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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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So I have been busy on the Big Green Egg as of late and while I am picture absent I have a couple of good suggestions:

Stuffed turkey breast wrapped in bacon. Stuffed with stuffing. Make some mashed potatoes and gravy and you have a mini thanksgiving. I did the same with a pork tenderloin and it was good, but the turkey was better.

I have always been a fan of Montreal Steak Seasoning so I gave the chicken one a try and it was great.

I picked up a sampler from Dizzy Pig of all of their rubs and I plan to put them to good use soon.

Finally next friday I am smoking my first butt of the year. I am going for a carribean style pulled pork with a citrus and garlic flavor. I will posk recipe and instructions if anyone is interested.

I love grilling season :)
So I made these today

Definitely not happy with how the angel cake roll turned out. You'll notice that I didn't get the spongy texture that I should have been aiming for. You guys have any tips for beating egg whites? I suspect that I over beaten the egg whites here. Recipes included at the bottom of my post

Note that I'm still learning how to bake THE perfect angle food cake...

Eggwhites sure is a fickle component in baking huh, there's always some pitfall which will screw up the cake.

- The recipe you posted said to beat the eggwhites glossy and to stiff peaks, which to my knowledge goes against that your typically angle food cake requires eggwhites beaten to soft(and wet) peaks). If the egg whites are over-whipped, the cake will set too quickly on the edges but will not have enough moisture to evaporate and leaven the center of the cake.

- Another good idea is to bring your eggs to room temp, by leaving them out of the fridge 30 mins before using. Warmer eggwhites hold more air when beaten.

- Don't bump your pan/form after pouring the batter into it, it'll knock out a lot of air. Be gentle, but also quickly start baking after all beating/folding has been done. I like to compare it to a punctured tire, you're losing air.

- Grind your granulated sugar. This will make the sugar finer and lighter which means more rise for the eggwhites.

- Use cake flour. It's finer and lighter than all-purpose flour, same effect as grinded sugar.

- Humidity. Fuck humidity >:|

Good luck next time baking an angle food cake. I haven't made any roll cakes yet, but I've baked plenty of spongecakes and would defintely use of them instead the troublesome angle food cake.

The madeleines look great!


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
So I made these today

Definitely not happy with how the angel cake roll turned out. You'll notice that I didn't get the spongy texture that I should have been aiming for. You guys have any tips for beating egg whites? I suspect that I over beaten the egg whites here. Recipes included at the bottom of my post


In Puerto Rico we call that a brazo gitano. Did you use any rum?
What camera do you have, Metroid Killer? Really nice shots.
Thanks! I got a Canon EOS 500D(Digital Rebel T1i). Today's shots were better than usual because the sun was finally shining(it's been so dark for the last 5 months ;_; ), and for once I had the food ready at noon. Usually I bake at the afternoon when I get home from work and have the goods ready in the evening where the lighting is horrible in my house. If I ever were to make a blog I would defintely have to invest in some extra camera gear.

Btw your name reminds me that a good name for a blog focusing on french pastry would be Entremetainment ;)

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
do you know how well (or bad) holds fat free fresh cheese in the freezer? I'd like to purchase a couple of 2 kg buckets and slice them into 100 g rations in order to schedule my diet a bit better, but I don't want it to turn bad.

You don't want to freeze fresh cheese, especially a low or fat-free variety, unless you don't mind getting a separated, grainy, crumbled mess.

If the cheese comes in a sealed container, then you don't need to worry about keeping one unopened in refrigeration for a reasonable amount of time. The portioned pieces should be individually wrapped in butchers paper, waxed paper, or get a box of restaurant supply patty papers if you're going to be doing this frequently, and kept in a covered container for a week or so. The edges may dry out a bit, but as long as there's no mold or ammonia odor, it should be fine. Don't wrap cheese in plastic!

Definitely not happy with how the angel cake roll turned out. You'll notice that I didn't get the spongy texture that I should have been aiming for. You guys have any tips for beating egg whites? I suspect that I over beaten the egg whites here.

Adding on to what Metroid already said:

Yes, that recipe should call for soft peaks, not stiff and glossy. That's one of the biggest issues right there.

Also, don't add the sugar to the whites all at once. Whip the whites until they're foamy, add half the sugar, whip until they gain some volume, and then add the rest of the sugar. You can also add a pinch of cream of tartar to the whites for more stabilization.

Lastly, sift the cake flour into your whipped whites in 2-3 batches and be sure you're folding it in and not mixing.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?

Chicken filled mixture of celery, walnuts, thyme, bacon and green apple. I'll be making this again :)


Raspberry parfait covered with white chocolate and mint. Very labour intensive but very tasty.

Funky Papa

You don't want to freeze fresh cheese, especially a low or fat-free variety, unless you don't mind getting a separated, grainy, crumbled mess.

If the cheese comes in a sealed container, then you don't need to worry about keeping one unopened in refrigeration for a reasonable amount of time. The portioned pieces should be individually wrapped in butchers paper, waxed paper, or get a box of restaurant supply patty papers if you're going to be doing this frequently, and kept in a covered container for a week or so. The edges may dry out a bit, but as long as there's no mold or ammonia odor, it should be fine. Don't wrap cheese in plastic!

