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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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I got inspired watching this Gordon Ramsay food clip for tandoori spiced halibut with cucumber


so tonight I'm going to make my 'what's on hand and in season where I live' version of this.

So for the fish, I'm using buri, which has the horrible name 'Japanese Amberjack' in English. It's a winter time fish that has a little more fat on it and is very common this time of year for new year's festivals, etc.

For the marinade, I'm just using my rice vineger/toubanjan/soy sauce mixture.

The 'noodle cucumbers' taste awesome with the yogurt as I'm sure you can imagine. I added a few drops of sesame oil.

I hope it's awesome! :D

edit: just ate it, and it was very tasty! sorry for no pictures, I don't have a camera :(

As the fish cooked in the pan, the marinade turned into a paste, so I decided to take the rest, reconstitute with some apricot jam that was cheap at the grocery store, and put in top of the fish. It was great! wonderful mix of spicy, sour, and sweet.

Definately keeping this one in the mental rolodex.


Hail to the Chef
sounds good, thank you for sharing. Iwill try out the cucumber noodles some time.

The cooking schedule for the weekend is Calzone today, Käsespätzle tomorrow. If there is interest in the preparation of the pizza dough, let me know.

New Years' Eve dish will be a lemon stuffed roast chicken with roast potates and vegetables.

Stay tuned and share yours!


OnkelC said:
sounds good, thank you for sharing. Iwill try out the cucumber noodles some time.

The cooking schedule for the weekend is Calzone today, Käsespätzle tomorrow. If there is interest in the preparation of the pizza dough, let me know.

New Years' Eve dish will be a lemon stuffed roast chicken with roast potates and vegetables.

Stay tuned and share yours!
i'm gonna steal the bolded part for my new year's eve dinner :p

wonder what i should replace the chicken with...


good point. ha, that was gonna be our original christmas dinner before we changed plans - potatoes and fish.

so i'm gonna make roast potato cuts in the oven and steam some fish with leek, dill, olive oil and other spices (in aluminum foil) along with it. and we'll have some veggies too (dunno what kind yet).

thanks for your help heh


Hail to the Chef
I'll cut the potatoes to wedges, chop some carrots and onions and roast them with some vegetable broth underneath the chicken :)


Hail to the Chef
Change of plans, I made the Spätzle yesterday:


Tonights dish will be Calzone.


spatzle looks awesome as always onkel. the red onions are a nice touch.

i have a question. I pressed a bunch of garlic (like 2 bulbs), and put it in a jar in the refrigerator. you can buy pressed garlic in the store, and I did it to save me some time in cooking because I use a lot of garlic and it's a pain pressing it everytime.

It's changing color though to a kind of greenish color. Not moldy in color, it looks more like an unripe banana type of green.

what can I do to keep it from doing this in the future? They're must be something manufacturers put in pressed garlic to keep it from changing color,


Hail to the Chef
tnw said:
spatzle looks awesome as always onkel. the red onions are a nice touch.

i have a question. I pressed a bunch of garlic (like 2 bulbs), and put it in a jar in the refrigerator. you can buy pressed garlic in the store, and I did it to save me some time in cooking because I use a lot of garlic and it's a pain pressing it everytime.

It's changing color though to a kind of greenish color. Not moldy in color, it looks more like an unripe banana type of green.

what can I do to keep it from doing this in the future? They're must be something manufacturers put in pressed garlic to keep it from changing color,
the green could come from the sprout inside the cloves itself.

If you cut a clove open and the sprout is already green, it's a sign that the garlic is kind of old. You should remove the innermost part of each clove if you plan to store it. But you shouldn't do so in the beginning and only process the garlic immediately before using.


OnkelC said:
the green could come from the sprout inside the cloves itself.
If you cut a clove open and the sprout is already green, it's a sign that the garlic is kind of old. You should remove the innermost part of each clove if you plan to store it. But you shouldn't do so in the beginning and only process the garlic immediately before using.

yeah, I bought a ton of garlicnd didn't store it in a cool dry place, so some of it has started sprouting. my frugal nature, though, won't let me through it away. It's in the refrigerator now though, which has stopped anymore bulbs from sprouting.

it wasn't greenish before after I had just pressed it and put it back in the fridge though.

It's still okay to use, right? I mean, it's the first thing to go in the pan after the oil...


Hail to the Chef
tnw said:
yeah, I bought a ton of garlicnd didn't store it in a cool dry place, so some of it has started sprouting. my frugal nature, though, won't let me through it away. It's in the refrigerator now though, which has stopped anymore bulbs from sprouting.

it wasn't greenish before after I had just pressed it and put it back in the fridge though.

