your posts attack anyone who dares say that they think android is superior to the are the very example of the "neck bearded" folk that you try to denigrate
Maybe you would be more comfortable on the apple forums where they worship at the altar of jobs? I heard they are strict on spelling and grammar as well
Does Verizon has the data and talking?
because I think I am going with V.
Did you miss the part where Steve Jobs died of cancer a year ago? Why don't you try to be original and vomit out another troll line? Never once have I done anything close o what o just described. And how can an OS be superior to a single device, as you just stated? When someone bashes the iphone saying its useless because it doesn't have widgets or a 6" screen, I sometimes reply, giving my opinion on those features. The fact that youre unable to distinguish the difference between that and the lie you just stated is your problem, not mine. If you had any sort of rational argument, you should have been able to make it without the 'altar of jobs' horse-shit, which is indicative of someone with no intention of any kind of intelligent discussion. That line is old, insanely Trollish, intellectually dishonest, and insanely classless now that the guy it dead.
I'm not about disrespecting the dead, but according to the bio about him, he was a piece of shit, so let's chill on acting like he was mother Teresa
Samsung telling us iphone5's ram is 1GB.
Wow. No, you're certainly not about disrespecting the dead. Not at all. Somehow you don't strike me as a virtuous individual yourself, as you're to so succinctly able to judge and define Steve Jobs in such conclusive, vitriolic terms. I can't imagine a decent human being able to do that. I read his bio, and those words dont exaclty come to mind. No, he wasnt mother theresa, and he wasnt perfect, nor has anyone said as much. But With all due respect, you're pretty fucking despicable.
Wow. No, you're certainly not about disrespecting the dead. Not at all. Somehow you don't strike me as a virtuous individual yourself, as you're to so succinctly able to judge and define Steve Jobs in such conclusive, vitriolic terms. I can't imagine a decent human being able to do that. I read his bio, and those words dont exaclty come to mind. No, he wasnt mother theresa, and he wasnt perfect, nor has anyone said as much. But With all due respect, you're pretty fucking despicable.
A6 isn't A15 core design seems to be their own core design.
I read the bio also and by all accounts he was a scum bag who backstabbed and treated those closet to him like trash if it would benefit him in the slightest. He was a genius in the business world, not so much science, so I will always give him props for that.
the biography hasn't been disputed by those who knew Jobs best, and it portrayed Jobs as brilliant man who as a jerk off piece of shit
and you need to calm the fuck down before your veins pop outof your head
Steve Jobs : Holistic Medicine :: iOS : Walled Gardens
My iPhone 5 is preparing for shipping too. Now trying to decide on what case.
Got that too. Urgh, I'm not gonna be home to sign for the package on Friday :/
Was starting to get antsy about my pre-order but I just got updated to "Preparing for Shipment". Didn't get the order in until 3:18 ET and thought I might have not gotten it in time. What a relief. Has Apple revealed any kind of official case yet? If not is there a defacto case yet?
You can pre-sign for your phone once it ships. Print out the form and tape it to your door/mailbox.
They will leave it wherever you say.
Hey when you get cancer, you'll probably die before Steve.
Fuuuuuck I am reading speed test reports for LTE here, people are getting 20Mb down 18 up. Why is this faster than my wired home connection LOL? Might have to tether the 360...
Samsung still betting on specs over user experience, I see. I thought we'd moved on from that.
Is there an actual difference in clarity for HD Screen Protectors like from Power Support vs. regular ones, such as from BestSkinsEver?
They're supposed to be made to maintain the Retina display but I just want to make sure it's not just BS. Anyone have one on their 4/4S?
A6 isn't A15 core design seems to be their own core design.
My phone is preparing to ship. Can't wait! 3GS upgrade!
That's going to be a hell of an upgrade.
Excited to upgrade from a Droid X!
Same here.![]()
B-b-b-b-b-ut Apple don't innovate!
I hope this is where they get a huge gains in power usage. I know it's a big priority for them, and I value that.