How the fuck did it get so fucking cold in Emilia-Romagna all of a sudden ?
I'm glad I was only there for the week-end because it was fucking freezing. Even if it's constantly raining now, I'm much happier in Rome.
Usual wave of cold weather throughout the whole country
You know, I was seriously afraid I was writing some wrong/dumb thing. In Italian, my native tongue.
And I still am!
Lately with having to districate myself between three languages I don't know what's what anymore...
The other day I couldn't even remember the correct way of saying birthdate in Italian >_>
I was thinking "Giorno di nascita"... (it's "Data di nascita")
Ah! Un'altra domanda - come si dice "first grade," "second grade," ecc. in italiano?
Prima elementare, Seconda elementare, ecc...
Watch out though, we never say ottava elementare, nona elementare in place of 8th and 9th grade.
The Italian schooling system is made by 5 years of primary + 3 middle + 5 high school and then University.
So it's:
Prima elementare
Seconda elementare
Terza elementare
Quarta elementare
Quinta elementare
Prima media
Seconda media
Terza media
Prima superiore
Seconda superiore
Terza superiore
Quarta superiore
Quinta superiore
And then there's University with "Primo anno di Università", ecc...
You can say "liceo" instead of "superiore" if you're attending a Liceo high school.
Things get a bit more complicated in the case of Liceo Classico (classical studies oriented high school, which is a very popular school even amongst those who intend to pursue a scientific career)
The Liceo Classico is numbered this way:
Quarta ginnasio
Quinta ginnasio
Prima liceo
Seconda liceo
Terza liceo
Generating all kinds of confusion...
I don't know if it's still like this as I attended high school in the last century, but I don't think it's much different now.