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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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We harvested the potato bush we had growing on our balcony. Here's the result:


Tasted good, too:



I also made some pork steaks a couple days back. The sauce came out great!



OnkelC said:
homegrown potatoes, marvelous!
Thank you for sharing. How did you make the pork seak sauce?
After frying, I dumped some water on the pan, added a cube of beef stock, some cream, pepper, soy sauce and my new favorite, cinnamon. Thickened with corn starch. Lurrvely.






Was nice, juuuuuuust a touch pinker on the the inside and it would have been perfect, also maybe a bit of gravy on the side would have gone down well. Took the photos with my phone so the last one didn't come out that well.


OnkelC said:
cinnamon is an interesting addition, what brought you to adding it?
It was actually quite random. I bought a bolognese spice mix from Rhodes a couple years back, and took a closer look at the ingredients about a year ago. Cinnamon was included, and by my limited experience, it's excellent with meat and tomatoes. Give it a try.


Hail to the Chef
very simple pasta dish, peel a few tomatoes, melt them in a pan with olive oil and finely chopped onions, salt and pepper, add chopped basil leaves and you are set for an easy yet delicate dinner!






my wisdom teeth are out, and my mouth is swollen and i look like a chipmunk.

any ideas on a noodle dish / soft something i can eat? that's filling? protein?! i need nourishment! this smoothie only thing kinda bites


Hail to the Chef
planked said:
my wisdom teeth are out, and my mouth is swollen and i look like a chipmunk.

any ideas on a noodle dish / soft something i can eat? that's filling? protein?! i need nourishment! this smoothie only thing kinda bites
I'd skip eating in that case for a day or two. resort to milk or tea, nothing acidic like juices.


This is a nice slow cooker pot roast that I do sometimes. The great thing about it is that you can customize it to your hearts content. Sometimes I add beer for a different flavor, Guinness I find is the best.

Ingredients: Can of Potato Soup, can of Mushroom Soup (A can of Golden Mushroom soup is good too for a nice earthy flavor), Onion Soup Mix, Baby Portabello Mushrooms (White Buttons are fine, I just find them a little bland), Shallots (Yellow Onion works good great too), Pot Roast (Any will do), Beef Bouillon cube (Or broth) and a few garlic cloves.

Dice/Chop/Slice your veggies how ever you want. I like thicker slices of mushrooms in my gravy.

Throw those dirty bitches into a nice hot frying pan with a bit of olive oil and don't forget to add salt and pepper.

In the meantime, dump some flour and salt and pepper onto a plate and give it a swirl and coat every side of the pot roast, tapping to remove excess flour.

Take your sauteed veggies and dump them into the slow cooker, along with the soups and onion soup mix, boullion cube, and a little water. Whisk that shit up to break up the condensed soups. I also added some cayenne pepper for a little kick.

Take your flour covered pot roast and brown all sides so they're nice and golden. A little olive oil and just under smoking temperature works great to caramelize the meat. I forgot to take a picture here.

Once your happy with the meat, put it into the slow cooker and cover the meat with some sauce. Put the lid on, crank that bitch to low and wait 8 hours. I will take a picture when it's ready.



Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm not exactly sure what those berries are called in English, but the Latin name is Rubus phoenicolasius. They just turned ready and edible here. They're like mini-raspberries but with a more fresher taste! Birds think so too so the time to enjoy them is always quite limited.




What sorta spices do you guys think are necessary in any kitchen? I want to build up a collection so we have them at our disposal in the kitchen. I remember someone posting a picture of their spice rack, I think they had a whole wall dedicated to spices. I'd like something like that. :D


Hail to the Chef
Akira said:
What sorta spices do you guys think are necessary in any kitchen? I want to build up a collection so we have them at our disposal in the kitchen. I remember someone posting a picture of their spice rack, I think they had a whole wall dedicated to spices. I'd like something like that. :D
Oh, that was jarosh's legendary wall o'spices!

I try to keep my spice rack small: salt, pepper from a mill, marjorie, thyme, oregano, paprika, curry and that's about it. always have some fresh garlic and onions around. Try to grow fresh herbs like basil, dill, chive and parsley on the window sill, it's worth it.
Rei_Toei said:
I'm not exactly sure what those berries are called in English, but the Latin name is Rubus phoenicolasius. They just turned ready and edible here. They're like mini-raspberries but with a more fresher taste! Birds think so too so the time to enjoy them is always quite limited.

Are they mulberries? I've only seen them dried around here.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I searched some more and I think that in English they're called Japanese Wineberry. Makes senses since in Dutch they're also called 'Wijnbes' (Wijn being Dutch for Wine).


