So the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus has a hissing problem eh? Hopefully they can fix this with the second shipments. I cant get my iPhone 7 anytime soon anyways.
It's highly questionable if this is even a real issue or just a paranoia over new, expensive device.
I already wrote about this before, but I'll repeat some things about hissing here:
- it appears that it's only audible when you hold the phone's back side to your ear at camera level
- iPhone 7 is not the only iPhone that makes that sound. I've personally heard the same noise coming from 6s+ and people report that iPhones all the way down to 5s make the same noise
- some people mentioned (and I found a thread on reddit) that Galaxy Note 4 made the same noise, again, at camera level
- Imore tested several devices, including non-smartphone devices and reported the same sound. Here is an article about it:
Personally I think this is only an issue if you can hear this noise in normal usage (as in not holding the back side of the phone to your ear, but making calls, browsing, gaming, etc.).
Yesterday I made a call to local Apple store and inquired about the hiss (since I have yet to receive my preordered iPhone 7+). The guy on the phone assured me that he's "99% sure that the phone won't make that noise", but if it did that they will gladly replace the device. Also, they had no technical information as to why that is happening.