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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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heavy liquid said:
That pizza sauce looks tasty, is that homemade?
Kintaco said:
That pizza sauce looks tasty, is that homemade?

It actually is homemade, but not by me. :D It's made fresh at the Italian market where I purchased the dough and sauce premade. I've made both on my own, but theirs is always so good (and made daily from scratch) that I usually buy theirs to save time. One of their secrets to the sauce that I've since copied is that they mix a bit of grated Parmesan and Romano cheese into it. So good.


Hail to the Chef
Thanks to the all of you for your contributions. The pics of my birthday food didn't turn out that good, so just imagine it was decent ;).

Keep sharing, folks!


Hail to the Chef
this weekend is cooking for one, so I'll make cheap convenience stuff. Tonight will be a miracoli-style cheese farfalle, no clue about tomorrow yet.

Stay tuned and share your thoughts. What's your pre-christmas food?


OnkelC said:
this weekend is cooking for one, so I'll make cheap convenience stuff. Tonight will be a miracoli-style cheese farfalle, no clue about tomorrow yet.

Stay tuned and share your thoughts. What's your pre-christmas food?

All right. Tomorrow I will meet with some of my best friends and we will do a pre-christmas BBQ. Nothing fancy but it should be fun. Maybe I will take some pictures.


Hail to the Chef
BBQ sounds fun, where are you located?

Here's the haute cuisine...NOT:

How can be such a sauce base not be delicious?

Pasta and sauce are prepared separate, but why waste a clean plate on this kind of grub?

Enjoy, share yours, you know the drill folks.


300chf ain't shit to me
made more christmas cookies today -- i'll post pics of them tomorrow night. haven't decorated them yet. i thought i wouldn't be able to find any green food colouring... imagine how my christmas tree cookies would look without green icing!

on christmas day jarosh and i are having raclette, grilling up a bunch of different things, and having chocolate fondue for dessert. i'll be sure we take pics of that too :p


Ugh... another experimental cooking accident. Don't try this at home, kids.

What I wanted to make: Noodles with salmon cream sauce. Easy as pie. Just add ingredients in order, stir, add to noodles, eat. Sure, there's much room for improvement, but I just spent the last 14 hours on my feet with nary a bite... I was on my last leg.

Turns out I only had smoked salmon and only a tiny bit of cream. Booo.

Nonetheless, I soldiered on - I was very desperate, kinda braindead and extremely hungry. Cut the salmon into pieces, heated it in an oiled pan (low heat), added the cream and some spices (I love instant gravy), diluted with water.

As you might guess, the result was not very tasty. Thankfully I was kind of expecting a failure and had an emergency plan at hand. When in doubt, turn it into a noodle casserole. Nearly everything noodle-related can be saved by adding cheese and baking it in the oven. Steamroller tactics, but whatever.

So, crazy guy that I am, I poured the stuff over the cooked noodles, added grated cheese, stirred a bit, added a layer of cheese on top and put it in the oven to brown over.

It worked. After some tweaking it turned out pretty edible. And entirely too much.

Never again. Well, at least I'm stuffed. Off to bed I go. So... tired...


Hail to the Chef
cloudwalking, I'm looking forward to your pics!

ctlance, at least you made an effort to do something on your own (as opposed to me ;))

When I make pasta sauces with smoked salmon, I usually sautee a bit of cooked ham in butter, add cream and pepper and add the smoked salmon immediately before serving. It retains its taste and texture better this way.

Tonights dish will be a bland spaghetti napoli the way Miracoli wants it to taste.

And slightly OT, here's a cooking procedure you all might have heard about before and never should practice on your own, heating ingredients in closed containers:

Wish him a speedy recovery, folks.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
My lesson is learned the hard way, Onkel!
But I picked myself up and decided to finish the job - I had a pastry base to fill! Without further ado, Banoffi Pie!
It's an easy and tasty dessert, this is a thin flan dish version, but you can make it smaller and deeper, or cut the bananas thicker, put more cream on. Some people have a crushed biscuit/graham cracker base, have it your way...

You will need: A bunch of bananas, slightly overripe for sweetness, shortcrust pastry, whipped cream, and a can or two pre-made NON EXPLODING caramel/dulche de leche.


Make a pastry base, or buy one if you're lazy, and arrange sliced bananas on top. You can sprinkle some lemon juice on the bananas to prevent them oxidizing, but you have to eat this dessert fresh so it's up to you.


Next, spread the caramel/dulche de leche carefully over the bananas, to fill in the gaps and seal the fruit from the air. I didn't actually need the second can of caramel, too much and it's a bit too sweet.


Finish with whipped cream and here I topped it with grated chocolate, traditionally it's coffee granules, but you could try cinnamon too.


It's ready to be devoured! Enjoy.