Hail to the Chef
Rei_Toei said:
I searched some more and I think that in English they're called Japanese Wineberry. Makes senses since in Dutch they're also called 'Wijnbes' (Wijn being Dutch for Wine).
they are called "wild raspberries" in germany. great picture of them!

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Grilled some yellow squash, zucchini and onions tonight for dinner, along with ginger-jasmine rice and a little slaw on the side.

Rei_Toei said:
I'm not exactly sure what those berries are called in English, but the Latin name is Rubus phoenicolasius.

Wow, that's a really nice picture! You can almost taste the berries...


Hail to the Chef
Cosmic Bus said:
Grilled some yellow squash, zucchini and onions tonight for dinner, along with ginger-jasmine rice and a little slaw on the side.
very nice! is there a pattern behind the composition of the ingredients, or was it a spontantaneous thing?


Presentation is everything

Rice mixed with mozzarella, mayo, mustard and crushed eggs
Rocket salad with olive oil
Crumbed chicken breast

hey, this is my first post in this thread LOOK AT ME! :D


So much nice things in here!

I made this last weekend, its actually a side dish, but I couldn't even finish the whole thing.


OnkelC said:
very simple pasta dish, peel a few tomatoes, melt them in a pan with olive oil and finely chopped onions, salt and pepper, add chopped basil leaves and you are set for an easy yet delicate dinner!

Why no garlic?


Hail to the Chef
polg and flo, good stuff. also, welcome, polg, share more foods please.
Roi said:
Why no garlic?
wife didn't appreciate it. Wouldn't have submitted to the fruity taste, anyway.
Lots of pics here. Sorry some of them came out blurry. If anyone wants the recipes let me know and I'll pm you or post them in the topic.

So here's the first part of making a spaghetti sauce

Step two and here's where it gets blurry

Finally! Super blurry though

Some Indian styled chicken I made


Final meal served with mushroom-carrot-green bean medley along with an Indian style smoothie

Really really good Spanish Rice

Mederterrian styled salad
Some In-N-Out Burger takeout. That's a "3x3" (three patties, three slices of cheese) with grilled onions, and an order of 'animal style' fries (cheese, grilled onions, 'secret sauce' on them). A gut-buster of an order, but tasty for a fast food chain.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I made the worst peanut butter cookies ever the other night. At least now I know that baking soda and baking powder are 2 different things :(

Yeah, I'm a cooking newbie. Finally trying to broaden my culinary knowledge a bit, thanks in part to this thread.

The homemade bread I made a few days ago was really good though :D


Hail to the Chef
slidewinder said:
Some In-N-Out Burger takeout. That's a "3x3" (three patties, three slices of cheese) with grilled onions, and an order of 'animal style' fries (cheese, grilled onions, 'secret sauce' on them). A gut-buster of an order, but tasty for a fast food chain.
is that lettuce i see sticking out of ze burger? how much did this serving cost?

Lost fragment, welcome. good to see that the humble effort that is this thread actually brings people to start cooking on themselves. take a lot of pics of your first ventures and share them here, please.
Yeah, there's lettuce in there. Here's a better angle on the burger, though blurry:

I think the order was around $7 with tax. Animal fries are about $3 or so (basically as expensive as a 3x3 burger like that one) instead of the usual $1.29 for plain fries.


Hail to the Chef
That sounds more than reasonable for the serving size. the equivalent of 4.60EUR would get you way less at Mcd or BK over here. And it looks oh so guilty pleasure-ish:D


Oh god. I'm on a self-imposed diet right now, and I think I gained a couple of kilograms just from looking at that burger and the fries. Looks incredibly tempting and tasty.

Checking out this thread is hell right now. So many yummy things.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I made the Gyudon with the help of ChryZ's receipe and it turned out pretty good! I made some small mistakes and replaced Sake with Sherry because the liquor store was out of Sake but overall it went pretty well. Thanks ChryZ for posting an awesome receipe!

Made this today:



It turned out quite well though next time I will use more broth and wine as it was not saucy enough (for me) though my brother thought it was perfect. : )


Hail to the Chef
CrystalGemini, thank you for sharing! Looks good indeed. What is the ingredient in the middle dish in the first pic? some kind of dried tomatoes or bell pepper?

Dice Man said:
Anyone got a recipe for banana pancakes?
Not for banana pancakes, sorry, but a base pancake recipe can be found here. You can play around with the toppings/fillings as you wish, the dough is quite versatile.


Rei_Toei said:
I'm not exactly sure what those berries are called in English, but the Latin name is Rubus phoenicolasius. They just turned ready and edible here. They're like mini-raspberries but with a more fresher taste! Birds think so too so the time to enjoy them is always quite limited.
They're called 'Wine Berries'. Well that's what I called them. I used to eat them when I was a kid with my grandma.
OnkelC said:
CrystalGemini, thank you for sharing! Looks good indeed. What is the ingredient in the middle dish in the first pic? some kind of dried tomatoes or bell pepper?

