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Is Ellie from “The last of us: Part ii” on steroids??

And here we have the habitual embarassing lack of self-awareness of the -we are totally not SJW- side of GAF.

Unlike us, you don't want to have a civilised debate YOU FUCKING VIRGIN RAPIST INCEL TOXIC GAMERGATOR TRUMP SUPPORTER IDIOT NAZI!!!1!
Who would not want to have debate with these lovely people?

Well, if they can’t handle this thread of all things, without the usual SJW habits of lie your ass off, and insult everyone, I’m looking forward to the giant flameout and resulting ban in a more controversial topic. That’s going to be a memorable one.

You are not discussing all you do is troll you have not made any single coherent argument whatsoever, I made the argument I thought Ellie did not look out of the ordinary and then you play indignant and troll.

I mean look at this thread it's just you yelling WOKE SJW at everyone and I honestly think you have no intention of discussing this, you just came here to troll and feed the outrage machine.




You are not discussing all you do is troll you have not made any single coherent argument whatsoever, I made the argument I thought Ellie did not look out of the ordinary and then you play indignant and troll.

I mean look at this thread it's just you yelling WOKE SJW at everyone and I honestly think you have no intention of discussing this, you just came here to troll and feed the outrage machine.

I do have some posts on the subject, if you’d care to read the thread, even the first page, lol, before rushing to defecate your agenda everywhere. :messenger_winking:


Says the guy just yelling woke and sjw at everyone he disagrees with try harder TROLL.

Did you just assume my gender?

You really are getting furious over this, aren’t you? The all-caps makes you sound like your arch-nemesis Trump. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I mean, I’m not doing that, and there’s visual evidence, which you’ll ignore to quote things out of context, and blah blah, I don’t really care anymore. : P

You should walk away from your fucked up worldview. Do better, but not ironically, this time. The only reason winding you up is this fun, is because you can’t let go. You can’t just ignore anything you disagree with, and move on like a normal person. It’s been two days, and you’re still in here, taking this seriously, now frothing at the mouth? It’s the same story with every SJW or leftist I’ve ever met.

Personally, I think Ellie, as a digital creation existing solely within Naughty Dog animation and programming files will be OK, if I, and many others, think she looks like a man. :messenger_ok:

If you were willing to engage honestly, totally, I’d be there with you. I know the next thing you’re going to do is lie your ass off, put everything out of context, and that’s what you people do. I’m okay with it. I’m just not going to engage with it, other than poking the bear for a hilarious laugh, y’know?

I made my serious points in here, and you’re free to actually take the effort to read them.

Now, after your kind invaded the thread and started defecating everywhere? Maybe in 2014, I’d be stupid enough to think a productive conversation with people who are clearly entering the topic in bad faith, would actually generate any sort of compromise or reason. Years later? I know better. Like the crazy guy on the corner with the doomsday sign, it’s best to ignore you, or just needle you a bit for fun.

Don’t bother responding. You won’t get a bite. Probably just more shitposting, because... that’s all you’re worth. Sorry, bud. It shouldn’t be that way, but that’s what your behavior and mindset create.
Did you just assume my gender?

You really are getting furious over this, aren’t you? The all-caps makes you sound like your arch-nemesis Trump. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I mean, I’m not doing that, and there’s visual evidence, which you’ll ignore to quote things out of context, and blah blah, I don’t really care anymore. : P

You should walk away from your fucked up worldview. Do better, but not ironically, this time. The only reason winding you up is this fun, is because you can’t let go. You can’t just ignore anything you disagree with, and move on like a normal person. It’s been two days, and you’re still in here, taking this seriously, now frothing at the mouth? It’s the same story with every SJW or leftist I’ve ever met.

Personally, I think Ellie, as a digital creation existing solely within Naughty Dog animation and programming files will be OK, if I, and many others, think she looks like a man. :messenger_ok:

If you were willing to engage honestly, totally, I’d be there with you. I know the next thing you’re going to do is lie your ass off, put everything out of context, and that’s what you people do. I’m okay with it. I’m just not going to engage with it, other than poking the bear for a hilarious laugh, y’know?

I made my serious points in here, and you’re free to actually take the effort to read them.

Now, after your kind invaded the thread and started defecating everywhere? Maybe in 2014, I’d be stupid enough to think a productive conversation with people who are clearly entering the topic in bad faith, would actually generate any sort of compromise or reason. Years later? I know better. Like the crazy guy on the corner with the doomsday sign, it’s best to ignore you, or just needle you a bit for fun.

