will be complaining about how they have to spend some "exorbitant" fee on getting the new USB 3.0 lightning cable and that Apple did this on purpose to force some people to upgrade their cable.

Have people forgotten that USB 3.0 is backwards compatible?

EDIT: Just read the article posted above, now I feel a little better about the USB thing.
Interesting Analysis of Lightning connector:


This part also might explain/justify why USB wasn't used, as well as the price of the adapter:

People keep asking why Apple didn’t opt for the micro-USB connector. The answer is simple: that connector isn’t smart enough. It has only 5 pins: +5V, Ground, 2 digital data pins, and a sense pin, so most of the dock connector functions wouldn’t work – only charging and syncing would. Also, the pins are so small that no current plug/connector manufacturer allows the 2A needed for iPad charging.

This takes us back to the sensing circuitry referred to. If one of the pins is reserved for sensing – even if it is the “dumb” sensing type that Apple has used in the previous generation, using resistors to ground – and two pins are mapped directly to the 2 USB data pins, the other 5 pins can be switched at will to whatever function is necessary. For instance, if the USB-to-Lightning cable is used, the data pins can signal whether the USB side is plugged to a charger or to a computer’s USB port, and the other 5 pins can be used for charging current without overloading any single pin.


The Lightning cable being only USB 2.0 really bugs me and I think a lot of people here are overlooking it. I understand some of the arguments made on the other side of this saying that only the Macbook Pro Retina has USB 3.0 thus far. I get the feeling that once the Mac line gets a solid refresh everyone will be complaining about how they have to spend some "exorbitant" fee on getting the new USB 3.0 lightning cable and that Apple did this on purpose to force some people to upgrade their cable.

Have people forgotten that USB 3.0 is backwards compatible?

They have to save some features for the iPhone 5S.
and yet it already sold out. People seem to forget that not everyone is on a 4s. There are ALLOT of 4, 3gs, and 3g users out there.

This. My girlfriend and I were both iPhone 4 owners that skipped the 4s to wait for the 5 so we ordered phones last night and one of my best friends order a 5 last night that had a 3gs he was still rocking.
Last year I walked into my local Verizon store the day it came out and got a 4S no problem for my dad, I wonder if I will be able to do the same this year

def sim

Can I ask, and without trying to sound like a troll, why does anyone want to upgrade to iPhone 5 from iPhone 4S, considering how expensive the new phone is and how much of little improvement it is?

The resale value for iPhones is high and I'm earning money doing this whole process. Why not, you know?


4g? it certainly makes more sense than the people that upgraded from a 4 to 4S

Yeah I guess 4G would be the only reason why I'd see people would want to upgrade. Still it's not like 4G is a worldwide feature.

More screen space and a processor that's twice as fast sounds like a big improvement to me. I'm upgrading from a 4S but it's only because it was a company phone and I had to give it back when I quit.

But, and once again without trying to sound trollish, if you wanted a larger screen why did you have an iPhone to begin with? I've had the pleasure to play around with 3GS and while I'm no apple lover, I have to say that the phone was very fluid and responsive, in which case why is a processor that's been 'claimed' to be twice as fast be really worthwile? Wouldn't you want to see the performance of the phone before just buying whatever Apple says?

Why would I upgrade from a Galaxy SII to a Galaxy SIII? Little difference. This question comes up every year I swear.

See I can get Galaxy SIII upgrade. People could buy into the idiotic gimmicks that Samsung has brought like the S-voice, or the screen dimming when you're not looking, or wireless charging. I can get when people fall for 'awesome new features' that really are just gimmicks. But in this case, there really isn't anything new or compelling for the upgrade to make sense from a 4S (not saying it wouldn't make sense from iPhone 4 since your contract would be up anyway)

While I would never recommend blowing money to break contract to go from 4S --> 5, with the crazy slim case, battery life, LTE, in-cell touch LCD, etc. it's a far more logical upgrade than 4 --> 4S.

I disagree. 4S had the wow factor of Siri that could get people to say 'fuck this, I want this feature now!!!!' whereas there is nothing like that here, especially since all these are catch-up features that can be had on other phones for about 6 months already.
4S to 5 doesn't make sense to me unless you really really want the 4G speeds, 4 to 5 is a huge upgrade alone just on the A4 to A6 chip upgrade alone
4S to 5 doesn't make sense to me unless you really really want the 4G speeds, 4 to 5 is a huge upgrade alone just on the A4 to A6 chip upgrade alone

Yup. I waited for the 2 year upgrade, and I couldn't be happier. The jump from the 4 to 5 is going to feel pretty big. Over time my 4 had grown a little slower, and I'm looking forward to having a blazing fast phone again.


