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iPhone 5


I am so pissed I can't get an iPhone5 for a month. Almost to the point that Samsung Galaxy SIII is looking pretty darn good.
your posts attack anyone who dares say that they think android is superior to the iPhone.....you are the very example of the "neck bearded" folk that you try to denigrate

Maybe you would be more comfortable on the apple forums where they worship at the altar of jobs? I heard they are strict on spelling and grammar as well

Did you miss the part where Steve Jobs died of cancer a year ago? Why don't you try to be original and vomit out another troll line? Never once have I done anything close to what you just described. And how can an OS be superior or inferior to a single device, as you just stated? Try to make sense. When someone bashes the iphone saying its useless because it doesn't have widgets or a 6" screen, I sometimes reply, giving my opinion on those features. The fact that youre unable to distinguish the difference between that and the lie you just stated is your problem, not mine. If you had any sort of rational argument, you should have been able to make it without the 'Worship the altar of jobs' horse-shit, which is indicative of someone with no intention of any kind of intelligent discussion. That line is old, insanely Trollish, intellectually dishonest, and insanely classless now that the guy it dead. I always back up my opinions with rational justification, and have never mocked or attacked anyone, except people like you whose arguments consist of 'crapple', 'cult', 'worship' and other such depraved forms of attacks, when discussion technology and phones. Grow the fuck up.
Does Verizon has the data and talking?

because I think I am going with V.


Did you miss the part where Steve Jobs died of cancer a year ago? Why don't you try to be original and vomit out another troll line? Never once have I done anything close o what o just described. And how can an OS be superior to a single device, as you just stated? When someone bashes the iphone saying its useless because it doesn't have widgets or a 6" screen, I sometimes reply, giving my opinion on those features. The fact that youre unable to distinguish the difference between that and the lie you just stated is your problem, not mine. If you had any sort of rational argument, you should have been able to make it without the 'altar of jobs' horse-shit, which is indicative of someone with no intention of any kind of intelligent discussion. That line is old, insanely Trollish, intellectually dishonest, and insanely classless now that the guy it dead.

I'm not about disrespecting the dead, but according to the bio about him, he was a piece of shit, so let's chill on acting like he was mother Teresa

I'm not about disrespecting the dead, but according to the bio about him, he was a piece of shit, so let's chill on acting like he was mother Teresa

Wow. No, you're certainly not about disrespecting the dead. Not at all. Somehow you don't strike me as a virtuous individual yourself, as you're to so succinctly able to judge and define Steve Jobs in such conclusive, vitriolic terms. I can't imagine a decent human being able to do that. I read his bio, and those words dont exaclty come to mind. No, he wasnt mother theresa, and he wasnt perfect, nor has anyone said as much. But With all due respect, you're pretty fucking despicable.



Samsung telling us iphone5's ram is 1GB.

I'm going to say this is effective marketing for the masses too. It's a compelling argument they make. (not sure where they get 1GB ram from, speculation maybe, but who knows, maybe they DO know!).

I generally don't care for specs sheets, though, so it doesn't sway me - I appreciate simplicity and elegance, and just plain working straight forwardly.

Not saying the Samsung phones don't do that, but just showing my priorities.

Not to mention nearly ALL spec sheets I've generally seen don't really compare things fairly, unless it's a product line within the same brand.
It's so easy to list really nominal features in one side and not on the other.
Wow. No, you're certainly not about disrespecting the dead. Not at all. Somehow you don't strike me as a virtuous individual yourself, as you're to so succinctly able to judge and define Steve Jobs in such conclusive, vitriolic terms. I can't imagine a decent human being able to do that. I read his bio, and those words dont exaclty come to mind. No, he wasnt mother theresa, and he wasnt perfect, nor has anyone said as much. But With all due respect, you're pretty fucking despicable.

