Actually, I agree with you. I was (badly) trying to say that a lot of TFA detractors seem to only care for what is really just a Wikipedia entry (general plot). They don't care to go deeper than that seeing as they just use surface similarities between ANH and TFA as criticism.Not sure if that's sarcasm but entertaining the idea that it's not. I won't deny that it intentionally shares some ideas from ANH, but even then it does a lot to subvert that (excluding Starkiller base) with the rest of it being fairly original.
It's easy to hand wave everything and say 'but it's literally just like ANH!' and if you feel that way you've either not watched ANH or TFA
Comments like these make me think a lot of people haven't watched Attack of the Clones in a long time.
I apologize, it can be quite hard to tell on the internet.Actually, I agree with you. I was (badly) trying to say that a lot of TFA detractors seem to only care for what is really just a Wikipedia entry (general plot). They don't care to go deeper than that seeing as they just use surface similarities between ANH and TFA as criticism.
Of course there are people who have legitimate reasons for disliking the film but they seem to be few and far between.
Hey, now people can call me "one of the good ones"!
Nah, it's on me. I phrased it badlyI apologize, it can be quite hard to tell on the internet.
I'm just really glad the TFA honeymoon is over. Worst SW film by a mile. Well made, ruinous plot.
I obviously can't speak for everyone, but no fight in the entire series comes even close to this. The amount of anger and randomness of the fight is just too fucking good.
It's just one of those scenes where nobody has to say a word, and you know exactly what is going through their minds.
I'm rewatching these 7 movies now and I can't stand rewatching AOTC.Comments like these make me think a lot of people haven't watched Attack of the Clones in a long time. AOTC isn't just a bad Star Wars movie, it's a bad movie in general.
NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!It just dawned on me that every December from now is gonna be "Actually, the prequels weren't that bad" season. Yikes.
TFA has nothing going on for it. Beat by beat, it follows the same story of ANH and makes nearly everything in the OT feel so empty. What did defeating the empire in the OT even do? It seems like the good guys still have less control over things than the bad guys do. The good guys still feel like a rebel organization and the bad guys still seem to be the ones running the galaxy. I guess the plan to take out the Emperor wasn't the right plan? Because going off this movie, it amounted to about nothing. Except a third death star.
What happened to the Luke who leaves his training on Dagobah to help out Han and Leia? He isn't in TFA. He bails on his friends in TFA. Luke, Han and Leia repeatedly do the inconvenient and difficult thing to help out one another in the OT. And by the time TFA hits, it's like all three are just sick of each other and can't be bothered
I really hate what TFA did to the feeling of camaraderie between Han, Luke and Leia and find it far more damaging to the OT than anything the prequels did to the OT. That is one of the ongoing narratives of the prequels; they RUINED the OT.
What was the movie that showed that Han and Leia's romance in the OT really amounted to nothing? What was the movie that showed that taking down the Emperor really wasn't a huge step towards making the Star Wars universe a better place?
But it's those DIRTY PREQUELS THAT RUINED THE OT. Yeah, it's those prequels.
It blows my mind how TFA is propped up as some good-great movie.
But just chock up disliking TFA as being part of the alt-right movement.
Maybe if the minority saws that TFA is bad enough times, it'll suddenly turn into a bad movie, those performances from relatively unknown actors will suddenly stop being incredibly charming and believable, the cinematography will suddenly be bad, and the subtle critiques on ideas such as the white male power fantasy will suddenly be stupid because JJ Abrams is a doodoo face. So let's go back and do even further revisionist history and state that a film that is entirely poor on everything it tries to accomplish with the only good scenes being completely unearned due to the audience having no emotional investment is good.
War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.
"I hate you!"
From my point of view, the Jedi are evil! - LOLWAT
Maybe if the minority saws that TFA is bad enough times, it'll suddenly turn into a bad movie, those performances from relatively unknown actors will suddenly stop being incredibly charming and believable, the cinematography will suddenly be bad, and the subtle critiques on ideas such as the white male power fantasy will suddenly be stupid because JJ Abrams is a doodoo face.
Do not wantIt just dawned on me that every December from now is gonna be "Actually, the prequels weren't that bad" season. Yikes.
I'm very curious what these subtle critiques on white male power fantasy you find in this focus tested to death Disney juggernaut. Are you just talking about the obvious Nazi metaphors?
In another life, the grandson of Darth Vader, and nephew of Luke Skywalker, who according to the main villain, has all the exact qualities of the dark side and the light side, and displays force powers never seen in the series because he's evidently a prodigy, would be the main character of this movie. In a way, Kylo Ren is the only person that a good chunk of the audience can relate with and be invested in because he's a white dude with a lightsaber, SO, instead of propping him up as the new Darth Vader or as the main character, they instead do the opposite, they give him few moments to shine in the beginning and then as it turns out, he's just a normal dude. A dude who gets beat by Rey, someone who's seemingly a novice. This is punctuated by how little chill he actually has, with his constant temper tantrums, perpetual sad puppy eyes, how pathetic he sounds when he tries to sound evil, "your son is gone." It's an incredibly clever way to do things when they really could've just created a villain who attempts to be as intimidating as Darth Vader or again, ditched Rey completely and made the story about him, the granddaughter of Darth Vader, who has the perfect mix of dark and light side because reasons. Like, is there ever a point after he takes off the mask for the first time in the film where you're genuinely afraid of him? Did you not laugh when he's throwing a temper tantrum, which is only emphasized by two stormtroopers with great comedic timing? Compared to Darth Vader's "I find your lack of faith disturbing" moment. It's pretty simple, and absolutely gratifying to see what they were going for.I'm very curious what these subtle critiques on white male power fantasy you find in this focus tested to death Disney juggernaut. Are you just talking about the obvious Nazi metaphors?
TFA has nothing going on for it. Beat by beat, it follows the same story of ANH and makes nearly everything in the OT feel so empty. What did defeating the empire in the OT even do? It seems like the good guys still have less control over things than the bad guys do. The good guys still feel like a rebel organization and the bad guys still seem to be the ones running the galaxy. I guess the plan to take out the Emperor wasn't the right plan? Because going off this movie, it amounted to about nothing. Except a third death star.
It's literally a movie starring a woman, a black man, and a Latino man fighting with a diverse coalition against the fascist remnants of an empire yearning for its glory days.I'm very curious what these subtle critiques on white male power fantasy you find in this focus tested to death Disney juggernaut. Are you just talking about the obvious Nazi metaphors?
I love how the only reasoning people have for saying TFA is ANH is Starkiller base and that's like, it.
I thought it was an excellent movie, but I'm coming from a slightly different perspective than many in this thread since I'm not a huge fan of the Star Wars franchise overall, and my expectations were probably much different.