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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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lemon juice works pretty well.

Yeah, can't stand that either. Three ideas:

1. rub down your hands with a good helping of salt

2. There are "permanent soaps" made from steel that are quite capable of removing smells from your hands, just like tthis one:

3. Palmolive (and other manufacturers) make an efficient odor-neutralizing liquid soap:

Thanks. I'll try the lemon and then salt things first. If that doesn't work I'll go with one of the soaps.
Moved onto baking this evening.

Made a pumpkin streusel coffee cake.

Here's the before shot:


And here's one of them done, minus a drizzle of sugar icing. The smaller cake is still cooking.



i've been begging for over 5 years.
So Iron-GAF. I've acquired about 30lbs of skin on bone in chicken thighs. What are some of your favorite recipes that incorporate chicken thighs.

Some of the things I've made with them so far.

Bacon wrapped and roasted with potatoes and onion in the roasting pan.
Chicken Jalfrezi. (Curry came from a bottle)
Roast chicken with Old Bay dry rub.
Chicken and Dumplings in crock pot.

I'm certainly open to try new things. Recently I've been on an Indian Cuisine kick, but I also love Italian, Mexican, Chinese food, you name it I'll enjoy it. The only stipulation I have is NO MUSHROOMS. Mushrooms are almost the only thing that I won't eat. It's gotta be a texture thing so me. Too mushy and slimy.

Let me know Iron-GAF.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
So Iron-GAF. I've acquired about 30lbs of skin on bone in chicken thighs. What are some of your favorite recipes that incorporate chicken thighs.

Some of the things I've made with them so far.

Bacon wrapped and roasted with potatoes and onion in the roasting pan.
Chicken Jalfrezi. (Curry came from a bottle)
Roast chicken with Old Bay dry rub.
Chicken and Dumplings in crock pot.

I'm certainly open to try new things. Recently I've been on an Indian Cuisine kick, but I also love Italian, Mexican, Chinese food, you name it I'll enjoy it. The only stipulation I have is NO MUSHROOMS. Mushrooms are almost the only thing that I won't eat. It's gotta be a texture thing so me. Too mushy and slimy.

Let me know Iron-GAF.

Bump for today's crowd.


Bump for today's crowd.

I don't think I'll be much of help, however something my mother creates with chicken is a turmeric marinade (she will never tell me the recipe so please don't try to ask about the recipe, heh). All I know is it's been seasoned with garlic and a ton of other spices she will never tell me. It tastes divine with white rice though.

However it is a start to search and consider since you said you're on an Indian cuisine kick.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
So Iron-GAF. I've acquired about 30lbs of skin on bone in chicken thighs. What are some of your favorite recipes that incorporate chicken thighs.

I'm certainly open to try new things. Recently I've been on an Indian Cuisine kick, but I also love Italian, Mexican, Chinese food, you name it I'll enjoy it.

I used chicken thighs to make a tagine with apricots earlier in the week that was quite delicious.

Rub the chicken with salt, pepper, garam masala and brown them off. Set aside, drain most of the fat, and start some sliced onion, green pepper, dried apricots, ginger, garlic, a cinnamon stick, some additional garam masala, cardamom, s&p, plain tomato sauce or puree, and 2-3 times that amount of water. Nestle the chicken down into the sauce-to-be, cover and let it go until the chicken is done. Cook it uncovered for five more minutes or so to allow the sauce to thicken up. Toss in some chopped parsley, and serve it with couscous and plain yogurt.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I don't think I'll be much of help, however something my mother creates with chicken is a turmeric marinade (she will never tell me the recipe so please don't try to ask about the recipe, heh). All I know is it's been seasoned with garlic and a ton of other spices she will never tell me. It tastes divine with white rice though.

However it is a start to search and consider since you said you're on an Indian cuisine kick.

Setup a hidden camera, for science. This is your duty as an Iron GAF member ;)

Don't disappoint us.

Thanks CosmicBus. Sounds good.
Yeah, I'd like to hear some recipes as well. I have 10 chicken thighs up for experimentation at the moment. I'm not much of a cook, so I'm trying to learn and get better.

A friend recommended this yogurt marinade recipe, which I first thought was completely bogus and that she was trying to mess with me. We looked online, and sure enough, it seems kinda legit. I'm giving it a try tonight.
Yoghurt marinade is even better at penetrating the protein than an oil based one. Think one of Heston Blumenthals tv shows demonstrated this. Chicken thighs are great for curries anyway.


Setup a hidden camera, for science. This is your duty as an Iron GAF member ;)

Don't disappoint us.

Thanks CosmicBus. Sounds good.

Even if I did get it, I would probably open up a mini restaurant shack making money off of it and keeping it a secret! (In a distant dimension perhaps :p)

I did some searching and found this recipe on grilling chicken with turmeric marinade. This isn't my mother's recipe but seems good (perhaps close but I know she doesn't use lemongrass, but I don't think would hurt to use) anyways. Adjust how you see fit I suppose.