Hail to the Chef
Jill Sandwich, I am more than proud that you share this very special "blood, sweat and tears" effort with us!:lol

It looks simply delicious. This canned caramel isn't available here, but it sounds tasty. Gonna look out for it. Have a merry christmas with the family!


Hail to the Chef

and a happy new year to everybody! It was a great fun and pleasure for me to show my humble stuff and to see that so many people share the joy of cooking on NeoGAF.

I'm looking forward to seeing your contributions and comments in the new year!

Seasons greetings from Bonn,



I won't be cooking this year, but I want to wish all the Christmas cooks of NeoGAF the best of luck with their dishes! Merry Christmas everybody


OnkelC, let me present a dish from Latvian menu - "Herring in coat" (rough translation).

You can't imagine any big traditional holiday meal without it. I personally don't like it because it has two ingredients I tend to avoid - beats and minced boiled eggs. Still, it's perfect for bigger gatherings - it has eggs (Easter), herring (Christmas), onion (good with vodka).
Pictures and instructions can be found here.


Hail to the Chef
awesome Fxp, that looks all kinds of hearty! Thank you for sharing. What other dishes/pastry are common for christmas?


Merry Christmas guys. We had some fish, potatoes, sauerkraut and salad for dinner today. I might download the updated version of the FFT (some corrected layout and different cover) later this week, BTW. That latvian menu looks very interesting.


Hail to the Chef
Jacobi said:
Merry Christmas guys. We had some fish, potatoes, sauerkraut and salad for dinner today. I might download the updated version of the FFT (some corrected layout and different cover) later this week, BTW. That latvian menu looks very interesting.
That would be a great christmas present!

Today will be the big day, cooking pork tenderloins with estragon and toast hawaii for nine persons. Share your christmas dishes, folks!


Jill Sandwich good to see you play it safe!

Anyway I am beat but I will try to contribute something that has not been done yet. I am still settling myself back in after moving back from Hong Kong. The time difference is making me sleep all weird


OnkelC said:
awesome Fxp, that looks all kinds of hearty! Thank you for sharing. What other dishes/pastry are common for christmas?

Well, usually it's something Jacobi already mentioned above: fish, potatoes, sauerkraut and salad.


Hail to the Chef
Jacobi, thanks for your work! Looking good as always.

I just returned from cooking duty, pics tomorrow night. Share your christmas dinners, folks!


Hail to the Chef
Here's christmas dinner. We had beef/pork fondue on christmas eve:



on the 25th, the stepmom prepared a "Butterkuchen" (rough translation butter-sugar cake) with almonds. It's a traditional cake to be served for birthdays, weddings and funerals, which gave it the side name of "Freud- und Leid-Kuchen" (Joy and Sorrow cake)
Base is a yeast dough which gets topped with butter, a sugar/vanilla-sugar mix and almond leaves:




This is how it looks like when done:


Goes great with coffee of all kinds.
Next post is the tenderloin massacre, stay tuned.


Hail to the Chef
So, Pork tenderloin stew with Estragon(taragon) for nine persons:

Ingredients are a bottle of dry white wine,
roughly 1,6 kilograms of pork tenderloin (4lbs),
four packs of hollandaise sauce,
one pound of mushrooms,
Taragon, Taragon and Taragon! :lol

Side dish were potato croquettes.

Slice the tenderloin and fry them in batches, spice them with salt, pepper and taragon when in the pan. Set the fried batches aside:



While the meat is going, thinly slice the mushrooms. If applicable, delegate the mushroom chores to a nearby family member:

(Thanks dad)

When all meat is done, the pan should have a nice crust on the bottom. Cook it loose with the wine and let it boil:


Essence of taste!

When the sauce base is boiling again, add the hollandaise and the pork. Let it simmer and reduce to roughly 1/2 to 2/3 of the original amount. Liberally add taragon, salt and pepper to the mix:


This should take around 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the amount of stew. About 20 minutes before serving, get the croquettes started. The pot should look like this by now:

Immmediately before serving, add the mushrooms so the'll conserve their fresh and raw taste:


Serve with the croquettes and enjoy:

Dessert was a christmas-themed ice cream:

Share yours, folks! I'm looking forward to your christmas dinners.


Haven't posted in here for a while, but I am back.
Using leftover ham from last night to make Scalloped Potatoes and Ham.


Thinly slice the potatoes and dice half of the onion.


Sauté the onion until clear.


Add Milk and flour plus some salt and pepper. Stir until thick.


Layer the potatoes cover with the sauce then add ham. Repeat.


Fresh out of the oven :)




Wow, what great meals. I didn't take any pics of our Christmas feast, maybe I'll take a pic of tonight's frozen pizza as a consolation prize.

Great cooking everybody, way to make my mouth water during these last 15 minutes at the office.


My wife did something different for Christmas Eve dinner this year: Roast Beef (slow cooked for hours) with Dutch Baby Potatoes and a garden salad. So on Christmas, we kinda had leftovers. Except this time, we sliced up some of the roast, onions, peppers, and some hoagie rolls.