Don’t bother responding. You won’t get a bite. Probably just more shitposting, because... that’s all you’re worth. Sorry, bud. It shouldn’t be that way, but that’s what your behavior and mindset create.

All you have done is shitpost regardless so why change now ?

You decided to mock me because I disagreed with you and not kiss your ass.

And my behavior ?? seriously you are the one acting like a child.

I thought your statements were stupid and they are my opinion you don't have to agree and be a troll since you clearly have no real arguments.

You are accusing me of being a leftist and a SJW because the very idea that somebody who might not agree with you is a leftist or a sjw totally shows your bias here and who the real ideologue is.

And what the hell does the President have to do with this ?

I could not give a fuck about Trump he has no effect my life at all who is or is not in the oval office makes no difference to me.
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Seems I lost some words when I was writing the post on the phone. Was referring to continuing the story with Joel in TLoU2.

Nah, just my opinion. Clearly something you are triggered by if your posts in this thread are anything to go by (such as below). I don't find Ellie to be a well written or interesting character. Her every action in the original game just made me groan and I genuinely believe the story would have been better off if she were sacrificed at the end of the first game. I would have much preferred a sequel be centered around a completely broken, alcoholic Joel trying desperately to find any meaning in this world after losing everyone he cared about (sort of like Max Payne). Plus Joel is at least somewhat interesting of a character, unlike Ellie.

Oh cool, I have my own rag tag group of haters now! Love how you guys are so triggered by someone's different opinion over a video game. It is hilarious.

Your version of the narrative is the kind of thing we've seen a million times to be honest, how The Last of Us ended was totally unique. I can't say I feel the same way as you about Ellie, I mean, the whole reason the climax was effective for me was
my investment in Ellie was to the point that I wanted to save her so badly that I never would have found out your only option is to do what I did. I was filled with anger at these Firefly jerks and enjoyed massacring them for her and then the ending really hammers home the morally dubious nature of your actions, however you felt at the time. Without that connection it's hard to imagine the game resonating anywhere near as well for someone. The thing is the game is regarded as top tier by most people BECAUSE it did work, in other words you're the one guy saying South Park isn't funny, that Walter White is a poorly written character, that Pizza doesn't taste good, etc. so it comes across as trolling when it's a drive-by comment without much explanation or thought put behind it. Telling me you don't find her well written or interesting just doesn't mean anything to me, she IS well written but interesting is so much more subjective and without your explanation for what you do or don't find interesting it's a non-addition to a conversation. If her EVERY action made you groan there's something weird going on, I mean it's probably just hyperbole but there's clearly something else behind your animus besides simply her being a poor character, like she reminds you of someone who turned you down for the prom or some shit. All in all it just doesn't make for compelling discussion and your idea for the ending/sequel is way more been there, done that than what they're doing, you even cite an example! Not to mention you talk about Joel being interesting when most the game his entire personality exists within the context of how it interacts with Ellie, they aren't divorced entities who would be exactly the same without each other.


I will say this. So many anime games, so many Japanese games like Bayonetta and Nier, FF, etc.. So many games where girls are heavily exaggerated features for the female form. Thousands and thousands of examples/games over the years, that are still out there and coming out with what some see as "ideal female form".

And we get TLoU2, which we knew would be this way because of the first game. Featuring a girl/type that does exist in real life, more concentrated depending on the area of the world you live in, and everyone loses their minds.

We are such nerds sometimes, lol.

Difference is here we can discuss this humorously without comments getting deleted or reported and users banned.
Other sites take their idols way too seriously


It's not the claim that Ellie is now some kind of roided she-hulk that's issue. I disagree with that, she's looks like a relatively normal, but fit young woman to me. The problem is these people bitching a outout are frustrated that they can't work through thier own insecurities.

If a woman (or man, for that matter) had put work into thier fitness, exercise and diet to be fitter, more flexible, stronger and more physically enduring than I am, I'd offer them nothing but my admiration. They've put in more work and dedication than I'm willing to, so good for them. If Ellie were the jacked up body builder these folk claim (she isn't), the worst she'd hear out of me would be "Hey, nice work on 'dem delts!" because I'm mature and secure within myself. Of course I can be fitter (alot fitter, if I'm being honest), but it doesn't make me sad and jealous of people who have the will to try harder than me.

That's the difference between people like and me and the critics here. I actually can see woman like that in real life and not feel hopeless and inadequate. They don't want to admit they're jealous or just plain sexist, so instead they attack ND with ludicrous claims like this is an SJW ajenda because that's the easy way to let out their frustrations.