1 [5 pounds of chicken] chicken
1 teaspoon fish sauce
4-5 cloves garlic
1 stalk lemongrass
1 teaspoon peppercorns
1 tablespoon salt
1 piece Turmeric

The Marinade: I use 2-inch piece of turmeric. Cut the lemongrass into 1-inch pieces. It will grind easier and won’t leave stringy marinade on the chicken. Grind the marinade (turmeric, lemongrass, peppercorns, salt and garlic) in a food processor or mortar. If you use the food processor, grind the peppercorns separately. They seem to escape the blade. If you are going the mortar and pestle route, start with peppercorns, lemongrass and salt. Follow with turmeric and garlic. Garlic and turmeric have more water content which makes it hard to pound.

The Chicken with Marinade: Get a 5-pound chicken. Cut up the chicken into pieces. Add the marinade and fish sauce to the chicken. I score the inside of the breast 1/2 inch deep, so that it will take the marinade and won’t taste so bland. Mix the chicken and the marinade well. Massage your chicken if you can. The marinade will go deep inside of the nooks and crannies. You can marinate the chicken overnight or at least 1 hour.

An hour prior to grilling, let the chicken sit at room temperature to bring the chicken's temperature as closer to room temperature for even and fast cooking. Grill your chicken on medium heat until done, about 45 minutes depending on the heat.

I am trying my hand at Bierocks tonight.

Browned some hamburger and cooked in some cabbage, it's chilling in the fridge right now.

Though I am cheating and using pre-made dough. If this goes okay, next time I will make my own dough!



brought to you by a company/supermarket-chain that (in their commercials) urges customers to use their "Hausverstand" (common sense) when buying groceries...

BILLA commercial. the guy talking is "your common sense" and is talking about how noone uses common sense when it comes to "how we use our resources".

effing hilarious.
FML, been too damned long and now I've up and forgotten to take the blasted photo.

Sigh....what you need to know is:

Tome Savoie Fermiere Raw Milk apparently smells terrible, or we got a very sub-optimal pack---but once you get it situated it is a silky/smooth melt on the quick and even side without being oily.


I'd go with any natural (aka non-flavored and non "mild"), full fat yoghurt.

OT, from the "shaking my head in disbelief" department:


This reminds me of the "BANANA CUTTER"....So useless that it's laughable.
(It has its uses but cmon...You can just use a knife...)

You actually think it looks good?!
Wow, I never actually got a compliment on my cooking before!
(Mostly because my mother is a hard customer to please and dictates anything I make isn't good enough for her standards.)


My contribution to this thread:

Rice with paneer daal and coconut milk decorated with various nuts:
I'm not a fan of daal, but it does look lovely!


Well GAF, bear witness to the biggest epic fail in IronGAF history.

I started by grilling some chicken breasts and decided to finish them up in the frying pan with a little olive oil and seasoning. When I went to the fridge to grab some lemon juice the stove burst into flames. And I'm not talking about just the burner. The entire stove top.

Luckily I was able to reach for the off switch on the burner and despite my fire extinguisher being 8 years old it worked just fine.

Now it looks like a volcano erupted in the kitchen. NOTHING is safe from the soot that comes from an extinguisher. I have to pull everything out of the cabinets and drawers and rewash everything. The floor is like walking in charcoal ash. That stuff even made its way into our living room and on our furniture.



Well GAF, bear witness to the biggest epic fail in IronGAF history.

I started by grilling some chicken breasts and decided to finish them up in the frying pan with a little olive oil and seasoning. When I went to the fridge to grab some lemon juice the stove burst into flames. And I'm not talking about just the burner. The entire stove top.

Wow! How fortunate that you remembered the fire extinguisher. Great quick thinking! Ours is in the room next to the kitchen, so maybe I should move it closer to the actual source of fire in cases like these.

Do you have any idea how the fire started? Seems scary that the entire stove would just catch on fire!


Wow! How fortunate that you remembered the fire extinguisher. Great quick thinking! Ours is in the room next to the kitchen, so maybe I should move it closer to the actual source of fire in cases like these.

Do you have any idea how the fire started? Seems scary that the entire stove would just catch on fire!

I suspect it started from the burner, but I had my back to it when it ignited. When I turned from the fridge the entire stove top was in flames so it took only about 3 seconds tops.

It's funny because I saw the fire extinguisher yesterday and thought to myself I should get it checked or get a new one. I keep it next to the fridge so it was right there for me to grab.

Once I get everything cleaned up I'm going to have to check around to see who can inspect it. I am wondering if a new stove is needed. Either way I need to get a new fire extinguisher before cooking again.


Glad you had quick reflexes Eiolon and only little material damages resulted from the fire. Your story also made me think that I need a fire extinguisher.

Today baked a strawberry and raspberry pancake souffle after watching a Guy Fieri show where one of the diners had it on their menu (without the raspeberry). I also added 1 lemon zest to the batter.

I suspect it started from the burner, but I had my back to it when it ignited. When I turned from the fridge the entire stove top was in flames so it took only about 3 seconds tops.

It's funny because I saw the fire extinguisher yesterday and thought to myself I should get it checked or get a new one. I keep it next to the fridge so it was right there for me to grab.

Once I get everything cleaned up I'm going to have to check around to see who can inspect it. I am wondering if a new stove is needed. Either way I need to get a new fire extinguisher before cooking again.

