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Italia GAF |OT| La terra dei cachi

Normally I'm quite tolerant to grammatical errors, the only thing that really gets me is the plural desinence on foreign words e.g. "fans", "leaders", "writers". For some reason, it really makes my blood boil.


I can forgive every error in Italian but when people write "you're" instead of "your" or stuff like would of, should of etc. makes my blood boil because at school "ci hanno fatto due coglioni così" to make us understand the differences and it's absurd that i have to correct someone whose native language is English.



" a me mi erano antipatici"

which is correct italian.


contrarily to this, which is most widely seen as an uncorrect expression, a "mistaken" very common in northern Italy should be avoided:

"piuttosto" means ONLY rather.

If you see someone using it as "or" you can legitimately act as a grammar nazi

it is common in spoken italian. Which doesn't mean it's correct.
You don't want to write "a me mi" in an essay.

As for "piuttosto" i've always wondered how "piuttosto che" became synonim for "or".

More than that, though, i've always found it curious how piuttosto and rather have different meanings which are the same both in english and in italian.

"it's rather good" "è piuttosto buono"
"rather than" "piuttosto che"


it is common in spoken italian. Which doesn't mean it's correct.
You don't want to write "a me mi" in an essay.

As for "piuttosto" i've always wondered how "piuttosto che" became synonim for "or".

More than that, though, i've always found it curious how piuttosto and rather have different meanings which are the same both in english and in italian.

"it's rather good" "è piuttosto buono"
"rather than" "piuttosto che"

did you miss this?

Va però detto che l'accostamento dei due pronomi col medesimo significato si può riscontrare, a seconda del contesto, in molti autori classici della lingua italiana. In effetti non esiste regola che vieti la ripetizione successiva di più parole con il medesimo significato: nei dialetti, come quello toscano il raddoppiamento del pronome personale dativo è un fenomeno morfologico piuttosto frequente e non viene considerato come un pleonasmo scorretto; in genovese, alla seconda persona singolare, è di regola: ti t'ei (tu sei) raddoppiato (raramente triplicato) come rafforzativo ti ti t'ei. Il fenomeno è perfettamente normale anche nella lingua spagnola (a mi me gusta); in italiano non è considerato un errore da tutti i grammatici.
Anche il linguista Aldo Gabrielli scrive in proposito: «Non è errore, non è da segnare con matita blu, e nemmeno con matita rossa. Qui pure si tratta semplicemente d'un di quei casi in cui la grammatica concede l'inserzione in un normale costrutto sintattico di elementi sovrabbondanti al fine di dare alla frase un'efficacia particolare, un particolare tono. È insomma uno dei tanti accorgimenti stilistici di cui tutte le lingue fanno uso».[3]
Secondo Giovanni Nencioni, presidente onorario dell'Accademia della Crusca, non si tratterebbe di una ripetizione, la quale implica identità con l'elemento ripetuto, né di un riempitivo, il quale implica superfluità e inutilità.
La costruzione è da considerarsi corretta nell'italiano parlato più spontaneo, come quello riprodotto in questo famoso esempio letterario:
« A me mi par di sì: potete domandare nel primo paese che troverete andando a diritta »
(Alessandro Manzoni, I promessi sposi, cap. XVI)


You know what I hate more than misused "piuttosto"?
ACEA call center.
I'm listening Anal Cunt's "I went back in time and voted for Hitler" in full volume loop to cover the usual Lennon's Imagine waiting song annoyance and to resist the urge to scream against poor guys answering me. It's kinda working btw.
It was a joke on me using "ma però"

Yeah that happens to me too but only on certain words like "patented", i don't know why it's so hard for me to remember "brevettato".
Yeah, I know :)
I can forgive every error in Italian but when people write "you're" instead of "your" or stuff like would of, should of etc. makes my blood boil because at school "ci hanno fatto due coglioni così" to make us understand the differences and it's absurd that i have to correct someone whose native language is English.
"Should of" instead of "should have" is the worst thing ever.


Neo Member
Buona sera a tutti! Sono uno studente d'italiano che ha sempre voglia di aumentare la sua capacita' di parlare la bella lingua. Visto che l'inglese l'ho imparato praticamente soltanto dai podcast volevo chiedervi se c'e' qualche podcast italiano che vi piace particolarmente. Potete indovinare i miei gusti dal fatto che sono su NeoGAF.

(Tutte le correzioni su grammatica, lessico etc sono sempre benvenute!)

Grazie in anticipo!