I read the bio also and by all accounts he was a scum bag who backstabbed and treated those closet to him like trash if it would benefit him in the slightest. He was a genius in the business world, not so much science, so I will always give him props for that.

the biography hasn't been disputed by those who knew Jobs best, and it portrayed Jobs as brilliant man who as a jerk off piece of shit

and you need to calm the fuck down before your veins pop out of your head


Wow. No, you're certainly not about disrespecting the dead. Not at all. Somehow you don't strike me as a virtuous individual yourself, as you're to so succinctly able to judge and define Steve Jobs in such conclusive, vitriolic terms. I can't imagine a decent human being able to do that. I read his bio, and those words dont exaclty come to mind. No, he wasnt mother theresa, and he wasnt perfect, nor has anyone said as much. But With all due respect, you're pretty fucking despicable.


According to Hitchens, you don't want sj to be mother Teresa.


First place that sells screen protectors is going to end up with my money :( Not going to be able to enjoy my phone until i get one
I read the bio also and by all accounts he was a scum bag who backstabbed and treated those closet to him like trash if it would benefit him in the slightest. He was a genius in the business world, not so much science, so I will always give him props for that.

the biography hasn't been disputed by those who knew Jobs best, and it portrayed Jobs as brilliant man who as a jerk off piece of shit

and you need to calm the fuck down before your veins pop outof your head

So let me get this straight. Some troll accuses me of 'worshipping at the altar of Jobs', by lying and pretending I said things I did not say. I responded by saying that's a despicable comment- it's despicable when the guy was alive, but now even more so because he's dead. It would be despicable if it was Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Hitler, Mother Theresa, or your next door neighbor, because the statement is vulgar, meaningless, and simply trollish meant to paint someone as some insane fanatic.

For some reason, you take issue with the fact that I didn't think thats the greatest comment, and don't enjoy being baselessly accused of worshipping at the altar of another human being (the fact that he's dead of cancer is just a bonus) when talking about cell phones. You jump in, foaming at the mouth, that SJ wasn't Mother Theresa (as if anyone implied such) and that he was, in fact, a 'piece of shit'- SJ's character is completely irrelevant to the discussion, as I similarily wouldn't like to be accused of worshipping at the altar of Mother Theresa. What's disconcerting is the fact that you didnt take issue with his original comment towards me, but to my response to him, taking it s an opportunity to jump in enlighten us about how much of a piece of shit Steve Jobs was, as if that had ANYTHING to do with my point that the 'altar of Steve Jobs' is a bullshit, ultra-trollish line, or relevant to the discussion at all, besides being an inopportune moment to express your hatred.
I like Verizon but lack of unlimited data plan and no voice + data at the same is no bueno for me.

Is the no voice + data concurrently limited to 3G or apply to all Verizon bands?
as much as i'd love for my phone to be "naked", i think i'll be getting a case for mines. i was thinking one of the otterbox ones, maybe the commuter one since the defender seems like too much for me. anyone else putting a case on theirs?


My sisters and I pre-ordered some cases for our iPhones. I got the Incipio Frequency, my sister got the Otterbox Defender, and the other sister got the Otterbox Commuter. Despite their big bulkiness, they both insisted on the Otterboxes. They wanted something to really protect it since they're clumsy. I had the Otterbox Defender for my iPhone 4 and didn't like the bulkiness, so I think the Incipio Frequency should be a good one.


Got that too. Urgh, I'm not gonna be home to sign for the package on Friday :/


Was starting to get antsy about my pre-order but I just got updated to "Preparing for Shipment". Didn't get the order in until 3:18 ET and thought I might have not gotten it in time. What a relief. Has Apple revealed any kind of official case yet? If not is there a defacto case yet?

def sim

You can pre-sign for your phone once it ships. Print out the form and tape it to your door/mailbox.

They will leave it wherever you say.


My iPhone 5 is preparing for shipping too. Now trying to decide on what case.

Got that too. Urgh, I'm not gonna be home to sign for the package on Friday :/

Was starting to get antsy about my pre-order but I just got updated to "Preparing for Shipment". Didn't get the order in until 3:18 ET and thought I might have not gotten it in time. What a relief. Has Apple revealed any kind of official case yet? If not is there a defacto case yet?

Me to. High five bros.


has anyone used Rogers' online "early upgrade cost" calculator recently? I checked mine again just now and it seems like I may be eligible for a fully subsidized phone where I wasn't a few days ago.
I'm so torn on this damn phone.