Thankfully you had gone to the fridge for something. You could have been seriously hurt had it burst into flames while you were manning the chicken.


Well GAF, bear witness to the biggest epic fail in IronGAF history.

I started by grilling some chicken breasts and decided to finish them up in the frying pan with a little olive oil and seasoning. When I went to the fridge to grab some lemon juice the stove burst into flames. And I'm not talking about just the burner. The entire stove top.

Luckily I was able to reach for the off switch on the burner and despite my fire extinguisher being 8 years old it worked just fine.

Now it looks like a volcano erupted in the kitchen. NOTHING is safe from the soot that comes from an extinguisher. I have to pull everything out of the cabinets and drawers and rewash everything. The floor is like walking in charcoal ash. That stuff even made its way into our living room and on our furniture.

Oh dang; glad to see you and your house survived, could have been a lot worse without that fire extinguisher!
...Probably need to get one myself considering I live with three old women that constantly forget about the stove being on.

On another note IronGAF, is there any foods that bring about a person's appetite? I pretty much lost all appetite of food recently (college exams stressed me out) and can't find anything appealing to eat. Any recipe suggestions or food in general?
After living together for over 6 years the girlfriend and I finally got a dishwasher last week.

I now reflect back on my as pre-dishwasher and post-dishwasher...
Oh dang; glad to see you and your house survived, could have been a lot worse without that fire extinguisher!
...Probably need to get one myself considering I live with three old women that constantly forget about the stove being on.

On another note IronGAF, is there any foods that bring about a person's appetite? I pretty much lost all appetite of food recently (college exams stressed me out) and can't find anything appealing to eat. Any recipe suggestions or food in general?
My solution is simply to try various dishes from around the world - always cooking new stuff and noting down what works and doesn't.
Start with some basic stuff, french/italian/german/english (yeah) cuisine, and then spread your wings and try various asian/sub-asian cuisines and so on.


Hunky Nostradamus
Glad you had quick reflexes Eiolon and only little material damages resulted from the fire. Your story also made me think that I need a fire extinguisher.

Today baked a strawberry and raspberry pancake souffle after watching a Guy Fieri show where one of the diners had it on their menu (without the raspeberry). I also added 1 lemon zest to the batter.

This looks delicious. Recipe?
So I did a bastardized version of nakedsushi's leftover xian bing, as I had no fancy ingredients:
Chopped up some closed-cup mushroom, onion, garlic, and red bell pepper.

.... and added some quorn instead of tofu.

Ground ginger, black pepper, salt, and sesame paste was added to the mix which was fried for a couple of minutes.
My sorry excuse for a wrapping (it was really tricky closing it up, but I managed)

And done!
It was pretty okay actually.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Sorry for the cell pic. I really should have busted out the t2i for a dough of this quality.

I finally feel like I've summitted the the mountain of dough recipes and through some tweaks came up with the best crust I could. It's snaps when you bite but is thin and chewy.

500F (leave the pizza stone in the oven to preheat also, duh..)
9 minutes
provolone, mozzarella, pepperoni


I suspect it started from the burner, but I had my back to it when it ignited. When I turned from the fridge the entire stove top was in flames so it took only about 3 seconds tops.

It's funny because I saw the fire extinguisher yesterday and thought to myself I should get it checked or get a new one. I keep it next to the fridge so it was right there for me to grab.

Once I get everything cleaned up I'm going to have to check around to see who can inspect it. I am wondering if a new stove is needed. Either way I need to get a new fire extinguisher before cooking again.

Maybe a cleaning product you used is inflammable?


This looks delicious. Recipe?


4 eggs yolks
1 cup half & half (milk&cream)
2/3 cup flour
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
6 egg whites
Chopped fresh fruit
Powdered sugar for garnish (optional)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract optional) I replaced it with lemon zest

Mix the egg yolks and the half&half and then slowly add the flour and whisk until well combined without any "lumps". Add then the melted butter, sugar, salt and the vanilla extract or lemon zest or any other ingredient to your taste.

In a separate bowl beat the egg whites to firm peaks (you can add a bit of sugar or not) and then slowly incorporate them to the batter slowly involving without flattening them.

Heat in the stove top for 1 minute a 10" cast iron skillet lightly greased with butter and then pour the batter to the pan. Cook in medium for 5 minutes until the mixture starts to rise and firm up. At this point put the sliced fruits and the whole fruits (raspberries) and then finish baking in the pre-heated oven at 350º F for 2-3 minutes until it puffs up. Keep checking to not burn the surface.

Serve immediately covered with powdered sugar. Yummy ;)

Inflammable means flammable? What a country!

Hi Doctor Nick!


Unconfirmed Member
Glad you had quick reflexes Eiolon and only little material damages resulted from the fire. Your story also made me think that I need a fire extinguisher.

Today baked a strawberry and raspberry pancake souffle after watching a Guy Fieri show where one of the diners had it on their menu (without the raspeberry). I also added 1 lemon zest to the batter.

Recipe? That looks amazing.

Edit: Just saw the post above. Thanks!
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