I have a Moto X Pure 2015 edition which is beginning to show its age and hasn't been updated in an eternity. Prior to that I was on Windows Phone, and I don't really have an intention to go back but I'm not opposed to it. I have an upgrade this year and while I was initially appalled by no headphone jack... I think I could live with the adapter, at least for one phone cycle. I'm also not too invested in any particular app store, I use Groove as my music service (disclaimer: I work on it) so I'm not really tied to any OS in particular.
What's the iOS advantage compared to Android, beyond a uniform OS experience across all devices? Does having a sandboxed OS help performance? Do any apps get preferential treatment on iOS?
Most used apps are Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Groove, and browser, if that matters. I'd be springing for a 7+ if I came over.
(Browser really matters, especially since some sites like NeoGAF on mobile sometimes act not super responsively due to ads.)
Thanks guys!