It's still okay to use, right? I mean, it's the first thing to go in the pan after the oil...
it'll have a much more intensive odor and give you a way more intensive afterbreath, so I'd personally not use it anymore. It's not toxic or anything, though.


Hail to the Chef
Opus Angelorum said:
Onkel write a cook book for GAF, sell it in Acrobat format for $1.
:lol thanks!
but there's already an e-book which is available for free, check the last page.


Hail to the Chef
The Take Out Bandit said:
Onkel, you cannot possibly top this culinary delight!


Rice Krispy treats topped with Fruity Pebbles! Oh and a bit of vanilla extract in the adhesive. :D
I'm blown away!:lol :lol :lol
Thanks for sharing. Would you mind giving us the recipe?
1 stick unsalted butter, or salted if you prefer.
10.5oz bag of mini marshmallows
1 TBSP vanilla extract
13.5oz box of Rice Krispy's or generic equivalent.

Heat up the butter in a pot.

Once the butter is melted, add in marshmallows and mix around until everything is melted together.

Add 1 TBSP of vanilla extract.

Once your goo is ready to go (all marshmallows have melted), mix in rice krispy cereal slowly. Add some, mix. Add some more, mix. You can add until taste, I like to spread the adhesive as thin as possible.

Once it's all mixed in a pot, spread it out in a cookie sheet and sprinkle some Fruity Pebbles on top. Let it cool down, then cut it up and eat! :D


bdizzle said:
hey gaf i cooked yesterday :)


sadly none of the women folk came over to eat then fellasche me :([/QUOTE]

whats in the cassorole, bdizzle? :)
it was lasagna. nothin special. ground beef, ricotta/mozarella/paramasen cheese. i want to make a veggie lasagna soon. i just started cooking not too recently and i love it. I made some baked ziti for a lady friend of mine and she enjoyed it.

my moms the best cook i've ever ate from (still dont know why she wont open her own restaurant) and shes been teaching me lately. this week i'm planning on making some sweet/sour chicken, mashed taters, and maybe some asparagus or brocoli.

male gaffers, if you wanna impress the chicas, learn from this thread. women LOVE a man that can cook.
We went to my favorite Vietnamese restaurant in Toronto this past weekend. I forget the name. I had curry rice noodle soup with chicken, which is very different from the Japanese ramen version.




Just had an amazing dinner at the resturant in the Galley Bay Resort in Antigua. Wish i had brought my camera. This is what it looks like thouhg


Looks even better at night. Also got to have dinner at the Sandals Resort in Antigua a couple of days ago. Not that good. Ill have some actual pictures by Friday.


bdizzle said:
i just started cooking not too recently and i love it. I made some baked ziti for a lady friend of mine and she enjoyed it.

my moms the best cook i've ever ate from (still dont know why she wont open her own restaurant) and shes been teaching me lately.

good for you! keep experimenting and posting what you make. be daring!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
OnkelC said:
may be, but I won't be able to contribute that much in 2008.

That's too bad. Because of your new job? I've worked out this receipe with making pictures and everything but I kinda didn't want it to end up lost in the last pages of the 2007 edition :).


Hail to the Chef
Rei_Toei said:
That's too bad. Because of your new job? I've worked out this receipe with making pictures and everything but I kinda didn't want it to end up lost in the last pages of the 2007 edition :).
I'll give an explanation later today.

ANYWAY, here's a New Years Eve pastry classic from my part of the world, Berliner!(Click for Wiki)
They come with icing or just dipped in sugar and are filled with jam or cream. This is the most common variant, dipped in sugar and filled with apricot jam:



Zis is ze hole where jam is jammed in:

Zis is ze juicy inside:


I love Berliner may be my favorite pastry. And maybe now people will understand why some germany may chuckle when they hear the famaous JFK speech. :D

I really hope you continue this thread in the new year.
ANYWAY, here's a New Years Eve pastry classic from my part of the world, Berliner!(Click for Wiki)
They come with icing or just dipped in sugar and are filled with jam or cream. This is the most common variant, dipped in sugar and filled with apricot jam:

Whats the difference between these and Doughnuts?


Cerebral Assassin said:
Whats the difference between these and Doughnuts?
The hole in the middle :D Ehm, seriously, the dough is a bit drier, less fatty and glazed. (if I recall correctly, been a while since I had a Berliner)


Hail to the Chef
Cerebral Assassin said:
Whats the difference between these and Doughnuts?
They are German, hence they are superior to donuts!:lol
And what woeds said, of course.