Some people just to either grow up or take that pent up frustration to the gym and do something about it. Bitching about this on an Internet forum is not the solution to your problems.
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Jon Neu

because I'm mature and secure within myself.

-I'm mature and secure you guise!

*Proceeds to go all rage mode with personal insults and dumb ass theories about "insecurities" as to why people mocks a fictional videogame character body in a silly ass thread*

I don't know, Shaggy, maybe you should try to not take this particular thread so seriously. The fact that you do, makes you look... dare I say it... insecure.


-I'm mature and secure you guise!

*Proceeds to go all rage mode with personal insults and dumb ass theories about "insecurities" as to why people mocks a fictional videogame character body in a silly ass thread*

I don't know, Shaggy, maybe you should try to not take this particular thread so seriously. The fact that you do, makes you look... dare I say it... insecure.

I just love the fact you never quote full posts from anyone. It's like you don't want to address anything else raised because you know it's true and don't have a comeback. We're not children, so not that easily distracted.

And as usual, what you said is complete rubbish. I'm not the insecure one here and that was posted from a place of calm and logic. I'm not the one who is intimidated by a FICTIONAL 19yo girl just because she works out.
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Jon Neu

I just love the fact you never quote a full posts from anyone. It like you don't want to address anything else raised because you know it's true and don't have a comeback. We're not children, so not that easily distracted.

I love how you make dumb ass theories of literally everything to make yourself feel better.

And as usual, what you said is complete rubbish. I'm not the insecure one here andthat was posted from a place of calm and logic. I'm not the one who is intimidated by a FICTIONAL girl just because she works out.

I don't know man, calm and logic doesn't fit with rage and personal attacks, which is everything you have done in this thread (and other threads, but that's another story).

And in a thread that is very tongue in cheek in nature, but you somehow have taking it in such a serious and personal way. That doesn't seem very secure, but if you tell me that you are very secure and everybody else here who doesn't agree with you it's because they fear women, then I don't have any other option but to believe you.


I love how you make dumb ass theories of literally everything to make yourself feel better.

I don't know man, calm and logic doesn't fit with rage and personal attacks, which is everything you have done in this thread (and other threads, but that's another story).

And in a thread that is very tongue in cheek in nature, but you somehow have taking it in such a serious and personal way. That doesn't seem very secure, but if you tell me that you are very secure and everybody else here who doesn't agree with you it's because they fear women, then I don't have any other option but to believe you.

I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just holding a mirror in front of them to show them the truth. It's hardly my fault if they don't like what they see in the reflection.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I love how you make dumb ass theories of literally everything to make yourself feel better.

I don't know man, calm and logic doesn't fit with rage and personal attacks, which is everything you have done in this thread (and other threads, but that's another story).

And in a thread that is very tongue in cheek in nature, but you somehow have taking it in such a serious and personal way. That doesn't seem very secure, but if you tell me that you are very secure and everybody else here who doesn't agree with you it's because they fear women, then I don't have any other option but to believe you.
Tongue in cheek, yeah, make bullshit claims (such as Ellie looks like a man) and when they are challenged, just say they are not serious. Humour requires a bit more than just being a false claim, you know.

Jon Neu

I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just holding a mirror in front of them to show them the truth. It's hardly my fault if they don't like what they see in the reflection.

That's the most marvelous dumb rationalization I have read from you, and you have a bunch already.

I'm not insulting you, I'm just putting a mirror in front of you filled with personal attacks and all kind of theories that "explain" how you all are virgins women haters because you disagree with me. Ha! I caught you!

With that and your amazing theories, you are clearly the world's greatest detective, Shaggy.


Tongue in cheek, yeah, make bullshit claims (such as Ellie looks like a man) and when they are challenged, just say they are not serious. Humour requires a bit more than just being a false claim, you know.

Oh noes, another very angry sad sanctimonious enters the field :messenger_grimmacing_

Yes, Ellie has a manly look to his appearence, and I'm not talking about his "muscles". If you think that's bullshit and somehow triggers you that people see the obviously tomboy features they have given to her character, then we enter in a field of your precious feelings being hurt that I can't control.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
That's the most marvelous dumb rationalization I have read from you, and you have a bunch already.

I'm not insulting you, I'm just putting a mirror in front of you filled with personal attacks and all kind of theories that "explain" how you all are virgins women haters because you disagree with me. Ha! I caught you!

