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is there any media of 3D Ages Phantasy Star II & IV ?


I haven't seen one single screen shot of PS2 3D Ages Phantasy Star II or IV... do these even have release dates in Japan?

I can't wait til Phantasy Star Trilogy comes out early next year...but I expect a delay probably to spring or summer :/


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
PS2 comes out the end of October in Japan, I believe... not sure when 4 is supposed to come out. I assume that Conspiracy is translating as the games are being released, PS1 is done and as soon as 2 come out, they're gonna get to work on that... so it should only be like a few months after 4 comes out, that we'll get it. Haven't seen any screenies yet, but believe me I'm keeping a look out for them :D


no images of Playstation2 PSII yet. and also, it has been delayed in Japan to January :(

but to cheer you up, some nice pics of PSI remake







FortNinety said:
Hey it looks nice, but why do I have the feeling that in motion, it's not so hot?
uh, why? it's 2D. the game can scroll just fine. =P

NCS has said that PS II will come out in japan in january. sega's official page still has the date as 'undecided'.

Ranger X

it makes me think of Suikoden graphics. Most probably the characters will walk just as tightly (it was tightly bad between)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
That's fuckin hot... I've been waiting for a 640x480 tiled 2D game for a while... Can't wait to see what 2 and 4 look like.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I cannot wait.

But how the hell are all three coming out in the US in one package in January, if the 2nd hasn't even hit Japan yet?


Mejilan said:
But how the hell are all three coming out in the US in one package in January, if the 2nd hasn't even hit Japan yet?
Where is January coming from?

The only date given by Conspiracy so far has been "Q1 2005," and that was posted on their website quite awhile ago. Given the recent delay of PSII, and the fact that IV still doesn't have a Japanese date, I'd say we'd be lucky if we saw the Trilogy released before next Fall.


it bugs me that PST release is in serious doubt now, because of the dodgy release date for II in Japan, and total lack of release date for IV :(


Scott said:
Where is January coming from?

Gamespot has it down for Feb 1, '05, (previously I believe they had it down in Jan), which I believe where people are getting that date from.


Running off of Custom Firmware
It irks me to HELL that PSC on the GBA didn't include IV, and that PST on the PS2 lacks III. Gar!


yeah, no III. of course the original version is on GBA.

I'm ok with remakes of just I, II and IV. IV was more of a true sequel to II.


Wyzdom said:
(it was tightly bad between)
i realize english isn't your first language, but i can't figure out what the fuck that means. =)

yeah, it's somewhat reminiscent of suikoden. the color palatte is much brighter and the graphics are high res, though. also the 3D dungeons are, well, 3D.

i should have played more of the remake but i didn't. oh well.

really looking forward to seeing how PSII turns out.

i can, personally, take or leave PSIII. it doesn't really function well in series continuity (see also PSO) but i think it's a decent game and i'd like to see what they would have done with it. but i'd much rather IV. about 1000% more. the original genesis version of the game is one of the best RPGs of the 16-bit generation. (i think my list of "best RPGs of 16-bit generation" would look rather different than most people's, however.)


ferricide said:
i can, personally, take or leave PSIII. it doesn't really function well in series continuity (see also PSO) but i think it's a decent game and i'd like to see what they would have done with it.

I never much liked the original PSIII, which is why I would love to see a remake that fixed some of the problems with it, perhaps making the continutity between games a little better as well (I know, it's a pipe dream).


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
From what I heard, they had all these grandiose plans for 3, like gradually tying into the first 2 games, instead of a bolted on explanation in the last tenth of the game. 3 had a lot of problems to fix, IMO, I don't even think a remake would be worth it (maybe a direct port should be thrown on the remake, just for the hell of it). My perfect PS collection would also include remakes of the 2 (shitty) Game Gear games and the Telemodem PS2 text adventure games :p
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