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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Any good quick chicken leg recipes? Rub suggestions or sauces? I eat them a lot during the week for dinner and have been alternating between a homemade rub and just BBQ sauce. Did buttermilk once and it was decent.


Ok, here goes nothing.

Today I have decided to cook the chards. This kind of leafy vegetables can't be keep for long in the fridge, it lose quickly its taste. Cooking chards is easy, the white part is boiled into salted water, the leaf are cooked like spinach, just by evaporating their water in a pan.

My idea was to make some cannelloni, I have to admit, I don't think I ever eat any before, so I have no comparison whatsoever. The pasta is easy to do, 3 eggs for 300g of flour and just one table spoon of olive oil.

I wanted to make the filling simple, so I just mixed some cottage cheese, the cooked and cut chards (white and leaves), minced garlic and salt and pepper. I had some chards left, so I decided to also make a mini gratin (casserole? don't know the right term in english) with a cheesy béchamel. Well, actually it's just a normal béchamel with melted half old conté. It gives the béchamel an interesting taste.


The leftover béchamel is used to cover the bottom of the gratin dish. Rolling the cannelloni was quite fun, and I was quite happy of the result:


Of course, I had some leftover (it's endless >_> ) so I had to make another mini gratin with the last 2 cannelloni. I had no béchamel left so I used to plain tomato sauce for this dish:


You can notice that they are a little overcooked, my fault for browsing GAF instead of watching my oven <_< anyway, they were pretty good, and even better with the radish leaves pesto I made earlier (no pics for that, it's just green paste after all..)

The béchamel ones looks better:

Tomorrow I will probably cook the green part of the leeks, I'm not sure how yet.
Ok, here goes nothing.

Today I have decided to cook the chards. This kind of leafy vegetables can't be keep for long in the fridge, it lose quickly its taste. Cooking chards is easy, the white part is boiled into salted water, the leaf are cooked like spinach, just by evaporating their water in a pan.

Looks great! I've never heard of Swiss Chard being called "the chards" before hehe. I like using them in soups or slow-fry them up in olive oil and garlic sometimes. They taste great but I don't like how a huge handful of chard becomes so small once you cook it.


Mekere, that all looks great! It was fun to see your produce after you bought it and all your plans for it during the week -- I might try that sometime. I don't usually plan out my meals for the week too much, so i always end up going to the store to get one or two or three things.

I've been out of this thread for a bit since I'd lost my camera's power cord, but I just found it so I've just started snapping pictures again. I might try to post a few things later tonight


Mac and cheese time with pancetta.



Recipe is very basic and made on the fly.

-Get water boiling for macaroni pasta go easy on the salt and cook until al dente or slightly undercooked.
-Caramelize the pancetta/bacon cubes, reserve. Use leftover grease to combine with 2 tb of flour in the pan on a lower heat, cook until flour is lost its raw edge.
-Add milk and keep stirring on medium heat and let it reduce or thicken up, add grated cheese of choice and let it melt, season with salt and maybe some paprika.
-Now combine your sauce and pasta in mixing bowl or your baking container you can broil it, I was going to add panko bread crumbs but I forget to buy some that would have been nice.


Mac and cheese time with pancetta.



Recipe is very basic and made on the fly.

-Get water boiling for macaroni pasta go easy on the salt and cook until al dente or slightly undercooked.
-Caramelize the pancetta/bacon cubes, reserve. Use leftover grease to combine with 2 tb of flour in the pan on a lower heat, cook until flour is lost its raw edge.
-Add milk and keep stirring on medium heat and let it reduce or thicken up, add grated cheese of choice and let it melt, season with salt and maybe some paprika.
-Now combine your sauce and pasta in mixing bowl or your baking container you can broil it, I was going to add panko bread crumbs but I forget to buy some that would have been nice.

looks AWESOME. So you're basically making a roux with the bacon fat, sounds delicious.


Mekere, that all looks great! It was fun to see your produce after you bought it and all your plans for it during the week -- I might try that sometime. I don't usually plan out my meals for the week too much, so i always end up going to the store to get one or two or three things.

I've been out of this thread for a bit since I'd lost my camera's power cord, but I just found it so I've just started snapping pictures again. I might try to post a few things later tonight

Actually, the planning comes after the buy, I don't choose the vegetables myself ^^'

I buy the vegetables from a local producer. Not exactly like a community-shared agriculture but the idea is similar. For 10 Euros (13$?) , I have this big bag of various stuff, it's produced locally, seasonal, really fresh and, for the quality, really cheap. The fun part is opening the bag and discover what's inside and then spend some time looking for what I already have in stock to elaborate the recipe. As long as I have basic products (eggs, flour, milk, rice...) and enough seasoning I can manage something.