I'm going down on the chicken now. What are your NYE dishes?
OnkelC said:
They are German, hence they are superior to donuts!:lol
And what woeds said, of course.

I'm going down on the chicken now. What are your NYE dishes?

im pretty sure thats illegal in most nations.......


Hail to the Chef
Chicken was awesome, smooth and tender :p

I'll post pics tomorrow. Have a great New Years Eve and a wonderful 2008, Chefs and Cooks of NeoGAF! You did an awesome job and made this thread a magic place.

Thanks for sharing, it was fun.


Hail to the Chef

I made a lemon stuffed roast chicken for tonights dinner, it's an easy but delicate dish. Sides were potatoes, carrots and onions that were braised with chicken broth and white wine in a pan underneath the chicken.

So, let's cook.
Ingredients are:

One fresh whole chicken, around 1,5 kg /3lbs (make sure the skin is intact or the recipe won't work),
one untreated, organic farmed lemon,
750 grams potatoes,
300-400 grams carrots,
1 large onion,
salt, pepper, chicken spice mix, Oil,
broth of choice (I went with chicken broth, but vegetable or beef stock is also nice),
some wine,

some yarn and a sewing needle.

Prep time was around two hours, with the roast process taking up the most time.

First, peel, cube and pre-cook the potatoes for around 10 minutes:

(the pot in the back has the yarn, which I also cooked to remove eventual chemicals)

Peel and cut the carrots and the onion, then put it all in an oven-proof pan, pour the stock and wine over it:


Now for the chicken. The special step in this prep is the added lemon, which will act as a steam bath from the inside of the chicken.

The humidity of the lemon will evaporate and make the meat really juicy and tender while inflating and thus separating the skin from the chicken, resulting in a paper-thin and crispy crust for the dish.

Salt and pepper the inside of the chicken. Grab the lemon and poke about 60 holes in it (use a fork to speed things up):


Stuff the lemon inside the chicken, listen to some Barry White while doing so:



Now sew the...wait, I forgot that cooking a thread results in clutter :p

AFTER uncluttering the thread, sew the chicken shut. This is vital so the steam can build up inside the chicken:
Neck End:

Rear End:


When done, remove the rump (best with scissors):

and tie the chickens legs together with the rest of the thread.

Now prepare the glaze with oil and spices of choice. I used a spice mix from salt, pepper, paprika and rosemary. Glaze the whole chicken:


Now stick the chick and the veggies in the pre-heated oven. I went with around 175 degrees celsius in a hot air oven for about 80 minutes, keep glazing the chicken every other 15 minutes:

This is the described effect of the lemon, looks awesome, doesn't it?

Finish line:
you can check if the chicken is done by sticking a toothpic or needle in one of the legs: if the juice that runs out is clear, it's done. When it's done, remove it from the oven, carve it and serve with the oven veggies:




Regarding the future of GAF cooking, some of you might have already noticed that I found a new job for 2008.

As this won't be a 9-to-5-job, I'll spend a lot of tie on the road and won't be able to cook under the week as much as I used to do. In addition, I'll have to move places, too, as the new job can't be done with a daily commute, so the first half of 2008, I won't have access to a decent kitchen at all. I will be able to share some pics of professional chefs and their kitchens, though.

Starting a new thread for 2008 by me wouldn't be that interesting, given the circumstances. So, if one of you feels up to the task, feel free to start one.

As an alternative suggestion, how about continuing with this one? It's already got a wealth of info and recipes and could become a real reference for the future.

Edit: Thanks sp0rsk for the title change! :).

Any way, thanks again to you all for making this humble effort into one of the biggest and most pleasant threads on NeoGAF so far.


OnkelC said:
HAStuff the lemon inside the chicken, listen to some Barry White while doing so:

goatse chicken!

I think we should just take the 2007 out of the title, and the hosted by OnkelC part if you don't feel up to it. I don't see any problem with making this a general cooking thread like any of the other themed threads.

Enjoy your job Onkel! :D


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Alright, so a friend and I got talking about this one, don't know how we came up with it, and we made it last night as a new years eve dinner for us. It tasted awesome, honestly.

It's ground beef with onion and tomato, some marinade, and spices stirred together and cooked in a frying pan. At the same time we heated up som frozen garlic bread. When it was warm enough we, gently, opened the top of the bread up from top to bottom to make room for the ground beef. We filled the small space with the beef and then put a bunch mozarella ontop of it and put it back into the oven again for some ten minutes, to let the mozarella melt. Served with some fries, mayo and tzatziki.

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