Small pot: chicken broth with the shrimp shells and rosemary simmering
Large pan: tomatoes, seasonings, white wine
Back bowl: sausage
Front bowl: squid and shrimp



Rei_Toei said:
I made the Gyudon with the help of ChryZ's receipe and it turned out pretty good! I made some small mistakes and replaced Sake with Sherry because the liquor store was out of Sake but overall it went pretty well. Thanks ChryZ for posting an awesome receipe!
Oh, there is even a pic. Holy crap, that's looking good. It made me very happy, that you like the recipe.

The combination of garlic and ginger is such a killer combo, eh?

Regarding the sake/sherry: sake is a bit more neutral and sherry might add too much flavor. Sake is pretty common here, I can get it at the local super market.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Definitely! The moment I added the ginger I knew it was going to be good :). I thin I'm gonna try out cooking with fresh ginger more, it's a great distinct taste. I did eat a lot of Gyudon when I was in Japan (at Yoshinoya and the like) last year but after I returned it kinda fell of the radar. Next time i'll try to use sake. There was a liquor store close by that had it but was a $27 bottle while the sherry was available for $6 in a small bottle and I'm on a student budget :).
time for another episode of FOOD ADVENTURES WITH SMIRKREVENGE!

this installment could not be any more different than last time (BBQ was last time, for those who forgot)...as i made one of my annual trips to NYC. many good meals were had, but some were not photographed.

i did try top chef winner harold's restaurant, Perilla, and the only photo i have of that experience is the front door:

the spicy duck meatballs appetizer is a must-have -- get 2 orders and make that your meal! the halibut main course i had was not as well-flavored and on the bland side, but overall, a good dining experience. i don't even watch top chef!

had a so-so tapas meal at a place called Salon de Tapas, here's a pic of the serrano ham, elegantly displayed by my friend matt:

a requisite pic of a typical hot dog stand, which i did not partake:

the jewel of the trip would have to be brooklyn cheap eats! so much good food there -- and not pictured was the best banh mi i have ever had at a place called Ba Xuyen. if you are ever in that borough, do make a point to stop by there. also, 5 potstickers for 2 bucks, the best cure for a hangover ever.

as i'm from the south, i did not expect great mexican food in nyc -- boy, was i wrong! here are the chorizo sopes from isabela's in brooklyn:

also tried their pastor tacos, diced pineapple was a great counter-flavor. ate those too fast to snap a pic.

had some great peruvian rotisserie chicken at Super Pollo:

there was another place with great peruvian chicken in Jackson Heights called Pio Pio -- excellent in both locations.

my friend erin made me a great breakfast one morning: poached egg, sourdough, shaved parm, and a garlic-basil pistou:

the best katsu lunch in manhattan at a place called Katsuhama:

"food" for the mind, as i viewed some paintings at the MOMA, including this cezanne:

"two cheeseburgers with everything" by claes oldenburg :lol :

i did have a tasty burger at the Burger Joint in Le Parker Merdien hotel, but it was too dark to get any good pics. probably my favorite burger place in NYC, as Shake Shack is only mediocre by my standards.

some red grape gelato from el laboratorio del gelato (pure red grape flavor, more intensity!):

had a fantastic last meal at Wu Liang Ye, an authentic Sichuan Chinese restaurant in NYC.

dan dan noodles, a spicy sauce with some pork and pea shoots:

hong you chao shou, spicy wontons -- with a hint of sweetness:

kung pao chicken, authentic preparation with the famous sichuan peppercorns for added numbness on the tongue:

stir-fried beef + peppers, very tender beef:

tea-smoked duck:

that was food adventuring in NYC!

on the homefront...made some chinese pork belly last night for the first time; turned out quite well!


dang we can post pics of stuff we buy???

some weeks ago I went to Carneys



it sux coz when I went I was feeling well so I couldnt fully enjoy it... I definitely wanna go back soon.

Last week I was really fiendin for sum pho, but I live in the middle of nowhere with no pho to eat...

the closest place to get sum that had a decent review on yelp was at a mall 50 miles away from me...


what a joke! the only reason it got a good review was coz ppl who would give it a bad one wouldnt even bother eating it.

next time I'm jus gonna put in the extra 10 or 15 miles it takes to get sum quality pho.


Hail to the Chef
awesome stuff, everybody!

I would like to see more restaurant food pics, it's an interesting addition!

from the "cereal development gone wrong" dept, after the lego brick shaped cereals, have another creamy idea:


delicious, isn't it? serve with apple juice for maximum pleasure:lol
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