All the regular 7 colors and models are still available to pre order. And all the pluses are gone now. This is really weird, I have no clue what happened with the plus starting at 3 (only rose gold was available at every store in PA)
It's 2014 all over again for those Pluses!
I missed out on matte black because I tried for the Apple Upgrade Program and failed the CitizensOne credit check for "Too many inquiries last 3 months". My credit score being a healthy 760 was irrelevant I suppose, since my only two hard credit inquiries were for a car loan in June and signing up for AT&T the day before looking into iPhones. Hard credit checks are no joke, folks.
I was able to get the phones with an AT&T Next plan though, but I had to go with Gold 7 Plus 128 instead of Black to get it Sept 16th instead of that vague '2-3 weeks'. Not a big deal since I have the aluminum gold Apple Watch though, so Gold wasn't that bad of a pick.
My wife is getting the Pink 7 Plus 32, but got caught up enduring the same CitizensOne credit check issue with me for the same "Too many checks in last 3 months" problem. She was able to get AT&T next but by the time the order went through at 3:30am, her shipping date was pushed back to Sept 27-29. Apple is usually pretty okay about shipping earlier though so we'll see.
AT&T pulled through with that Next plan at least. Hopefully that doesn't turn into a regret later.