It became a game actually, trying to use everything (even the radish leaves), reducing the waste at its minimum (I still can do better!), it also have to be good (I'm a food maniac) and the less expensive possible. With a vegetable only base, I'm down to 5/6&#8364; per person a day (my BF and I) it roughly correspond to one normal meal (starter + main dish + cheese/dessert) + a light meal for the evening. I could do better, but meat, fish and cheese is very expensive still, fun ^^


So an update on my quest to make Pastrami.

Last Wednesday I put a brisket into two seperate brines.

The smaller piece I smoked for 7 hours on Sunday and it turned out fantastic...that said since I had never had Pastrami before I have no idea if it turned out right...just that it was good. The Russian sauce I made for the sandwiches was incredible.

The larger chunk I have kept in the brine for what will be 1 week today. I plan to smoke this piece on Saturday. I will take pics and post to see what you think. I will take one just out of the brine, 1 with the dry rub in place and 1 once cooked.

If anyone wants the recipe to either the Pastrami or the Russian sauce I would be happy to post them.


So an update on my quest to make Pastrami.

Last Wednesday I put a brisket into two seperate brines.

The smaller piece I smoked for 7 hours on Sunday and it turned out fantastic...that said since I had never had Pastrami before I have no idea if it turned out right...just that it was good. The Russian sauce I made for the sandwiches was incredible.

The larger chunk I have kept in the brine for what will be 1 week today. I plan to smoke this piece on Saturday. I will take pics and post to see what you think. I will take one just out of the brine, 1 with the dry rub in place and 1 once cooked.

If anyone wants the recipe to either the Pastrami or the Russian sauce I would be happy to post them.

Good makes me hanker for a pastrami! Post pics next time!


Russian sauce plx.

1&1/2 Cups Mayo (I used Dukes)
2/3 Cup Chili Sauce (I used 1/3 Chili Sauce and 1/3 Sriracha)
1/2 Cup Sour Cream
2 tbs Dill Relish
1 tbs horseradish
1 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs minced shalot
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp hot sauce (redundant if you do what i did for chili sauce)
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
Salt and Pepper to taste

So toss everything in a blender/food processor and pulse once or twice...then season with salt and pepper.

This makes a ton of the sauce, and for the pastrami sandwich I mixed the sauce with sauerkrat.


Hunky Nostradamus
^-- Is there anything another egg yolk won't fix?

Made stuffed potato skins tonight after watching Worst Chefs Ever on Food Network make them last night. I tried to make mine somewhat healthy by stuffing it with mashed potatoes, kale, and tempeh bacon. (click for recipe)

I gave this recipe a go, but I went just a tad bit healthier and omitted the bacon.


It was really good! Everyone loved them. :)


gave velvelting a go last night with some stir fry chicken with bok choy, broccoli, sugar snap peas, water chestnuts, peppers, cashews, ginger and garlic. If you've never velveted chicken before I highly recommend it, the outcome is so much better than without. Basically it's a coating of egg white and corn starch that you coat the chicken in before a quick 30 second fry, then take the chicken out and do your stir fry as normal.
I gave this recipe a go, but I went just a tad bit healthier and omitted the bacon.


It was really good! Everyone loved them. :)

Nice! Your potato looks like it held together better than mine. Tempeh bacon is pretty healthy because it's not real bacon. It's fermented soy beans that's smoked and seasoned. I used it to add protein.


Hunky Nostradamus
Nice! Your potato looks like it held together better than mine. Tempeh bacon is pretty healthy because it's not real bacon. It's fermented soy beans that's smoked and seasoned. I used it to add protein.

Ahh, I didn't know what Tempeh bacon was. It has bacon in the name so I figured it was unhealthy. :)
"Bacon is unhealthy!"


I still need to try the Beef Bacon I tracked down...and still outright track down some Lamb Bacon----the latter at least I've seen in finished form and it looked ever so delicious.

I've never been tempted to try the Tempeh's and the like---closest has been some Turkey Ham at my local deli, which was OK.
How would you know what a dog treat tastes like? Huh? ~_o

One time I tried a dog kibble because it smelled so good and meaty. It didn't really have a taste and the texture was way too hard.

When you guys/gals fry or bake fresh fish
do you leave the skin on and eat it afterwards?

Yes, that is my favorite part! I rarely cook fish but when I do, I like to sear it on an oven-safe pan on the skin side, and then chuck it into the oven on low heat to do a slow bake till it's done.