4S to 5 doesn't make sense to me unless you really really want the 4G speeds, 4 to 5 is a huge upgrade alone just on the A4 to A6 chip upgrade alone

You really should skip an iPhone version everytime, it doesn't make much sense to update from one model to the directly next one. The changes are usually minimal. 3GS->4 being the only exception, I think.
4S to 5 doesn't make sense to me unless you really really want the 4G speeds, 4 to 5 is a huge upgrade alone just on the A4 to A6 chip upgrade alone

Panorama, Faster Speed, Faster Camera, Better camera low light performance, Front Camera is now USEABLE, bigger screen, better screen, Lighter/Thinner Profile, iOS will be much snappier on iPhone 5 than iPhone 4S let alone iPhone 4. My 3GS is practically unuseable with iOS 5.1.1


What the hell, when I preordered it said that it would ship and be at my house by 9/21 and now the online site says delivery by 10/2! That's fucked up. I'll pick it up in store if I have to but I can't actually get through to a real person at Apple......what the fuck?!?


Ordering from AT&T, confirmation emails now say:

If you ordered an iPhone 5, your device will ship in approximately 14 - 21 business days. All other devices will be shipped in 2-3 business days.


Looking at options for reselling my iPhone 4. Back when I got my 4, I sold my recently-replaced, two-week old 3G at one of those online buyback sites. They quoted me $185 and when they got it, they tried to give me $50 for it. A 2-week old phone. I got them up to $100, but now I'm burned from the whole process. Anyone have an option they've had a good experience with?

Someone in here mentioned a while back that they went through Ebay's buyback program. I'm doing that now and they're quoting me $200 for my 4. As I get to the checkout page, they want me to select right now whether I want them to send back my phone or automatically accept whatever new lower rate they decide to give me if my phone doesn't meet their standards. After the burn my last time around, I'm hesitant to go through with this now.


Looking at options for reselling my iPhone 4. Back when I got my 4, I sold my recently-replaced, two-week old 3G at one of those online buyback sites. They quoted me $185 and when they got it, they tried to give me $50 for it. A 2-week old phone. I got them up to $100, but now I'm burned from the whole process. Anyone have an option they've had a good experience with?

Someone in here mentioned a while back that they went through Ebay's buyback program. I'm doing that now and they're quoting me $200 for my 4. As I get to the checkout page, they want me to select right now whether I want them to send back my phone or automatically accept whatever new lower rate they decide to give me if my phone doesn't meet their standards. After the burn my last time around, I'm hesitant to go through with this now.

Best Buy is currently giving $200 credit for an iPhone 4, and since you do it in-store you aren't left wondering how much you'll actually get.


I disagree. 4S had the wow factor of Siri that could get people to say 'fuck this, I want this feature now!!!!' whereas there is nothing like that here, especially since all these are catch-up features that can be had on other phones for about 6 months already.

I'm seeing a good number of people saying this and I don't get this line of thinking at all.

LTE, Bigger screen, and A6 are far more important to everyday use of an iPhone than Siri was.

Edit: Also, most people are selling their 4S to get a 5. It has great resale value and covers the fees (as well as possibly cutting down the cost of the iPhone 5).
Looking at options for reselling my iPhone 4. Back when I got my 4, I sold my recently-replaced, two-week old 3G at one of those online buyback sites. They quoted me $185 and when they got it, they tried to give me $50 for it. A 2-week old phone. I got them up to $100, but now I'm burned from the whole process. Anyone have an option they've had a good experience with?

Someone in here mentioned a while back that they went through Ebay's buyback program. I'm doing that now and they're quoting me $200 for my 4. As I get to the checkout page, they want me to select right now whether I want them to send back my phone or automatically accept whatever new lower rate they decide to give me if my phone doesn't meet their standards. After the burn my last time around, I'm hesitant to go through with this now.

Ill tell you the options

eBay - Reasonably Easy to Sell, Moderate Chance of Fraud, Medium Price
Craigslist - Moderate Selling chance, Low chance of Fraud (in person), High Price
Amazon Trade in - Moderate Selling Chance, Least chance of Fraud, Medium Price
Gazelle & other trade ins. Very Easy Chance to Sell, Least Chance of Fraud, Lowest Price
Glyde - Easy to Sell, Least Chance of Fraud, Medium Price

I would go with Craigslist or Glyde
You really should skip an iPhone version everytime, it doesn't make much sense to update from one model to the directly next one. The changes are usually minimal. 3GS->4 being the only exception, I think.
To be fair, if ya interest in games 3d games tend to chug on iPhone 4 the past year.


I'm seeing a good number of people saying this and I don't get this line of thinking at all.

