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Is GTA: VC locked at 30 frames per second for PC?


Time ta STEP IT UP
I have a pretty kick ass computer, but the game seems to be locked at 30fps. Is this normal, is there anyway to change that?


Time ta STEP IT UP
Fuck, nevermind. I didn't see the "Frame Limiter" in the options menu. Lock this bitch up now.

This game owns, by the way..
Yes, it's locked on 30 FPS max. I don't know if you can change that, but what is the point if the game is feeling very fluid at that framerate?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, as you found out, it isn't locked.

The game runs REALLLLLY good, though (even with AA and AF cranked).


Unfortunately I have to use the limiter with my 9800pro. Textures disappear when you run at high framerates. So now I just crank AA and AF way up and bear 30FPS, ugh.


Time ta STEP IT UP
epmode said:
can't wait for san andreas pc. the ps2 framerate is kinda getting to me.

I was playing San Andreas last night at my friends house, goty as far as I'm concerned. I don't even own a PS2, so I just went out and bought GTA: VC to see what I've been missing...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sander said:
Unfortunately I have to use the limiter with my 9800pro. Textures disappear when you run at high framerates. So now I just crank AA and AF way up and bear 30FPS, ugh.

Ohhh, there is a fix for that...

I can't quite remember what it was, but it might have involved the compatibility mode option. Try using Win 98 compatibility mode or something. Seriously. :p


dark10x said:
Ohhh, there is a fix for that...

I can't quite remember what it was, but it might have involved the compatibility mode option. Try using Win 98 compatibility mode or something. Seriously. :p
You ROCK, sir. I tried a number of 'fixes' but this one, you know, actually works. Thanks, these high framerates are so much better :)


Without the frame limiter on I would drive forward before textures showed up. I'd be literally over nothing, then the texture would pop up a half second later. That was with my GF2Ti though, haven't played it since I got a 9800pro.
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