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Is RENT A HERO ever going to be released USA Xbox?

The game was supposed to be out months ago by AIA...

keeps getting pushed back..
any word on this?

if they released it for $20, I'd get it.. at $20, ill just wait til it hits bargain bin at $20...

looked like a fun game on dreamcast, always wanted to get it..

MC Safety

LuckyBrand said:
The game was supposed to be out months ago by AIA...

keeps getting pushed back..
any word on this?

if they released it for $20, I'd get it.. at $20, ill just wait til it hits bargain bin at $20...

looked like a fun game on dreamcast, always wanted to get it..

Fun Fact: I reviewed the game for Xbox Nation more than a year ago.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm, that kinda sucks. It was actually kinda fun on Dreamcast. I'd imagine it would look rather dated by today's standards, but at least it ran at 60 fps. :p


Barnimal said:
its been cancelled. long ago.

AIA as of 09/29/03 said:
We apologize to all those who were excited about Rent A Hero
No.1. Again the game was not cancelled just postponed. AIA USA, Ltd.
will, sometime in the near future, be releasing Rent A Hero No.1. We
hope that the market will become stable enough to where small publishers
like our selves will have the opportunity to bring out new and different
types of games.
I have the game for the DC and it is quite fun. I love the music and the sense of humor. But there is this one horrible glitch that occurs at the staircase near the beginning. I'm sure it is not a concern in the Xbox version.

Also, what is the best way to play imported JPN Xbox games without modding the ol system?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
evilromero said:
I have the game for the DC and it is quite fun. I love the music and the sense of humor. But there is this one horrible glitch that occurs at the staircase near the beginning. I'm sure it is not a concern in the Xbox version.

Also, what is the best way to play imported JPN Xbox games without modding the ol system?

Horrible glitch? I can't say I've encountered anything like that...care to shed some light on the subject?


evilromero said:
there is this one horrible glitch that occurs at the staircase near the beginning.

dark10x said:
Horrible glitch? I can't say I've encountered anything like that...care to shed some light on the subject?

Yes. Near the beginning when you are supposed to find your Dad among the party guest. You eventually find that he went upstairs to change (I think) into the Dinosaur outfit. Well, when I approach the stairs it gives me a black screen as if it's loading, but it never finishes. It has been two years since I've tried it, so it is either that or I can't even go up the stairs. I had my girlfriend help me with the translation stuff since at the time I couldn't read a lick of Japanese. Anybody have this problem?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
evilromero said:
Yes. Near the beginning when you are supposed to find your Dad among the party guest. You eventually find that he went upstairs to change (I think) into the Dinosaur outfit. Well, when I approach the stairs it gives me a black screen as if it's loading, but it never finishes. It has been two years since I've tried it, so it is either that or I can't even go up the stairs. I had my girlfriend help me with the translation stuff since at the time I couldn't read a lick of Japanese. Anybody have this problem?

Errr, I have never encountered that glitch. I could freely walk up and down the stairs at will. Did you even see the intro to the game? Did you even order the pizza?! :p
I didn't even get to the part where I'm supposed to fight my dad (I think that is what you're supposed to do IIRC). My game just doesn't let me go beyond the stairs, which is what would trigger the intro. It's a legit copy of the game, from Japan, with all the discount coupons (now expired) to the Crab restaurant and everything. It sucks cause I love the main theme to the song (heard in Samba De Amigo) and I so badly want to play through it.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
you playing it on a US system with a boot/swap disc of somesort? I had a similar loading lockup on a certain part of Shenmue II end of disc two... eventually got past it but it took a few tries.

Musashi Wins!

It was ravaged by reviews back when it was "supposed" to come out. Supposedly it was a port with no improvements at all.

I have the Japanese one and there's some neat parts but from faqs I get the impression the humor is a lot higher when you can understand the damn language. Sure wish it was coming out here.


Despite the kitsch value of the game itself, it wasn't very good. I reviewed it more than a year ago too, like Stu, and it felt like I was re-living the golden days of Dreamcast...on Xbox. No one was really gonna buy that game... and anyone here who would've wouldn't have wanted to pay full price. Thus, AIA would've lost a pantsload of money.

I know a couple people who kept English revs of it though. Maybe one day it'll show up somewhere on the warez scene. *shrug*
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