TFA has nothing going on for it. Beat by beat, it follows the same story of ANH and makes nearly everything in the OT feel so empty. What did defeating the empire in the OT even do? It seems like the good guys still have less control over things than the bad guys do. The good guys still feel like a rebel organization and the bad guys still seem to be the ones running the galaxy. I guess the plan to take out the Emperor wasn't the right plan? Because going off this movie, it amounted to about nothing. Except a third death star.
What happened to the Luke who leaves his training on Dagobah to help out Han and Leia? He isn't in TFA. He bails on his friends in TFA. Luke, Han and Leia repeatedly do the inconvenient and difficult thing to help out one another in the OT. And by the time TFA hits, it's like all three are just sick of each other and can't be bothered
I really hate what TFA did to the feeling of camaraderie between Han, Luke and Leia and find it far more damaging to the OT than anything the prequels did to the OT. That is one of the ongoing narratives of the prequels; they RUINED the OT.
What was the movie that showed that Han and Leia's romance in the OT really amounted to nothing? What was the movie that showed that taking down the Emperor really wasn't a huge step towards making the Star Wars universe a better place?
But it's those DIRTY PREQUELS THAT RUINED THE OT. Yeah, it's those prequels.
It blows my mind how TFA is propped up as some good-great movie.
But just chock up disliking TFA as being part of the alt-right movement.
The Force Awakens sucking so hard made me appreciate the prequel trilogy a lot more and this is coming from someone who was already a fan of ROTS to begin with.
You perfectly said everything I was going to say.
I believe people will look back at TFA as one of the worst Star Wars films ever made once the honeymoon period is finally over. Just another mediocre, by the book, Hollywood "epic" that didn't differentiate itself from the rest. It such a shame considering the Star Wars universe is so vast and yet they happily rehash the same story we have seen over and over again.
Thanks, I appreciate your thoughts