Buona sera a tutti! Sono uno studente d'italiano che ha sempre voglia di aumentare la sua capacita' di parlare la bella lingua. Visto che l'inglese l'ho imparato praticamente soltanto dai podcast volevo chiedervi se c'e' qualche podcast italiano che vi piace particolarmente. Potete indovinare i miei gusti dal fatto che sono su NeoGAF.

(Tutte le correzioni su grammatica, lessico etc sono sempre benvenute!)

Grazie in anticipo!

Beh, intanto ti dico che conosco diversi italiani a cui le correzioni grammaticali e le lezioni per espandere il lessico probabilmente potresti darle tu...
In secondo luogo, devo ammettere di non essermi mai imbatutto in un podcast italiano che mi sia piaciuto, ma confido sapranno aiutarti altri frequentatori di questo topic.


Buona sera a tutti! Sono uno studente d'italiano che ha sempre voglia di aumentare la sua capacita' di parlare la bella lingua. Visto che l'inglese l'ho imparato praticamente soltanto dai podcast volevo chiedervi se c'e' qualche podcast italiano che vi piace particolarmente. Potete indovinare i miei gusti dal fatto che sono su NeoGAF.

(Tutte le correzioni su grammatica, lessico etc sono sempre benvenute!)

Grazie in anticipo!

How does one say "put together" in Italian? I'm doing a presentation on Rome, and I'm trying to say that "il mito di romulus e remus e il mito di aeneas" were put together (as the myth of Aeneas came first).
How does one say "put together" in Italian? I'm doing a presentation on Rome, and I'm trying to say that "il mito di romulus e remus e il mito di aeneas" were put together (as the myth of Aeneas came first).

....I don't remember!! :(
I'm forgetting Italian! :(

It should be "unire" in this case, but I'm really not too sure about it...


How does one say "put together" in Italian? I'm doing a presentation on Rome, and I'm trying to say that "il mito di romulus e remus e il mito di aeneas" were put together (as the myth of Aeneas came first).

You could use:
"unificati"; "accorpati"; "uniti"; "fusi"; "amalgamati"; "combinati"; "congiunti" (though this one is probably stretching it, as it's more for two things that touch, rather than multiple things molded into one).


Neo Member
Buonasera ragazzi,

devo prepare una cena e volevo chiedervi qual'e' la vostra pasta preferita per service con sughi di tipo ragu'? Finora ho semplicemente usato gli spaghetti ed oggi ho lasciato la mia comfort zone (come dirlo in italiano?) e ho provato i lumaconi. Il mio ragionamento era questo - hanno una grande cavita' che si riempie con il sugo. Il risultato pero' non era tanto buono quanto avrei immaginato. I lumaconi li ho trovati troppo grandi ed anche se si riempiono con il sugo, il sapore della pasta stessa e' sempre piu' forte del sugo. Quindi volevo chiedervi che tipo di pasta usate voi. Grazie!

Too long, dont speak italian - Whats your favorite type of pasta to use with meat sauces?






e gnocchetti sardi


...sono le mie personali qualità di pasta favorite per il modo in cui trattengono il ragù di carne.
...are my personal favourites because of how well they tend to "hold" on ragù.


Fettuccine (or even tagliatelle) are great with wild boar meat sauce.
Le fettuccine (o anche le tagliatelle) sono ottime con il ragu di cinghiale.


Food is so overrated.
Let's talk about prostitution!

(The entire motivations of the sentence in the "Ruby trial" against Berlusconi)

To save you (lots) of time, here are some selected snippets:


In fact, some girls talked about it, being worried of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, considering the sexual promiscuity with no protections.


Lele (note: Lele Mora, talent scout for Italian TV and allegedly one of the people who procured girls for Berlusconi's parties) - ...it will be for you like going to... in the... there, in Michael Jackson house. You know?
Woman - Ah, really? Yes, yes, yes... uhm...
Lele - Yes, because there's everything there, honey.
Woman - ...(softly laughing)... Neverland. Yes, yes, yes... uhm. I'm going to Neverland... (softly laughing)...


The girls used to dance on themed choreographies, wearing Milan jerseys or corsets, but without getting naked.


During the dinner, some girls showed their breast, others kissed Berlusconi and played "ce l'hai" (note: I honestly don't know what's this; it roughly translates "have you got it") with his intimate parts; other girls did the same with Fede (note: Emilio Fede, Berluscon's most trustworthy journalist). After a joke on "bunga bunga", Berlusconi asked to bring him a little brown wooden sculpture, about 30 cm tall, and when he unveiled it, they saw it portrayed a man with a disproportionate penis, probably attached to a spring, wobbling. In turns, the girls faked oral sex with the sculpture, in the collective hilarity.