So as someone who lives a simple meat and potatoes life (meaning i have very limited cooking skills, mostly being grilled related)

I am interested in spicing up my meat seasoning (no pun intended, especially on the spice, not a huge spice fan) so any suggestions on what to do with a few steaks? season/maranate wise? got a couple of filets i am going to throw on the grill tomorrow and want to try something different.
I have no idea what to do with the rest of the cabbage though :/
6C cabbage, shredded
1 medium-large carrot, grated
2T red wine vinegar
1t salt (+ to taste)

Mix cabbage, carrot, red wine vinegar, and salt in large bowl.

Take a neutral oil, around 2T, get the oil very hot and then put 2t brown or yellow mustard seeds in. When they start to pop, take the entire pan and pour it over the mixed cabbage, toss some more, season to taste, serve.

The toasted mustard seeds give this slaw an awesome flavor. For an additional kick, thinly slice some green chilies and add them.


One time I tried a dog kibble because it smelled so good and meaty. It didn't really have a taste and the texture was way too hard.

That's hilarious... they make pet food smell good for the owners... and since that's all the owners can sense of the food, they assume it's tasty.

OTOH... maybe dogs don't taste it the same as we do - because of their enhanced smelling, that sort of food does taste better to them?


That's hilarious... they make pet food smell good for the owners... and since that's all the owners can sense of the food, they assume it's tasty.

OTOH... maybe dogs don't taste it the same as we do - because of their enhanced smelling, that sort of food does taste better to them?

My dog's roast chicken treats smelled so good, I took a nibble, tasted like dry tasteless jerky.
Yep, these things happen. When I was 7, an older sibling thought they were being smart by betting $20 that I'd not eat a milkbone----needless to say I understood the value of a $20 back around 1990 faaar beyond said sibling. Dry, oddly salty was the verdict.

But anyways:


Cheese: BellaVitano Balsamic My first cheese that in any way involves a balsamic anything---pretty nice kick to the sweetness of the oil without being overpowering. Still a very oily/messy cheese that really doesn't melt terribly well, but I can dig it especially with all the black pepper in play on the salame front.

Crumble: Rutherford & Meyer Waferbites Double Cheese Cheddar/Parmesan End of the line for these tasty wafer-things---at least barring the store getting in new varieties in the future should they exist. Subtle cheese goodness, handy oil soppers.
You're not the gaffer who swore he'd only eat pizzas.

Correct---that was Timedog. I was the guy advocating anybody and everybody to branch out from the typical mozzarella/pepperoni/only pizza sauce as there is a wide variety of nifty things out there.

At this point, I am starting to suspect that dyonPT is not so much a person as a sentient mass of wonderful ingredients that manifests via internet just to show people the joy of cooking in terms of what all is possible.


Is that all chocolate? What kind of cake is the inside. Looks so moist and perfect

Correct---that was Timedog. I was the guy advocating anybody and everybody to branch out from the typical mozzarella/pepperoni/only pizza sauce as there is a wide variety of nifty things out there.

As fun as it is trying other ingredients, and I have tried piling a bunch of different stuff on mine, I always end up reverting to moz. It's my favorite cheese and goes well with everything, pizza or not.
Mozz is great, especially of the Bufala variety if all things align right----but I remain optimistic that there are other good ones out there that can help it stand out even more distinctly in the upper echelons, at least, of the heap. Granted, this may be because I've not yet ran into some kinda nicely smoky take on Mozz de Bufala, which I assume is technically possible at least via a cold smoke or some such---I've a weakness for The Smoke in nearly everything. Several of the ones I've had thus far are at least neck and neck with Mozz, and I hope to find more in that range as the year goes on----I won't break 200 this year but I will get just about closer to it than not so long as I can keep up the pace of 1 new cheese a week...

Anybody looking to whip up a pizza/calzone/stromboli/popular variant that is somehow unknown to me still at home and discovering that somehow the store is out of (good) Mozz should be able to take heart that some really nifty stuff that is a different experience is likely on hand so they don't make the mistake of...you know....not having pizza!


hummina hummmina hummina

Amazing dyon

Nom nom nom..hehe Thanks :)


Looks awesome!

Thank you very much :)

At this point, I am starting to suspect that dyonPT is not so much a person as a sentient mass of wonderful ingredients that manifests via internet just to show people the joy of cooking in terms of what all is possible.

hehe, that sums about it :D I am a sweet machine ;)


That looks absolutely incredible. I would eat all of that. All of it. Granted that much chocolate would probably make me ill, but it would be so worth it. :D

Noo...chocolate is the best thing in the world...you can never eat too much :D

Is that all chocolate? What kind of cake is the inside. Looks so moist and perfect

Actualy it doesnt have that much chocolate, just some in the cake and the cover. It's very moist because it took 8 eggs :D hehe

I used this:


Plus 200 ml of cream and 200 gr of chocolate for the topping :)

Thank you for your kind words :)
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