Damn that looks good
I love bread above almost all else.
Here is what I made tonight, but the picture is not mine (it didn't look anything like that:lol)
Here is the recipe, but I disagree with it somewhat.
For 4 portions:
60 ml (4 table spoons) balsamic vinegar
Juice from 3 lemons and 1 lime (I don't agree, more on that below)
Salt and pepper
4 to 6 fillets of tilapia fish, depending on how big they are.
5 ml of grounded turmeric (1 teaspoon)
Oil for cooking
# Mix the balsamic vinegar, the lemon and lime juice, salt and pepper, and pour over the filets in a plate.
# Let it marinate for an hour.
# Take them out, remove the liquid from the fillets with scott towels (I don't know how this process is called in English). This is important, if it is too wet it will lose some of the fish flavor and the rest will be too strong, especially the lemon (I probably didn't remove enough tonight, that's why it was too lemony). Powder them with the turmeric, you don't have much so the best thing you can do is either sprinkle it with something or put it on a plate and put the fish on top, then flip it, etc.
# Heat the oil and cook for around two to three minutes each side.
# Put them in a plate and pour some of the marinade on top.
Now the part I don't agree with is the lemon juice. I had only two fillets so I used one lemon and no lime and even then it was too much, the lemon overtook the rest of the flavors. Maybe my lemon was just too big.
It was good so I share it, but I'll move on. Maybe you guys will have better results!
The next one I'll make will probably be dijon mustard+honey salmon. Probably Friday or next weekend.