LTE, Bigger screen, and A6 are far more important to everyday use of an iPhone than Siri was.
I don't understand that logic either. Siri's a gimmicky feature, whereas LTE, screen size, thinness and speed are pretty intimately tied to the phone's functionality as a whole. It's a massive upgrade.
The Lightning cable being only USB 2.0 really bugs me and I think a lot of people here are overlooking it. I understand some of the arguments made on the other side of this saying that only the Macbook Pro Retina has USB 3.0 thus far. I get the feeling that once the Mac line gets a solid refresh everyone will be complaining about how they have to spend some "exorbitant" fee on getting the new USB 3.0 lightning cable and that Apple did this on purpose to force some people to upgrade their cable.

Have people forgotten that USB 3.0 is backwards compatible?

EDIT: Just read the article posted above, now I feel a little better about the USB thing.

I find it hilarious that some people actually think Apple has some master plans to get people to 'update their cables' and center their decisions based on that. I mean, really? You think Apple is salivating over profits from cables, which would amount to a drop in the bucket compared to their revenues, at the expense of pissing people off? There may be a ton of reasons why it isn't USB 3 (IF it isn't), but none of those reasons are that Apple is desperate to sell people a new cable a few months down the line. You don't really understand Apple if you think this would be some kind of primary motivator.

Personally, this is irrelevant to me, as I haven't plugged a cable to sync data since iOS5 came out.

PS- The Macbook Air also includes USB3.


Looking at options for reselling my iPhone 4. Back when I got my 4, I sold my recently-replaced, two-week old 3G at one of those online buyback sites. They quoted me $185 and when they got it, they tried to give me $50 for it. A 2-week old phone. I got them up to $100, but now I'm burned from the whole process. Anyone have an option they've had a good experience with?

Someone in here mentioned a while back that they went through Ebay's buyback program. I'm doing that now and they're quoting me $200 for my 4. As I get to the checkout page, they want me to select right now whether I want them to send back my phone or automatically accept whatever new lower rate they decide to give me if my phone doesn't meet their standards. After the burn my last time around, I'm hesitant to go through with this now.

Amazon sends it back if they aren't happy with the condition. They are quoting me $195.50 for a 16GB 4 in good condition. It's store credit though, so only do it if you shop frequently at Amazon.


Whelp, I decided against buying this, but now I'm slowly going back on my word. Being an AT&T customer, what's my best way to order at this present time?
I've been out of the loop the last few days but why is the iPhone 5 unlocked $50 more than the 4S was? 4S was $649 on launch day and the 5 is $699. In Canada btw. That's really shitty. I was probably going to cave sometime this week if it weren't for just seeing that price increase.
Am I waiting for a second email from Apple here?

I ordered my phone at 12:06am, and I've got a "Your order is processing" email from them with delivery confirmed for the 21st. I read some people talking about getting a second "Confirmation" email but I've yet to receive one. The iOS Apple Store app also has my order on record but it's still under processing. Is this normal, and I won't get another email until it ships, or should I be worried? I've never preordered anything from Apple before, I typically camp out at the stores.


Am I waiting for a second email from Apple here?

I ordered my phone at 12:06am, and I've got a "Your order is processing" email from them with delivery confirmed for the 21st. I read some people talking about getting a second "Confirmation" email but I've yet to receive one. The iOS Apple Store app also has my order on record but it's still under processing. Is this normal, and I won't get another email until it ships, or should I be worried? I've never preordered anything from Apple before, I typically camp out at the stores.

I'm in the same boat here. I got an email from Apple that says it processing and will ship within 2 weeks from release date, but when I ordered it initially it said the 21st....now the website says October 2. This really makes me angry.


I've been out of the loop the last few days but why is the iPhone 5 unlocked $50 more than the 4S was? 4S was $649 on launch day and the 5 is $699. In Canada btw. That's really shitty. I was probably going to cave sometime this week if it weren't for just seeing that price increase.

We almost always get the short end of the stick. :(


keep your strippers out of my American football
Am I waiting for a second email from Apple here?

I ordered my phone at 12:06am, and I've got a "Your order is processing" email from them with delivery confirmed for the 21st. I read some people talking about getting a second "Confirmation" email but I've yet to receive one. The iOS Apple Store app also has my order on record but it's still under processing. Is this normal, and I won't get another email until it ships, or should I be worried? I've never preordered anything from Apple before, I typically camp out at the stores.

Today the site is being hammered, I wouldn't worry at all about not getting 2nd emails or any errors you might get. Later tonight/tomorrow things should be back to normal. At that point I would trust the data that is/isn't on the site.


Pisses me off that I was up til 1am to order iphone and I have to wait til
oct 5th and my friends and parents ordered it off att at 7 or later and are getting it on the 21st.
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