I'm currently on ATT, without a grandfathered data plan. 2gb/mo for $80 (10% discount from work). I use about 1gb/mo, but that's because I severely hold myself back because of the cap. Sprint with their unlimited data is intriguing, but their 3G network looks to be downright pitiful, and their LTE network in Chicago doesn't roll out until a few months from now. I could take a risk and assume their eventual LTE network will stack up against the competition, but that's a pretty big risk given Sprint's track record. Plus, Sprint and Verizon can't do voice and data at the same time with the iPhone 5, which is a feature on ATT I do actually use fairly often.

Even if I could figure out my carrier situation, there's the question of whether or not it'd work with my car. I have a 2010 Hyundai Elantra, which has one of those 30pin-to-USB-and-also-1/8-stereo adapters. Lightning itself is all-digital, no more analog output, but the Lightning-to-30pin adapter has a DAC in it. So it might work, but no guarantee. Worst case I can just use the aux in jack, but being able to control the music on the stereo / steering wheel is a feature I don't want to lose.

For both of these issues, I would just wait it out to see if things become clearer, but I'm looking to sell my iPhone 4 to cover much of the cost of a 5, and I assume the longer I wait to sell this thing the less money I'll make from it, so that's forcing me into taking action soon. (At this point I'm waiting to get the okay from ATT that my phone will be unlocked, should be a day or two).


Edit: I wonder if I can sell my 4 and safely switch my current ATT number to an ATT prepaid phone for a month or so while I figure all this out, and then still be able to port my number out to another carrier once I'm ready to.
Fuuuuuck I am reading speed test reports for LTE here, people are getting 20Mb down 18 up. Why is this faster than my wired home connection LOL? Might have to tether the 360...

pre-ordered my iphone5 after I saw my brother upgrade to a Galaxy SIII and do a Speedtest on our areas recently turned on 4G LTE ... averaged between 15-18Mb down. I about shit. Apparently LTE is the real f'n deal.


Is there an actual difference in clarity for HD Screen Protectors like from Power Support vs. regular ones, such as from BestSkinsEver?

They're supposed to be made to maintain the Retina display but I just want to make sure it's not just BS. Anyone have one on their 4/4S?
I think I'm going to end up getting a case after all.

Since I bought my iPhone off-contract, I'll be giving my brother my iPhone 5 once I'm done with it and then just either upgrade via AT&T or switch to Verizon next year. I don't want the phone to be all scratched up when he gets it.

Any cool cases?


Just for CanadaGAF again to reconfirm, I asked at an Apple Store, and they said you can only buy unlocked iPhone 5 on the website only at this time. =/

Oh well, I guess I never will have to deal with a line then!


Is there an actual difference in clarity for HD Screen Protectors like from Power Support vs. regular ones, such as from BestSkinsEver?

They're supposed to be made to maintain the Retina display but I just want to make sure it's not just BS. Anyone have one on their 4/4S?

Power Support are shit, in my experience. I always buy from Zagg (Invisibleshield) and similars.


I can't wait for Morphie to make a battery case for iPhone 5, I didn't get one for iPhone 4, but I will definitely buy one for iPhone 5.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I guess I just don't get why people who hate the iPhone still hang out here. It's the iPhone 5 thread, if you aren't getting it that's fine, but go hang out in another thread then.

We really don't need huge Android vs iOS arguments in a thread mostly about people getting the new iPhone. It's getting tiresome.

If you want another phone get another phone, if you want the iPhone 5 get it. No reason to sit and degrade anyone else just because they are getting something you aren't.


B-b-b-b-b-ut Apple don't innovate!

I hope this is where they get a huge gains in power usage. I know it's a big priority for them, and I value that.

I wouldn't be too surprised if this is the moment they begin to differentiate their phones' underlying performance from the competition. Their priorities are clearly different (in part because they don't care about the spec sheet horse race), so we will likely see an even more highly-tuned experience in future apple chips, putting the competition at an even greater disadvantage than software alone.
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