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Is it time for the rise of the AAA action sidescroller?

AAA action sidescrollers?

  • Nah

  • Hell yeah, bring it

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Disclaimer: By AAA I don't mean a lot of cinematic tripe with bloated dialogue and cut scenes. I just mean a game with a decent budget by recognised developers.

I love 3D games to the point where I felt that AAA quality games should generally be in 3D. Shortsighted of me I know. I've played a lot of 2D indies in recent years and while I've found some I've enjoyed I never put them in the same category. Even high quality 2D Nintendo games, while great games, were more of a nostalgia trip than anything. Then Dread came along and completely blurred the lines. I actually enjoyed it more than any game I've played in recent history and at no point did it feel indie to me or did I even acknowledge I was playing a sidescroller...... just a really, really great game.

The greater point here is with 3D AAA budgets skyrocketing, wouldn't it be nice if we could get also get more moderately high budget sidescrolling franchises on the side from top developers? Or is this something that only Nintendo could pull of with such panache?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I don't think most people would be willing to pay over $30 for anything side scrolling. Nintendo is one of the only ones who can with Dread and Tropical Freeze.

From what I've seen though, stuff like Ori and FIST are pretty good looking so they're probably going to remain in that AA+ state and not be something large publishers take on for full price. There's so many side scrolling indie games that it pretty much is fine already.

I think consumers play a role in what the publishers fund, and most publishers putting out a $60 side scroller would get massacred.

Only thing I'd take is a 2D Ninja Gaiden 4 from Team Ninja one of these days, or a bigger budget Castlevania. If you don't have a powerhouse IP and a reputation for polish, people won't buy it on day 1 if it's 2D for full price.
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I mean we're kinda getting that next year with Replaced going by what they showed of that game so far. I don't know if "recognized devs" is a prerequisite per se; budget, scale of scope, dev talent (but mainly that first one) are what tend to determine if a game's AAA or not.

Otherwise there aren't too many options. Metroid Dread is probably the most recent, otherwise go back to 13 Sentinels, or further back still to stuff like Vanillaware's PS3/Wii output.


I hope we'll see more high profile sidescrollers for sure with focus on fast and snappy gameplay.

As much as I loved Metroid Dread, Ori was the game that put the genre back on the map imo with amazing art, music and by far the most responsive, smoothest, fastest gameplay.


Nah, I doubt there's a market for $60 sidescrollers unless they are made by Nintendo.
I don't really see the need either. Games like Hollow Knight look great, play great, have a ton of content and cost $20.

Also I have yet to play it but Dread doesn't really look AAA to me. It looks good given the hardware limitations and the fact it's 60fps but it doesn't look like a modern AAA game.


No but we need more 2D games to make a comeback. Metroid Dread, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Streets of Rage 4, Sonic Mania and etc have all been critically and commercially successful. I don't get why we are not seeing much more of this, these publishers are leaving money on the table. We should have had Golden Axe, Castlevania, Shinobi and many more by now.


Nah, I doubt there's a market for $60 sidescrollers unless they are made by Nintendo.
I don't really see the need either. Games like Hollow Knight look great, play great, have a ton of content and cost $20.

Also I have yet to play it but Dread doesn't really look AAA to me. It looks good given the hardware limitations and the fact it's 60fps but it doesn't look like a modern AAA game.
Nintendo has that polished gameplay and slick animation transitions that makes games feel amazing to play.

If other developers could do this as well they could make AAA feeling sidescrollers. It's tricky to achieve AAA sales in sidescrollers, but Nintendo has proven it can be done. Even some of the lower budget games like Ori and HollowKnight garnered great sales.


No but we need more 2D games to make a comeback. Metroid Dread, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Streets of Rage 4, Sonic Mania and etc have all been critically and commercially successful. I don't get why we are not seeing much more of this, these publishers are leaving money on the table. We should have had Golden Axe, Castlevania, Shinobi and many more by now.
Streets of Rage 4 was awesome.

I'd like to see a 2D AAA Ninja Gaiden made next by Itegaki.


The budget would likely be 1/20th the cost of a full 3d game.

They can be short, sweet and awesome.

For some weird reason 3d effects done in a 2d nature look cooler than the same asset in an open world 3d environment.

A gold mine resurgence is waiting.


Gold Member

Rat Rage

It's time to stop associating the term "AAA" or a high budget with quality and fun or anything extra special, because the majority of modern "AAA" budgets are not spent on gaming concepts or level design, but on 3D environments, motion capturing, cinematics, face capturing and what not.

It's time for developers taking risks and spending as much as they want on anything they want, even if it means millions, eventhough there may be a higher risk of failing, because the alternative would be to slowly drown in a sea of commercialized to death mediocritry, which, from a gamers perspective, is boring as fuck.

