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Is Alan Wake II destined to be a sales flop?


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I mean, I'll never buy it as long as it's an Epic exclusive (and anyway, I wouldn't buy it until I could actually run it), and without me as their customer it's surely gonna flop.

I'm gonna be so excited to play it when I have a 5070 in four years though.
5 days away from launch and the lack of marketing would make Jim Ryan proud. Haven’t seen a single TV ad, billboard or even launch trailer.

No word on when the review embargo lifts. Apparently codes still haven’t even been sent out yet. Usually that speaks to lack of confidence in your product. However the game does look fantastic.

Not to mention it’s releasing right in between 2 juggernauts. A week after Spider-Man 2, a week-ish before fucking Modern Warfare 3.

No marketing
Minimal hype
No review score hype
Releasing between two juggernauts

Massive sales flop incoming?
+ No physical release.


PC will probably be like 10% of the sales as always lol. So the EGS stuff doesn’t really matter. Console is where’s at. I dont get all these comments about console people not caring about AW, if anything they will care, it was an Xbox exclusive back in the day.


It's the pack-in title for any new purchase of a Nvidia 4000 series card and published by Epic games so it doesn't matter. It will be critically acclaimed and probably do well in the long run.
It will do enough over a long time.

Alan Wake on 360 was a poor seller and was heavily discounted weeks later, I bought the collectors at a huge discount and recall the NPD sales back then. QB and Control have helped to where I think this can be bought for first time players as there's not a lot out there beyond a few obvious titles and yawn remakes and has at least some nicer graphical elements and better production than the original.


Tag, you're it.
I think word of mouth will greatly help the game, and I also see it scoring a high Metacritic score (90+).
All in one and as said before Remedy will be fine.

And remember, he is waiting

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Well the first one was a flop, and to be honest all Remedy games are flops of different levels, they're niche games for a niche audience that just happen to have high production values. Fans will enjoy it but it's not gonna be some massive hit.

3 Million copies for Control is a niche game now? Nah mate, don't agree with that. Also here's Remedy's performance in the last decade.

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Unless this thing reviews at 90+, I think I'll pass. Didn't realize it was an EGS exclusive. Never bought a game on EGS before and don't want to start.


This weird to me or maybe I'm weird one here, 90+ " score" is never grantee I would enjoy the game also the fact asking it need 90+.....so game 86 or 88 are now shit games or something?

Well ToTK scored a 96 and I regret buying it, so there's that. I just really don't want to support EGS on PC.
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I love AW1. Preordered 2 but won’t play it for awhile. Too many games on my plate. Cyberpunk, Spider-man, Baldurs Gate 3… and now AW2….
Well the first one was a flop, and to be honest all Remedy games are flops of different levels, they're niche games for a niche audience that just happen to have high production values. Fans will enjoy it but it's not gonna be some massive hit.
And you can end this thread now. Remedy has never set the world on fire, sales-wise. I just think they're aware they make niche games and budget themselves accordingly such that they still turn a healthy profit, which is what more companies need to do (I'm looking at you Arkane).


The nicest person on this forum
Well ToTK scored a 96 and I regret buying it, so there's that
So I ask again how 90+ is any indication you gonna enjoy the game? Maybe this just me but my money and time is too precious that I would let mere "numbers" decide what should buy or not.
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So I ask again how 90+ is any indication you gonna enjoy the game? Maybe this just me but my money and time is too precious that I would let mere "numbers" decide what should buy or not.

Isn't that kind of the point, though? If your money and time is too precious, why would you waste time on games a collective group of reviewers doesn't view as good?


The nicest person on this forum
Isn't that kind of the point, though? If your money and time is too precious, why would you waste time on games a collective group of reviewers doesn't view as good?
Because 99% of the time I trust my own taste over theirs. I mean game like Spider Man 2 can get 11/10 score but I'm never gonna touch that game meanwhile game like Armored Core VI can get 1/10 still going buy that game because I enjoy AC games.

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I would say about half Alan Wake 1 sales.

Which is ok because it’s only half an Alan Wake game anyway.

Will get this weekend if reviews are decent.


Physical bros be like :
awkward pulp fiction GIF

Maybe some day a physical edition will hit the market. I secretly hope that they fall on their face with their sales tactics. Even though I don't begrudge the developers their failure, since a lot of work went into the game and I'm a fan of their predecessors, I can't endorse this marketing move.
I'd like to play the game, but not under these circumstances. NVM, more money for another hobby.
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Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Knowing them they’d be happy selling one million copies and I’m sure they can easily do that and more. Their games are not triple AAA and they don’t need to sell 10 ml. Reviews, word of mouth and 100% digital will bring in and boost profits fast from their niche of loyal followers.
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Remember pascal(10xx) and rdna1(5x00) gpu series and older arent officially supported, thats additional 10-15%+ of pc gamers market that will definitely not buy the game.


Success is always measured against budget and the publisher expectations.
It's not like this will be a flop because it won't sell like Spiderman/Mario/COD. That is a given and they still made the game.


Success is always measured against budget and the publisher expectations.
It's not like this will be a flop because it won't sell like Spiderman/Mario/COD. That is a given and they still made the game.
Valid point, i hope game sells at least 2-3m copies close to launch, and over 5m ltd, hopefully thats enough to make profit and keep remedy afloat.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Valid point, i hope game sells at least 2-3m copies close to launch, and over 5m ltd, hopefully thats enough to make profit and keep remedy afloat.
Control cost 30 million to make.....it sold 2 - 3 million copies and brought in 100 million dollars.
Remedy arent a AAA studio in the traditional sense, they dont spend 100s of millions making their games.
Remedy are sorted already for next few years.