Welp, I guess I'll have to purchase smaller portions.



Unconfirmed Member
I made this today:


Sorry for the poor photo quality, I only have a lo-fi mobile phone camera. Anyway, here's the recipe (by me):


  • 3 grilled chicken breast fillets
  • 156 ml/5.6 oz of coconut oil
  • 156 ml/5.6 oz of rapeseed oil
  • 450 g/15.8 oz of chopped red onion
  • 450 g/15.8 oz of mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus)
  • A tablespoon of double cream
  • Two tablespoons of Herbes de Provence
  • Half a tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper
  • A tablespoon of parsley
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 4 merguez sausages cut in pieces 1-2 cm/0.4-0.8 in thick
  • 200g/7 oz spaghetti (I recommend linguine though, but the local store didn't have that)
How to

1. Prepare a clay pot or deep cast iron with rapeseed oil. Make sure the bottom of the pot is entirely covered with oil. Then add all of the coconut oil and the double cream. Mix together.

2. Chop the red onion and the mushrooms. Add to the coconut oil mix and then mix until all of the onion and mushroom bits are covered. Then add Herbes de Provence and a tablespoon of lemon juice and stir.

3. Place the grilled chicken breast fillets (must be cool before cooking) on top of the mixture of coconut milk, onion and mushrooms. Make sure the fillets have a gap between them. Now pour one tablespoon of lemon juice over each fillet. Then grind black pepper over each fillet and finally add parsly. Now, cut the merguez sausage in small pieces and place around the fillets until the gaps are filled.

4. Heat the oven to 200° C/392° F. Once warm, put the pot in and cook for 25 minutes. Done!

How you want to cook the spaghetti, linguine (or whatever pasta you like) is up to you. This became anyway a very tasty dish. Highly recommended.


That look delicious Rosti!

I'm about to make my first pizza. It's going to be a disaster!

Couldn't manage to find all the ingredients to make a gluten-free one sadly, so it will be wheat dough. Toppings will be eggplant, red onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives, feta cheese. Oregano and a bit of rosemary and will be added to the dough.

Edit: Disaster accomplished! Actually not bad, but next time I'll mix the ingredients in olive oil or something like that, or else cover the pizza with mozzarella, because they cooked without liquid over them making them a bit dry. It looks so bad, lol.


At least making the dough was easier than I thought, next time I'll shape it better. Gotta work on tha topping process and ingredient choice.

At last, newcomers all!

Meat: Busseto Spicy Dry Chorizo REALLY well made stuff with a nice kick and oil component to it----really nice to have something other than prosciutto and salami again(don't kill me!)

Crumble: Simple Truth Sweet & Smoky BBQ Popped Chips Quite a flavor packed super-thin bag of chips really---more smoke than sweet as one would hope.

Cheese: Grafton Village Maple Smoked Raw Milk Cheddar Yay for surprise finds to derail my next Kerry Gold purchase! This is fantastic, and I think my very first Maple Smoked cheese---which really adds a nice dimension to the smoke element as I'm generally used to it being entirely savory and/or spicy. Melts and smells great too.


Metroid Killer & Cosmic Bus > Thanks for the tips! Looking at the points you guys have listed- i think I violated a handful of them while making the angel cake . Lol I think I'll try it again in two weeks time. I hope to kick it's ass again then.

Otake> Nope I didn't add any rum. I imagine it would taste great with that added in tho!
^Np! As long as we learn from them, mistakes are the best tools in cooking(and life!)

Fine sunday weather. I did a martial art performance with our kids group at a Japanese festival here in Copenhagen were the gag was that I was getting beaten up pretty much the whole time(stuff like this makes you exhausted and sweating like a pig). So it was a good thing I had pretty much prepared a dessert yesterday, to ease my bruised body :)

Strawberry Mousse Surprise






Naked state, before covering in meringue.

The mold I got can hold 6 domes, but I thought joining two domes into a sphere was better aesthetically wise, so I ended up having two spheres and two domes, one of each to me and my gf. A sphere can be eaten by a hungry dessert craving person like me, but normal human beings will probably perfer the dome size.
Lovely hardfrozen strawberry core was an unforeseen contrast to the slightly warm swiss meringues on the outside.


Messing around with plating and some seasonal stuff

Rack of lamb deboned seared in its own fat. Stock was made from trimming and bones along with some of the vegetable trimmings then reduced with butter, mint, thyme and used to glaze the baby carrots, leeks, and fava beans. Leftover glazing liquid was used to make a sauce along with chives and their flowers.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I've taken on meat curing has a habit and my first pancetta was ready to go today.

Pork belly seasoned with salt, curing salt, pepper, juniper berries and garlic:

After curing for 2 weeks in my fridge I took the pancetta out, rinsed it off and rolled it tightly:

I then hung the pancetta in my wine fridge for a little over two weeks, bringing us to today. One beautiful looking pancetta:

And of course, what do you do with pancetta? Make spaghetti carbonara:
That looks great. I love grapefruit, but never would have thought it would taste good as a cookie.
What is really cool about these cookies is that the bitterness of the grapefruit turns into this stingy sensation when eating them, almost like if there was chili in them as well.