With that and your amazing theories, you are clearly the world's greatest detective, Shaggy.


Oh noes, another very angry sad sanctimonious enters the field :messenger_grimmacing_

Yes, Ellie has a manly look to his appearence, and I'm not talking about his "muscles". If you think that's bullshit and somehow triggers you that people see the obviously tomboy features they have given to her character, then we enter in a field of your precious feelings being hurt that I can't control.
Steroids do not give you short hair. This thread is obviously about muscle mass. Let me just quote this from op:
I don't think its naturally possible for a female to achieve this much muscle density at all. Look at Olympia fitness competitors, even they are not this dense and defined.
As such it is indicative of a bunch of people who have never seen a semi-fit woman or feel insecure about themselves when confronted with the image of a woman that takes care of herself. Babbling about leftie / sjw in that regard is ridiculous. It is not like physical fitness is a specifically left property.


That's the most marvelous dumb rationalization I have read from you, and you have a bunch already.

I'm not insulting you, I'm just putting a mirror in front of you filled with personal attacks and all kind of theories that "explain" how you all are virgins women haters because you disagree with me. Ha! I caught you!

With that and your amazing theories, you are clearly the world's greatest detective, Shaggy.


Oh noes, another very angry sad sanctimonious enters the field :messenger_grimmacing_

Yes, Ellie has a manly look to his appearence, and I'm not talking about his "muscles". If you think that's bullshit and somehow triggers you that people see the obviously tomboy features they have given to her character, then we enter in a field of your precious feelings being hurt that I can't control.

You're now so short of comeback material that's not even possible to twist my words, you have to completely change them for it fit your case. I'll take responsibility for anything I've said and done, but not from a reality crafted by your delusions. If somebody's angry and triggered here it's definitely you, mate. You should go calm down. I actually plan to go to for a walk in a nearby forest with my son and girlfriend this afternoon, shall I bring back pictures?

Jon Neu

Steroids do not give you short hair. This thread is obviously about muscle mass. Let me just quote this from op:

As such it is indicative of a bunch of people who have never seen a semi-fit woman or feel insecure about themselves when confronted with the image of a woman that takes care of herself. Babbling about leftie / sjw in that regard is ridiculous. It is not like physical fitness is a specifically left property.

But I'm not talking about muscle mass. I don't think at all that Ellie's musculature is something extraordinary, it's just part of his tomboyish manly appearence and actually fits the world she lives in.

But yes, that's also part of the SJW fantasy boner Naughty Dog have with this game. And also why you and other people like you come all enraged to this thread ready to insult people.

I actually plan to go to for a walk in a nearby forest with my son and girlfriend this afternoon, shall I bring back pictures?

That would be nice, Shaggy.

Take care, I love you.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
But yes, that's also part of the SJW fantasy boner Naughty Dog have with this game. And also why you and other people like you come all enraged to this thread ready to insult people.
In neither like Naughty Dog post Jak & Daxter, nor do I like Last of Us. I was just interested to see if they really used a roided up model for Last of Us 2 and saw a fairly normal fit woman. Take a look at what I have played this year: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/no-n...d-backlog-only.1470613/page-10#post-255139906

I couldn't care less if I tried for "sjw issues" in video games, in fact, most games I play do not even include humans in a realistic enough form to deal with any such issues.

Dr. Claus

Your version of the narrative is the kind of thing we've seen a million times to be honest, how The Last of Us ended was totally unique. I can't say I feel the same way as you about Ellie, I mean, the whole reason the climax was effective for me was my investment in Ellie was to the point that I wanted to save her so badly that I never would have found out your only option is to do what I did. I was filled with anger at these Firefly jerks and enjoyed massacring them for her and then the ending really hammers home the morally dubious nature of your actions, however you felt at the time.

Understandable, it is subjective. What I find to be boring, mediocre, or forgettable - you may not. If you connect with the character, all the better for you.

Without that connection it's hard to imagine the game resonating anywhere near as well for someone.

Again, agreed. It is subjective. Not everyone connects with every character, or enjoys every book. Some think that Twilight is a well written novel, others don't. Some think that Stephen King is one of the greatest novelists of our time, others think that he is a trope filled generic mess. Writing is subjective. Enjoyment is subjective. Everything I stated has been from a subjective viewpoint as should have been obvious with anyone who has half a brain cell.

The thing is the game is regarded as top tier by most people BECAUSE it did work, in other words you're the one guy saying South Park isn't funny, that Walter White is a poorly written character, that Pizza doesn't taste good, etc. so it comes across as trolling when it's a drive-by comment without much explanation or thought put behind it.