  • Alan Wake II has been super funded by Epic Games Publishing.
  • Control 2 has already been picked up by 505 Games after the success of Control.
  • Condor is also being published and partially funded by 505 Games.
  • Max Payne 1 + 2 being funded and published by Rockstar Games.
  • Vanguard is being published and co-developed by Tencent.....Tencent pays!


No Steam release, no buy.

I expect there will be a Steam release of this in 2024. I'll wait. I have so much other stuff to get through that I'm in no hurry.
Remedy owns the IP, but Epic has publishing rights for Alan Wake Remastered and Alan Wake II

It may be a while before we will see Steam release as it isn't a similar situation as with moneyhatted one year timed exclusive release thing. In this case Epic was funding the development for both games from the start


Afaik Epic did not fund it entirely, Remedy co-funded it with them, partially. So they might have some proviso in the contract that will allow them Steam release some years from now. We don't know.

I would not expect it on steam at least two years after release though.
How true is this? You got guys in here claiming its 100% funded by Epic.


As for sales, it's always worth to measure them accordingly with game's scope and target base. I don't think Alan Wake was ever intended to do similar numbers as Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed

It will probably do better than AW Remastered game that was recently released (as it apparently was a flop), but I don't think it will reach the wider audience because of its genre (survival-horrors doesn't have mass appeal, Resident Evil 4 Remake had 4 million copies sold), limited userbase on PC because of Epic exclusivity and its technological barrier

I'm personally happy that we even got this game as this project was on and off in development ever since they finished Alan Wake 1. And even if it won't do well, it's not that Remedy will go out of business - they have contracts with several companies for different games. Even if one of them won't pan out, there are always other projects




Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Please explain this.

Always thought there’s a risky cost to retailing and less % of overall earnings compared to going digital, where I thought there’s a bigger share of profits for devs and less costs to make it happen (=less risk). I could’ve got it wrong… but the trend seems to confirm it being more convenient nowadays


How true is this? You got guys in here claiming its 100% funded by Epic.
I took a brief look at financial reports on Remedy's website and they haven't mentioned costs of funding Alan Wake II. I might be wrong, but it looks like both this and AW Remastered were a publishing deal with royalties based on performance and all of the development fees paid by Epic, while Remedy takes all of the creative freedom and IP ownership

Recent report also mentions that each of their other projects are in proof-of-concept stage and Control's multiplayer spin-off called Project Condor is aiming to enter full production with a start of 2024


I don't care, honestly. I'm buying the game myself because I enjoyed Alan Wake and I'm happy that they finally got to make another one after so many years. My current expectation, however, is that if the story's ending is going to be left open much like the first game, then we probably shouldn't expect a direct continuation any time soon.

But who knows, maybe with the kind of momentum that Remedy has gained after Control, zoomers will be more inclined to give this a shot resulting in higher sales. Would be nice for sure. I'm also guessing that it's in a much better position commercially than the original, which was being developer as a first party Xbox exclusive with no initial PC release, and so Microsoft probably had super high expectations for it.
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It'll probably be fine as the game seems very good and I expect it to review well (they've also built and audience with Control), but they certainly are trying to alienate as many people as possible with high system requirements, Epic store excusivity and no physical copy. I still haven't decided where to buy it myself, I'd rather avoid the not-so-Epic store but I don't know how solid the performance mode will be on console. I guess we'll see.


The nicest person on this forum
however, is that if the story's ending is going to be left open much like the first game, then we probably shouldn't expect a direct continuation any time soon.
In Deluxe edition it says it’s getting two story DLC similar to original Alan Wake, so they might finish the story in DLC.
I'd like to support remedy because they once made my favorite games Max Payne 1 and 2. However, I didn't like control or the original Alan wake. Never played Quantum break either. The big problem for me these days is that I used to be more willing to risk $60 on a new game, but now that it's gone up to 70 I feel so much less inclined. Will likely get this on sale if it reviews well


How true is this? You got guys in here claiming its 100% funded by Epic.
100% true

“A big thank you for Alan Wake being able to be so bold in pushing our ideas further than ever before does go to Epic Games Publishing, and [publishing boss] Hector Sanchez in particular when we were pitching this game for funding, because they have been a big part of funding even though Remedy has funded part of it.


I think they are already very happy that they had the opportunity to make this game. This was their dream game to make and epic made it possible. Its a win win for both remedy and gamers imo. If the previews are any indication, this will probably be remedys best game too a culmination of everything they learned from alan wake, quantum break, max payne and control
Yeah, my guess is epic already covered it for them. They are always somehow cost efficient in development vs other studios. And epic would have given them a nice chunk upfront.


What fucking bothers me most, and I'm waiting for a Steam release, is that this probably means we'll see Alan Wake 3 in 2045.


In Deluxe edition it says it’s getting two story DLC similar to original Alan Wake, so they might finish the story in DLC.
More content is always good for sure. But then again, AW1 and Control also had two DLCs each and none of them really provided a definitive conclusion to the story and served more like teasers for what might come in the sequel. And maybe that's for the better, I can't imagine that people would be happy to have the actual ending locked behind the DLC, lol.


I hope not. In normal cases I would not support a digital only release, but it’s Remedy, one of my favorite studios whom I owe a lot for the great games they made and I want them to be succesful continuing to make such gems. Also, Alan Wake 2 seems GOTY material, that helps too, so I already bought it during the weelend. Can’t wait!


Digital only release makes this feel like a AA game that can be skipped until it's on sale. Want high sales figures? Back your game properly.
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