Messing around with plating and some seasonal stuff

That looks like a goddamn painting, and in turn looks absolutely delicious.


Aliens ate my babysitter
What is really cool about these cookies is that the bitterness of the grapefruit turns into this stingy sensation when eating them, almost like if there was chili in them as well.

That looks like a goddamn painting, and in turn looks absolutely delicious.

Agreed, it looks absolutely amazing.

Yes Boss!

Messing around with plating and some seasonal stuff

Rack of lamb deboned seared in its own fat. Stock was made from trimming and bones along with some of the vegetable trimmings then reduced with butter, mint, thyme and used to glaze the baby carrots, leeks, and fava beans. Leftover glazing liquid was used to make a sauce along with chives and their flowers.

Beautiful photo of gorgeous food. Goddamn. You've got talent.
^Np! As long as we learn from them, mistakes are the best tools in cooking(and life!)

Fine sunday weather. I did a martial art performance with our kids group at a Japanese festival here in Copenhagen were the gag was that I was getting beaten up pretty much the whole time(stuff like this makes you exhausted and sweating like a pig). So it was a good thing I had pretty much prepared a dessert yesterday, to ease my bruised body :)

Strawberry Mousse Surprise






Naked state, before covering in meringue.

The mold I got can hold 6 domes, but I thought joining two domes into a sphere was better aesthetically wise, so I ended up having two spheres and two domes, one of each to me and my gf. A sphere can be eaten by a hungry dessert craving person like me, but normal human beings will probably perfer the dome size.
Lovely hardfrozen strawberry core was an unforeseen contrast to the slightly warm swiss meringues on the outside.
i want to just sit back and eat this all day
Bored at home on the Labour Day holiday. Recommend some delicious muffins/ cupcakes for me to make. Go.
I hope you still have time(to shop and bake...), but here's a recent recipe I used for cupcakes:

The Hummingbird bakery's carrot cake

300g Light Muscovado sugar
3 eggs
3 dl vegetable oil
300g all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon grounded cinnamon
½ teaspoon grounded ginger
½ teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
300g carrots, shredded
100g preferred nuts

At low speed, mix sugar, eggs and oil. Gradually add the dry ingredients plus vanilla extract and continue mixing until well incorporated.
Fold in the carrots and nuts.

Pour into forms and bake at 170 celsius for 20-25 mins.

May I suggest the juice from 9 passionfruits mixed with confectioner's sugar for a simple but exotic icing.

Here are some pics of my last batch(with a mars bar creme)



^ Looks awesome. Unfortunately it is late in the evening where I live now- but you can be sure that I am saving that recipe for the weekend!
So when does one reach the limit?

Overloaded Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake





Ok I didn't reach the limit with this cake, but I'm sure it would have defeated weaker people.
The cake was a pretty straight forward cake batter with the exception of brown sugar instead of regular as well as chocolate chips.
Covered sides and edge with Peanut Butter Frosting... Hmm was my first thought, but it taste pretty goddamn awesome, I really like the salty taste added to the package. But it's still frosting, and it's still way too sweet for my taste.
At the center of the cake there's a pool of swiss meringue, topped with caramel chocolate bites, marshmallows, more chocolate chips and caramel sauce.

Crazy stuff


metroid killer- just curious , how long have you been baking for? all your creationa look gorgeous. i just started learning how to bake 3 months ago- and look foward to the day when my stuff looks remotely as good as yours.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Messing around with plating and some seasonal stuff

Rack of lamb deboned seared in its own fat. Stock was made from trimming and bones along with some of the vegetable trimmings then reduced with butter, mint, thyme and used to glaze the baby carrots, leeks, and fava beans. Leftover glazing liquid was used to make a sauce along with chives and their flowers.


Cries self to sleep in pile of Cheetos broth.
metroid killer- just curious , how long have you been baking for? all your creationa look gorgeous. i just started learning how to bake 3 months ago- and look foward to the day when my stuff looks remotely as good as yours.
I started a little over a year ago.
When I was little my mother always included me in the baking process, it was always a great activity.
When I moved out though I only bothered to learn 3 recipes and I only seldomly bothered to bake them.
Then for christmas 2011 my girlfriend gave me a baking cookbook out of the blue. Being rather intimidated I didn't just jump straight into it, but a popular thread on neogaf in April about Slutty Brownies kickstarted my baking craze. The first Slutty Brownie was a huge failure, a complete mess, but then I started baking cupcakes and other simple recipes from the cookbook. Over the summer my baking craze went full-on with me baking desserts 3 times a week. Gradually things got more and more advanced as I rushed on to try new things all the time

So I'm still new at this, but my focus and attention is on desserts wether I'm baking or not. IronGAF has been a huuuge help and motivator.
Woah, I just discovered this thread, and I wish I never had *drools*

I want Metroid's cake and Rei_Toei's burger. Oh man, those look good.
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