We started with this:

Then sliced up some sweet onion and green pepper. Popped those in a pan over medium heat with some EVOO and a bit of butter and sauteed them. Once they were mostly done, we tossed in the beef, turned the heat down to low, and added a bit of Greek Seasoning. When the beef was heated through, we put some mozerella slices and a slice of provolone on the beef/onion/pepper mixture:

We then cut out a triangle from the hoagies, buttered the tops and insides, sprinkled some garlic powder in, and popped those on a griddle pan, rendering this GB&D sandwich roll:

My wife did up some oven fries (sliced russet potatoes tossed with olive oil and Stax Restaurant seasoning, cooked at 425 F degrees until GB&D), and we tossed that on the plate, leaving us to enjoy a wonderful Christmast Dinner with the best leftovers ever:


Felium Defensor
^^Drools...This still remains my favorite thread on GAF.
I swear every time I come in, I hear my stomach growl like crazy. :lol
Keep up the great work guy, especially OnkelC.

I made a mean Lasagna today btw, but didn't have my camera with me to take pics :/
Next time though, I'll promise I'll deliver some pics as well.


OnkelC said:
The finish today, mushroom stew with dumplings:

Do you have a recipe for that sauce? It looks like just my thing. And what are those balls?

Don't have pics of Christmas dinner, first day we ate potatoes, veggies and meat/veggiestuff. Second day we did the gourmet trick. It was ok but nothing special, the company of family made both nights!


Hail to the Chef
Flo said:
Do you have a recipe for that sauce? It looks like just my thing. And what are those balls?
No recipe, it was an improvisation thing. I sauteed two shallots in butter, added the frozen shroom mix as well as some majoram, helped the sauce with a bag of instant pork roast sauce and filled it up with a glass of cognac. Took like 20 minutes. The "balls" were "Semmelknödel", dumplings made from old bread rolls, milk, eggs and parsley.


Just a few more days left in 2007, so what are some traditional foods you guys will be eating to celebrate newyears?

Here in the Netherlands we'll stuff ourselves with Oliebollen and Appelflappen


woeds said:
Just a few more days left in 2007, so what are some traditional foods you guys will be eating to celebrate newyears?

Here in the Netherlands we'll stuff ourselves with Oliebollen and Appelflappen
I'm going to pick those up at my parents house for sure!!! My dad sits in the shed all day to bake them and they are awesome!


wow the Pork Stew looks good Onkel.

And that christmas leftover sandwich looks nice as well.

Unfortunately I was on an airplane and my family celebrated christmas early without me so all I had was airplane food which was decent and not worth taking a picture of.


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz, sorry to hear. Hope New Year party will be better.

It's interesting to see that deep-fried pastry for New Year is popular in other countries as well. The traditional variant here are "Berliners".

Keep sharing, folks. I'm particularily looking at you, jarosh/cloudwalking!


alright. here are the pics:

cloudwalking's christmas cookies


i helped decorate only a few of them. if you're wondering, it's the lousy looking ones. for example the busted christmas tree on the bottom with the weird trunk. the "retarded gingerbread man in a pink dress" aka "angel" on the left was not done by me though *cough*

some more:


the metroid one on the top right is also my work.

christmas "dinner" for two (it was more like afternoon):


raclette and partygrill stuff.

pictured: boiled potatoes, chicken (with mustard, olive oil, spices), salmon (dill, lemon juice, salt, pepper, olive oil), raclette cheese, quorn, fake champagne. not pictured: the tofu we forgot in the fridge but still remembered about in time. not pictured either: shrimp i marinated with white wine, olive oil, parsly and lemon pepper... we actually completely forgot about the shrimp and only remembered after we were done eating and had cleaned up everything :/ we did eat it the next day though, it was still fine. we also forgot about all the dips we had in the fridge. i don't know what was wrong with us that we forgot about half the food lol. it was still really good though.


here's a really messy plate:




and for dessert we had:





OnkelC said:
That's one worthy christmas meal if I ever saw one! Thank you for sharing. What's for New Years eve?
No idea, going to visit my parents and baby brother in Curaçao for New Years. I arrive about 5 hours before 00:00, so that gives me enough time to get at least 1 meal inside of me. If I have to guess, nice chunk of either fresh* tuna or kingfish with rice and kriyoyo sauce ^^.

* means out of the ocean for less than 6 hours.


OnkelC said:
That's one worthy christmas meal if I ever saw one! Thank you for sharing. What's for New Years eve?
no idea about new year's eve yet to be honest. maybe YOU have any suggestions...?

and WOW at that salad. looks delicious.


Hail to the Chef
I'm also clueless about what to make. Contemplating a roast chicken stufffed with lemon, but not sure about it.
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