We have multiple threads over the past few days that shit on this concept of yours. Plenty of people didn't care for or like Ellie, her writing, or her design, but enjoyed other portions of the game. Some loved the portrayal of Joel, some enjoyed the pacing or world design, some enjoyed the core gameplay and its multiplayer component.

Telling me you don't find her well written or interesting just doesn't mean anything to me, she IS well written but interesting is so much more subjective and without your explanation for what you do or don't find interesting it's a non-addition to a conversation.

Telling me that your opinion is fact doesn't mean anything to me either, hombre. It isn't fact, it is an opinion and something that you seem to struggle with given your continued need to make grade school level insults and refer to anyone who you disagree with as "trolls". Your pitiful exchange below is a perfect example:

If her EVERY action made you groan there's something weird going on, I mean it's probably just hyperbole but there's clearly something else behind your animus besides simply her being a poor character, like she reminds you of someone who turned you down for the prom or some shit.

Maybe you should project less and have an actual discussion instead of relying on such pathetic argument fallacies - but given how Jon Nue and others have already firmly destroyed any credibility you have in this or other threads, I doubt that will happen. You should do well and return back to ResetEra where you came from as it is clear you have no interest in having an actual discussion, but prefer to rely on throwing tantrums like this.
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That would be nice, Shaggy.

Take care, I love you.

As per your request... Well, almost.

Upon heading out, I was hoping to get some good shots of beautiful natural woodland and I did. I tried to upload them, but without serious cropping the images were to large. If there is a way, I'll find and edit some in here later.

But then we saw this;


Then further on, we saw these;



Turns out there was some kind of fairy trail thing going on. I thought it was creepy as hell. Still, at least I found something to help people if they are indeed getting a little worked up over what's going on.

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Man this thread really went down the shitter, not sure why you guys are arguing the same points for the last 5-6 pages.
Time to move on and let go.
As per your request... Well, almost.

Upon heading out, I was hoping to get some good shots of beautiful natural woodland and I did. I tried to upload them, but without serious cropping the images were to large. If there is a way, I'll find and edit some in here later.

But then we saw this;


Then further on, we saw these;



Turns out there was some kind of fairy trail thing going on. I thought it was creepy as hell. Still, at least I found something to help people if they are indeed getting a little worked up over what's going on.


Dude, why are you posting pictures of yourself walking in the woods in this Ellie joke thread?


Third day now.

The ability of a leftist to spend multiple days arguing over something, due to being tilted at wrongthink, never ceases to amaze me. I’ve seen the same phenomenon so many times.

Moreover, the arguments are nothing fresh. They just repeat themselves over and over, and misquote and strawmen their opponents in the exact same way as they started. Nothing has been learned or gained.

Fundamentally, how can anyone care? Let me rephrase that, how can anyone give a shit? 😋

Literally having a quasi-meltdown for three days, over a videogame character’s back, and people’s opinion on it. My word. It’s no wonder the left can’t function properly in any serious sector of society, and generally wreaks havoc.

We’ve got posters here that can’t let go of the back of a teen being briefly criticized, spreading lies and slander at any opportunity. We’ve got politicians that can’t let go of Trump being elected, spreading lies and slander at any opportunity. It’s fascinating how the same mindset goes all the way up the chain.

I deem this the unofficial SJW study thread, for the advancements of sciences related to the SJWs.
Understandable, it is subjective. What I find to be boring, mediocre, or forgettable - you may not. If you connect with the character, all the better for you.

Again, agreed. It is subjective. Not everyone connects with every character, or enjoys every book. Some think that Twilight is a well written novel, others don't. Some think that Stephen King is one of the greatest novelists of our time, others think that he is a trope filled generic mess. Writing is subjective. Enjoyment is subjective. Everything I stated has been from a subjective viewpoint as should have been obvious with anyone who has half a brain cell.

We have multiple threads over the past few days that shit on this concept of yours. Plenty of people didn't care for or like Ellie, her writing, or her design, but enjoyed other portions of the game. Some loved the portrayal of Joel, some enjoyed the pacing or world design, some enjoyed the core gameplay and its multiplayer component.

