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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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some of the best steaks i've had in my life have had butter.

i've been meaning to try cooking a steak with clarified butter ever since my wife picked up The Palm cookbook.


I made steak... shitty steak! With enough Worcestershire sauce and butter though anything is good. :lol


edit: and WTF at that deli sandwich, that looks really awesome! I would eat there everyday!


Hail to the Chef
really nice steak!

The whole "Steak and Butter" discussion has influenced the pentecost weekend cooking schedule as follows:

tonight will be beef tenderloins from ze grill with an orange-dill dip and some funky potato wedgie thingies.

tomorrow will be asparagus with cooked ham, potatoes and hollandaise.

Monday is our 5-year wedding anniversary, so I'll take the wife out for some delish dinner!

Keep sharing, folks.



Hash browns and a sunny side up egg from my neighbors farm. So much better than factory chicken eggs. I don't know why we don't just eat breakfast food all day, its the best! I only wish I had some bacon.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Flo_Evans said:
So much better than factory chicken eggs. I don't know why we don't just eat breakfast food all day, its the best! I only wish I had some bacon.

Amen to all three of these statements. The color and richness of an egg yolk that's basically just plopped out of a friendly neighborhood chicken is amazing, and when I first started getting eggs from my sister's farm, I was delighted to find that different breeds of chicken actually produce colored shells: in addition to the more commonplace brown, there are blue and green that I've gotten. So neat. Duck's eggs are really good, too.


Hail to the Chef
Here's the BBQ fillet pics, as promised. Side dishes were a Hollandaise (the yellow stuff), a dill/orange/garlic/parmesan dip (the green stuff) and a "hash brown-hollandaise filled" potato thingie (EDIT and some tomato-basil-mozz salad for the vitamins):








Not as deep as he thinks
Every time I visit this thread it makes me so hungry! Everything posted on this page looks absolutely delicious.


Contains Sucralose
Flo_Evans said:

Hash browns and a sunny side up egg from my neighbors farm. So much better than factory chicken eggs. I don't know why we don't just eat breakfast food all day, its the best! I only wish I had some bacon.
I envy you flo, I tried to making my eggs look like that, but I always fail.
holy shit i just had dinner but I could easily eat Onkel's potato and that lasagne. So good.

Onkel if you and your wife ever get divorced, please consider me as a fill in. If you cook for me I'll do anything you want,... anything.


Hail to the Chef
VelvetMouth said:
holy shit i just had dinner but I could easily eat Onkel's potato and that lasagne. So good.

Onkel if you and your wife ever get divorced, please consider me as a fill in. If you cook for me I'll do anything you want,... anything.
A/S/L? Pics? :lol


Hail to the Chef
Here's a classic german dish, white Asparagus with potatoes, butter, hollandaise and cooked ham:

the matching dessert would have been sugared strawberries, but the raspberries were too good looking to pass up on them, topping is quark:




get some go again
i've been lurking this thread for a while now but i really gotta ask. why does onkel put his watch in his pics?


smurfx said:
i've been lurking this thread for a while now but i really gotta ask. why does onkel put his watch in his pics?
onkel is a watch man

unfortunately his taste in watches is poor
I'm more of a RADO man myself :)


Hail to the Chef
smurfx said:
i've been lurking this thread for a while now but i really gotta ask. why does onkel put his watch in his pics?
Just a guess, but I might presume that it is his other hobby. Why not ask him directly?
Damn, GAF - everything in here looks amazing, puts my meager attempts to shame :(

Anyways, didn't have much in the house yesterday and the supermarket delivery isn't until today, so I popped down to my local butchers (literally a couple of minutes down the road from my house, awesome) and picked up a pair of lamb cutlets - marinated them in a Tomato & Mint BBQ sauce then slapped them on the griddle, seasoned them with oregano & black pepper and accompanied them with a ton of curly fries ^_^


Eh, I think somthing slightly more healthy is called for today :p


Bane was better.
jet1911 said:
pictures of delicious

Taste is pretty good. :D

looks really yummy! Normally, i make my grilled cheese sandwiches with sauted onions + slices of avocado. Give it a try!

Oncel: for my poor attempt at making Jeon :lol :lol


Hail to the Chef
Where's your dishes, people?

Forsete, just wanted to add that the lasagna looks absolutely splendid, thanks for sharing. I could have a full bowl of that right now.


lunch today, burritos. Don't look that great, tasted amazing. First time I'd made guacamole and was very happy with the results. Freshly made salsa as well



OnkelC said:
Where's your dishes, people?

Been practicing making sheperd's pie but I keep forgetting to take pics.

Well tonight I went to what is considered one of, if not the best ramen house in Los Angeles, Daikokuya.

Honestly I thought it was pretty damn good but haven't tried many of its competitors to form a good consensus of how it ranks up. I gotta say the soup base was amazingly good while being light.




lacks enthusiasm.
Oh god, Daikokuya is so damn good. The noodles weren't anything to rave about when I went, but the broth was out of this world.


XMonkey said:
Oh god, Daikokuya is so damn good. The noodles weren't anything to rave about when I went, but the broth was out of this world.

definitely, I also thought the noodles were alright, a little bit too thick for my preference, I prefer Shin-sen gumi noodles but the soup broth could not be beat at Daikokuya.

Also the side rice bowls are amazingly good for a ramen place..




Beef Burger and BBQ chicken. The sauce took me about 15 min to make and mix, and is a sweet and spicy variety. It tastes very sweet once it hits your mouth but your throat feels it when it goes down. :lol

See if you can notice 2 pieces of chicken without BBQ sauce. My GF can't take the heat, which is why I'm in the kitchen (NO ONE TOUCHES MY GRILL!!!!!)


man that BBQ looks good! Nicely done on the chicken.

