Ok, here goes nothing.
Today I have decided to cook the chards. This kind of leafy vegetables can't be keep for long in the fridge, it lose quickly its taste. Cooking chards is easy, the white part is boiled into salted water, the leaf are cooked like spinach, just by evaporating their water in a pan.
My idea was to make some cannelloni, I have to admit, I don't think I ever eat any before, so I have no comparison whatsoever. The pasta is easy to do, 3 eggs for 300g of flour and just one table spoon of olive oil.
I wanted to make the filling simple, so I just mixed some cottage cheese, the cooked and cut chards (white and leaves), minced garlic and salt and pepper. I had some chards left, so I decided to also make a mini gratin (casserole? don't know the right term in english) with a cheesy béchamel. Well, actually it's just a normal béchamel with melted half old conté. It gives the béchamel an interesting taste.
The leftover béchamel is used to cover the bottom of the gratin dish. Rolling the cannelloni was quite fun, and I was quite happy of the result:
Of course, I had some leftover (it's endless >_> ) so I had to make another mini gratin with the last 2 cannelloni. I had no béchamel left so I used to plain tomato sauce for this dish:
You can notice that they are a little overcooked, my fault for browsing GAF instead of watching my oven <_< anyway, they were pretty good, and even better with the radish leaves pesto I made earlier (no pics for that, it's just green paste after all..)
The béchamel ones looks better:
Tomorrow I will probably cook the green part of the leeks, I'm not sure how yet.