Example: Let's give the oldskool SNK sprite artitsts and their artstyle directors any budget that's needed to make the next Metroid visually as beautiful as Metal Slug, with ridiculously pretty animated sprites, all while maintaining the scope of a full fledged Metroid gameplay wise. This would actually create something unique and fresh again that would surely stand out among the visual homogenity of all the UE4 and UE5 3D based games.


There's no such thing as a AAA action sidescroller. For the simple reason that unless you're trying to produce a very costly, experimental but revolutionary technically and designed game, it's not on the same scale.

At most they're AA, which doesn't say anything of their quality, some AAs being clearly better than AAAs like the vanillaware game posted above^
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While these games are sometimes some of the most immaculate and polished games, as an action fan, I often crave a more cinematic touch. I like what I'm hearing about Metroid Dread occasionally playing with camera angles. I think adding a first-person perspective does a lot to help bring me into the world as well, even if it's just for stationary aiming. Things like that go a long way with me.
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Patrick S.

No thanks, I've played enough of them on the Amiga. I don't think there is anything left in that genre that hasn't been done before.


I'm currently playing Hollow Knight for the first time.
If this game were still $60, I'd pay it sight unseen. It's just so fucking good.

Just because a game is 2D, it doesn't automatically make it inferior to 3D titles.
For example, Rockstar can go fuck themselves if they think I'll pay $70 for that new GTA trilogy remaster.
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What's the name of that Blade Runner looking game that was announced but hasn't released yet? It looks awesome, the pixel animation in it is stunning, has some John Wick style stuff going on. I'd post a gif but can't remember the name.

The AAA 2D Action genre definitely exists, I just don't know the names of most of the games. And yes, I feel like indie games can definitely be AAA. Look at Cuphead for instance.


I don't see how a GTA budget could have made a game like Ori any better than it already was. I don't think it's time and I don't think it's needed.


Side-scroller with expansive/expensive 3D world which you cannot explore because you are stuck on the 2d plane. I don't know - it just seems like a waste of money.

By it's design, and limitation of game concept itself - if they spent AAA -tier budget for it, it would be really a bad management of development fund.

I am all for a better looking game for sure.. but I am just not sure how would a 2D side-scroller could be as expensive as AAA games. I don't even think 3d Sonic games are as expensive to make AAA titles... no? Please correct me if I'm mistaken.


Not for $60. That's why I'm not getting Metroid Dread. Doesn't make sense to have a AAA side-scroller. How different would a AAA budget even affect a game like that?


In opinion great game worth full price, side scroller or not and it doesn't matter its AAA or AA.
I disagree, at least for me personally, the type of game dictates the price of it. 98% of VR games are not worth $60, which is why they're not. Just like 98% of side-scrolling games are not worth $60.

Originally they were designed that way because hardware couldn't handle 3-D. Today they are designed for quicker development and for people who like that kind of style. A lot less effort goes into make a AAA Side-Scrolling game than a 3-D game, that's just a fact. Assets, level design, team size, etc.

It's not worth $60.


The nicest person on this forum
I disagree, at least for me personally, the type of game dictates the price of it. 98% of VR games are not worth $60, which is why they're not. Just like 98% of side-scrolling games are not worth $60.

Originally they were designed that way because hardware couldn't handle 3-D. Today they are designed for quicker development and for people who like that kind of style. A lot less effort goes into make a AAA Side-Scrolling game than a 3-D game, that's just a fact. Assets, level design, team size, etc.

It's not worth $60.
I guess agree to disagree, I don't look at games like that. 3D or 2D if the game is good enough then its worth the full price.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
You mean like a 100+ million dollar investment to make a side scrolling game?

Are all the animations like captured by professional Hollywood stunt actors then redrawn from scratch by Kyoto Animation Studio?

Realistically Ori and the Will is like the peak of side scrollers in terms of budget. Watching the deep dives into how they put Ori together is like magic.
Its like the last time I looked at a game and dev techniques and thought to myself yeah these guys are really doing something special.
A true benchmark that likely only they will top.

But if you just mean you want good side scrollers to return.
I fully agree I think with the prevalence of digital there wouldnt be a need to release the game physically and with a good marketing push we good be in a golden era.



do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I guess agree to disagree, I don't look at games like that. 3D or 2D if the game is good enough then its worth the full price.
Not even Ori and the Will of the Wisps was 60 dollars.
I think thats pretty telling that no one really trusts to sell a 2D game not matter how intricate and detail and expertly put together for 60 dollars.

P.S Ori should have sold for 60 dollars, thats an absolute masterpiece.
But alas tis the world we live in.

P.P.S Doesnt Street Fighter count as a 2D game?


Nah, I doubt there's a market for $60 sidescrollers unless they are made by Nintendo.
I don't really see the need either. Games like Hollow Knight look great, play great, have a ton of content and cost $20.

Also I have yet to play it but Dread doesn't really look AAA to me. It looks good given the hardware limitations and the fact it's 60fps but it doesn't look like a modern AAA game.
This the thing though, what makes a modern AAA game look like a modern AAA game?