Can anybody recommend me a good steel pan, something not too expensive, say under $50?

I need something other than a non-stick pan and a steel wok.
Get a cast iron skillet, very versatile and properly cared for you do amazing things with it. You can get a good sized one from Lodge for about 20 bux.


sooperkool said:
Get a cast iron skillet, very versatile and properly cared for you do amazing things with it. You can get a good sized one from Lodge for about 20 bux.

already have one, forgot to mention that. Though mine has those grill ridges and I've been meaning to buy a deep one to use for both frying and regular cooking.

Top of my list is a steel pan as I've heard blue-steel ones are good. Just don't know what brand to go with.


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz said:
already have one, forgot to mention that. Though mine has those grill ridges and I've been meaning to buy a deep one to use for both frying and regular cooking.

Top of my list is a steel pan as I've heard blue-steel ones are good. Just don't know what brand to go with.
I'd suggest Le Creuset, Fissler, Silit if one of those are available in your area. They are a bit expensive, but last you a lifetime. One of my skillets is a heirloom from my grandmother and as old as the federal republic of germany, but still going strong.





lacks enthusiasm.
Zyzyxxz said:
definitely, I also thought the noodles were alright, a little bit too thick for my preference, I prefer Shin-sen gumi noodles but the soup broth could not be beat at Daikokuya.
Ya, Shin-sen noodles are really good and a refill for $1 is too nice. I've probably eaten there so much that I can recognize the inconsistency in their broth on some days, and since I've really only been to Daikokuya once I can't say it's hands down better. But damn, was it good.
Gaf, I'm having a man-weekend with my best friend and we're gonna have some epic steaks later today. Only problem is... I've never attempted to cook steak. Do you guys have any pointers or recepies for me? I'd look it up myself, but Search is still missing.
killertofu said:
Gaf, I'm having a man-weekend with my best friend and we're gonna have some epic steaks later today. Only problem is... I've never attempted to cook steak. Do you guys have any pointers or recepies for me? I'd look it up myself, but Search is still missing.

Haven't got any specific recipies for cooking steak, but this is the general process I use; heat up the griddle to a medium temperature, pour in a little bit of oil and leave it to spread around and then once it's hot enough slap on the steak - if the steak is an inch or under in thickness, then 4 minutes each side will be enough to get it medium rare, but if it's thicker go for 5 minutes each side (or longer, depending on your tastes), then finally garnish with a pinch of oregano and black pepper, place a curl of butter on top and serve.

I really enjoy cooking steaks as it's easy enough to do, but difficult to get them consistantly just right - plus, there are so many ways of coooking steak, it's good to experiment and find which method you prefer and how they alter the taste.


OnkelC said:
I'd suggest Le Creuset, Fissler, Silit if one of those are available in your area. They are a bit expensive, but last you a lifetime. One of my skillets is a heirloom from my grandmother and as old as the federal republic of germany, but still going strong.




I would so love to buy a high quality pan like that but I can't justify it right now.

Maybe after some good luck in Vegas.

XMonkey said:
Ya, Shin-sen noodles are really good and a refill for $1 is too nice. I've probably eaten there so much that I can recognize the inconsistency in their broth on some days, and since I've really only been to Daikokuya once I can't say it's hands down better. But damn, was it good.

I love their lunch specials, great value. Do you go to the one in San Gabriel?
My experiment worked this past Wednesday night, so I shall break it down for IronGAF after something on the cheap/tasty side of things. No pics since I have no camera.

Ever had a craving for some pizza but didn't feel like paying a high price for delivery and dealing with a 45min-1 hour wait? Ever sought excessive vengeance against a pizza place for screwing up an order to an extent it pretty well ruined your dinner? I achieved both of these lofty goals!

All you need is:

Pizza sauce
Pepperoni(or some other stuff...you get the idea.

Grab some tinfoil, and a small oven you can peer into and ultimately set to 325 degrees.

The secret? a Gyro wrap. Instead of pizza crust, get a basic Gyro wrap and use it as the base. 1-2 teaspoons of pizza sauce, arrange thy cheese and toppings, put it on the foil and pop it into the little oven. Once you see any cheese bubbling, which is somewhere in the neighboorhood of LESS THAN 5 minutes, turn it off and you're done. Eat that one, then pop another in, and repeat. Odds are, 2-3 will do the trick for a dinner/hungry portion and just 1 will suffice for lunch. Damn cheap grocery wise and not a lot of time or checking on it required.

I'm going to go forth on this and sample a variety of pepperoni and cheese stylings that I generally can't get around here among the usual suspects, not to mention better quality natural cheese and such to make it a tad healthier. The gyro really gives it a unique style and flavor respective to the usual doughy pizzas out there.

I highly recommend giving this a shot should the situation present itself to ya. Outside of an incredible craving, new nifty place, or a speciality pizza adventure with friends, I can't reckon paying for pizza delivery going forward---this just flat out works so well at satisfying the craving.


user friendly said:
Wow, that whole last page was awesome, particularly those ribs and that amazing baguette. Thanks for the comments too guys.

if that was mine, then thanks.

Expect more meaty goodness as 4th of July approaches.


Made some soy-pickled jalapenos the other day. Quite a condiment. See Gourmet's website for the recipe - it's seriously about a minute of work, and very worth it.

After trying it once, I'd make the following mods:

* Double the lime zest and a squeeze of lime juice

* Add another teaspoon of sugar


lacks enthusiasm.
Zyzyxxz said:
I love their lunch specials, great value. Do you go to the one in San Gabriel?
Used to go to the one in Fountain Valley while I was going to UCI. I don't think I've been there in a year since I graduated and I really crave it sometimes.
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