Telling me that your opinion is fact doesn't mean anything to me either, hombre. It isn't fact, it is an opinion and something that you seem to struggle with given your continued need to make grade school level insults and refer to anyone who you disagree with as "trolls". Your pitiful exchange below is a perfect example:

Maybe you should project less and have an actual discussion instead of relying on such pathetic argument fallacies - but given how Jon Nue and others have already firmly destroyed any credibility you have in this or other threads, I doubt that will happen. You should do well and return back to ResetEra where you came from as it is clear you have no interest in having an actual discussion, but prefer to rely on throwing tantrums like this.

Just saying "everything is subjective" really doesn't make your arguments more compelling. Without anything backing it it's a total fart in the wind.

With how well written something is we have actual writing rules that are generally agreed upon, like if a film doesn't follow the Chekov's gun rule people tend to point it out as an objective flaw, if there's a deus ex machina, a plot hole. Character writing is the same, if the character behaves in a way that's true to their characterization and goes through an arc that makes sense? These are things that are harder to call subjective than whether or not you like a character. Your dislike of a character from the outset (every action makes you groan) doesn't put you in a positive light when it comes to your ability to be unbiased on how well WRITTEN she is overall.

If you came into a thread and said Kratos is poorly written in the new God of War and when people disagreed and asked you to explain your position you just said "nah, it's subjective" what would be the point in interacting with you?

Multiple threads shitting on Ellie? Wha? Not seeing it, I do see stuff about how she's changed for this new game based on preview material but a lot of that comes from liking her in the first game and not liking the new direction. I might as well tell you most people don't like Luke Skywalker because they were mad about his portrayal in TLJ.

Maybe I'm just older than you but in grade school for me no one used the troll term. Troll tends to refer to someone who only says things to get people riled up as opposed to engender discussion and since you still haven't given more of an inkling as to why you think Ellie is a bad and poorly written character I think the term fits more and more.

An actual discussion? What is there to discuss? You haven't said anything substantive what-so-ever about Ellie or the game. You had some things to say about how you'd rather the narrative played out but I replied to that and it's one of the only sections of my post you totally ignored in your reply to me, if you wanted a discussion on the game it seems weird you left out that part, right?

Ah, I'm from ResetEra, of course, never mind how perfect an insult that is, like 4channers making fun of Redditors but also that you picked Era of all places must be because I liked the characterization of a wahmen in a game, right? Really good shit right there, not like I'm in OT saying shit no Era SJW would ever say.
Not a jab at you, sorry if it came that way, I was just trying to humorously say that TLoU is not a video game from Ellie's perspective and she's in a constant state of physical effort.

I do find the complaint odd though. Like, how do the fungus properties in TLoU compare to real life fungus? How physically possible are clickers and the rest of whatever is going on in the game? Ellie is definitely well within the 'individual physical variation' range despite any anecdotal experiences. So you're taking issue specifically with an artist's rendering of someone who might be at the top end of a bell curve in a game full of things that are not anywhere close to the realm of possibility, but all the other actually impossible things? Nah that's fine.

For all you know in the TLoU universe both sentient fungi zombies and women with an extra half inch on shoulder broadness are a totally normal thing that needs no explanation.

Great answer, and I was thinking something similar. Somehow, folks can suspend their disbelief and accept that Ellie has some mysterious genetic immunity to the cordyceps, but they can’t suspend their disbelief that perhaps good genetics and a solid workout routine have her bulked out?

And frankly, her physique doesn’t look all that crazy bulked to me. I had no trouble recognizing that this was her back, and she doesn’t look strange at all from where I’m sitting. It is very hard for women to bulk out in general, but I’ve known some women who have had more natural luck with it than others.


I had to replay twice to make sure who in this shot was. I seriously hope there is a backstory to how she managed to get those side delts, traps like Bane and a solid upper back. I don't think its naturally possible for a female to achieve this much muscle density at all. Look at Olympia fitness competitors, even they are not this dense and defined. This is post apocalypse universe . Unless, im missing something, i was absolutely dumbfounded by this design choice.

I mean look at this:


Looks like she has been hitting those chin up bars and dumbbells more than she's been playing guitar.
no, she's a fictional 3d modeled character.


Can’t Git Gud
I mean... it's apocalypse. You have to hunt and be active all the time. everyone would be ripped


due to being tilted at wrongthink
"DA ES JAY DLB-EW AGENDA!" is literally the right's version of "wronthink", and you're constantly accusing game devs of doing it whenever you get triggered by their choice to have gay/trans/black/female who aren't smokin' hot models characters in their games.

I'd ask that you be a little self aware but I already know that's impossible. Though these last few days have been amusing to say the least. So many conservatives triggered over a gay character and the evil 'SJW conspiracy' lol.
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