Metroid Dread has clearly got high production values, a fantastic core design and great art direction with arguably some top tier character animation work... the one weak link is maybe the soundtrack..maybe?
It's dangerous ground we are treading on when the deciding factor on whether or not a game is AAA is the in-game viewpoint.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
For LOVE OF GOD PLEASE port this game to modern systems.

They ported it to Vita but wont even give us a UHD edition?
Someone throw some money at them so they revisit it.

Such a good game.
I got my Wii for pocket change after all the hype died....like literally my land lady sold it to be for basically a bottle of wine.
All I wanted it for was Xenoblade Chronicles but I amassed a huge library while I was at it......when I got to Muramasa I nearly fainted at how frikken amazing this game was.


Writes a lot, says very little
Disclaimer: By AAA I don't mean a lot of cinematic tripe with bloated dialogue and cut scenes. I just mean a game with a decent budget by recognised developers.

I love 3D games to the point where I felt that AAA quality games should generally be in 3D. Shortsighted of me I know. I've played a lot of 2D indies in recent years and while I've found some I've enjoyed I never put them in the same category. Even high quality 2D Nintendo games, while great games, were more of a nostalgia trip than anything. Then Dread came along and completely blurred the lines. I actually enjoyed it more than any game I've played in recent history and at no point did it feel indie to me or did I even acknowledge I was playing a sidescroller...... just a really, really great game.

The greater point here is with 3D AAA budgets skyrocketing, wouldn't it be nice if we could get also get more moderately high budget sidescrolling franchises on the side from top developers? Or is this something that only Nintendo could pull of with such panache?


I see no reason to spend money on such a thing cause...I mean, if you look at the poll most of the people agree with my take =)

"If other developers could do this as well they could make AAA feeling sidescroll" Nahhhh stop. Just stop. Stop fucking taking what a publisher does and make it sound like if someone JUST does the same thing ,they'll get the same resutls.

If other developers can make MPs well, they'll beat Call Of Duty
OH if other developers can JUST make open worlds well, they'll beat GTA

At some fucking point, you need to understand some of those titles are moving those numbers based on being cultural phenomenons..... some of them are not even doing much THAT much better then the competition, simply that they are at an extreme popularity culturally.

My sister loves the GTA series (as do I) and she told me she was so hype for GTAVI for the future, she wanted to get that GTA Trilogy remaster this year to relive those titles, I let her play Watchdogs 1 and 2....she loves them, she just started Mafia 2 and enjoys it as well. If I didn't say this or let her borrow those titles, she basically would have been about GTA...FOR LIFE, as in not go out and play other open world games. She is not a gamer to the degree that I am or lots of users on this thread, she doesn't keep up with all the gaming news outside of what I really state to her or tic tok lol So this shows that something REALLY popular can have the effect on the majority.

So I don't buy that NO other developer is making 2D titles well, I simply believe some of those titles move more units based on being more popular, not that all the 2D titles are bad or something.

Whats next? IF ONLY that LBP kart racing game was JUST as good as Mario Kart lol I don't think it matters if those games really are just as good, they are not moving the same units, just like how i LOVE the BF series, that shit is NEVER moving Call Of Duty numbers.

I don't even play Call Of Duty anymore mind you, but i understand that its just massively popular and it has nothing to do with all other MP FPS titles just not doing something as good (That is not say what the developers do with Call Of Duty is bad either)
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The nicest person on this forum
They ported it to Vita but wont even give us a UHD edition?
Someone throw some money at them so they revisit it.

Such a good game.
I got my Wii for pocket change after all the hype died....like literally my land lady sold it to be for basically a bottle of wine.
All I wanted it for was Xenoblade Chronicles but I amassed a huge library while I was at it......when I got to Muramasa I nearly fainted at how frikken amazing this game was.
The problem is joy stick on my Vita is kind of broken, so I can’t replay this amazing game.

All they have to do is just simple port job to Switch and PS4/5 and I’m gladly pay full price for it.


I don't see how Dread blurred any line.
Enjoying it for what it is gameplay wise is completely fine, but visually, there are 20$ indie games that look much, much better than Dread. I'm really confused with how some people react to that game.
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Report me if I continue to console war
How can a sidescroller be AAA?

Theres just less work compared to fully 3d worlds like rdr2 or TLOU2.


Report me if I continue to console war
Both Ori games are AAA to me. Fight me.

Rayman Legends achieves AAA standards for me too. TKO.

Moon studios has 80devs.

"AAA" refers to budget, dont it?

Games like RDR2,tlou2 gears 5 etc have a way higher budget then ori and rayman.
Moon studios has 80devs.

"AAA" refers to budget, dont it?

Games like RDR2,tlou2 gears 5 etc have a way higher budget then ori and rayman.

For me AAA isn't just the budget, it's the implied quality. Totally agree those studios/games have a larger budget. I don't believe it necessarily results in a better quality game though.
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