I can't stop laughing with this image stuck in my head, depicting bitches dancing and wearing Baresi's jersey, blowing a wildly racist wooden dick while everyone laughs. :D

This totally made my weekend.
Persone non dormono qui?! Benone!

Oggi, ho un esame orale per la mia classe d'italiano. Ma, un problema. Non sono bravo a parlare senza troppo pensare. Voi avete un modo praticare prima classe? Per le citta' siamo studiando, devo fare ricerca e memorizare. Ma ascoltare, capire e rispondere? Beh.

Inoltre, vorrei sapere se questo paragrafo e' sbagliata o no. Grazie in anticipo~


Hi all, Emiliana representative over here!

And I just saw that last post on Berlusconi... I honestly don't want to know what "ce l'hai" could be...

Persone non dormono qui?! Benone!

Oggi, ho un esame orale per la mia classe d'italiano. Ma, un problema. Non sono bravo a parlare senza troppo pensare. Voi avete un modo praticare prima classe? Per le citta' siamo studiando, devo fare ricerca e memorizare. Ma ascoltare, capire e rispondere? Beh.

Inoltre, vorrei sapere se questo brano e' sbagliata o no. Grazie in anticipo~

Well, when I started learning english I was really bad at talking at first (I'm still pretty rubbish imo). I usually tried to think in English instead of Italian during the normal day, so that my thoughts would start to process in English if I needed to. Non ho purtroppo dei grandi altri consigli da dare :/

Per quanto riguarda il testo:
"Le persone non dormono qui?" as we need an article there;
"Non sono bravo a parlare senza pensare troppo" we usually put the adverbs after the verb;
"Voi avete un modo per fare pratica prima di andare in classe" in italian if you want to say to practice you say fare pratica;
"Stiamo studiando" and "memorizzare";
"questo brano è sbagliato", as brano is a male word.

Not sure if I was clear enough, but you're already quite good in italian. Keep up the good work :)
Hi all, Emiliana representative over here!

And I just saw that last post on Berlusconi... I honestly don't want to know what "ce l'hai" could be...

Well, when I started learning english I was really bad at talking at first (I'm still pretty rubbish imo). I usually tried to think in English instead of Italian during the normal day, so that my thoughts would start to process in English if I needed to. Non ho purtroppo dei grandi altri consigli da dare :/

Per quanto riguarda il testo:
"Le persone non dormono qui?" as we need an article there;
"Non sono bravo a parlare senza pensare troppo" we usually put the adverbs after the verb;
"Voi avete un modo per fare pratica prima di andare in classe" in italian if you want to say to practice you say fare pratica;
"Stiamo studiando" and "memorizzare";
"questo brano è sbagliato", as brano is a male word.

Not sure if I was clear enough, but you're already quite good in italian. Keep up the good work :)

Grazie mille!


Buonasera ragazzi,

devo prepare una cena e volevo chiedervi qual'e' la vostra pasta preferita per service con sughi di tipo ragu'? Finora ho semplicemente usato gli spaghetti ed oggi ho lasciato la mia comfort zone (come dirlo in italiano?) e ho provato i lumaconi. Il mio ragionamento era questo - hanno una grande cavita' che si riempie con il sugo. Il risultato pero' non era tanto buono quanto avrei immaginato. I lumaconi li ho trovati troppo grandi ed anche se si riempiono con il sugo, il sapore della pasta stessa e' sempre piu' forte del sugo. Quindi volevo chiedervi che tipo di pasta usate voi. Grazie!

Too long, dont speak italian - Whats your favorite type of pasta to use with meat sauces?

Pasta rankings? Ha!

1) Spaghetti
2) Penne rigate
3) Spaghetti
4) Penne rigate
5) Spaghetti
6) Penne rigate
7) Tortiglioni (don't you dare say it's the same as penne rigate or I'll strangle you with an overcooked tagliatella!!!)
8) Gnocchetti Sardi

Anyone who thinks otherwise will be dragged in the street and slapped with Pennette umidicce (slightly wet).

Persone non dormono qui?! Benone!

Oggi, ho un esame orale per la mia classe d'italiano. Ma, un problema. Non sono bravo a parlare senza troppo pensare. Voi avete un modo praticare prima classe? Per le citta' siamo studiando, devo fare ricerca e memorizare. Ma ascoltare, capire e rispondere? Beh.

Inoltre, vorrei sapere se questo paragrafo e' sbagliata o no. Grazie in anticipo~

Hmm, I'm more or less in the same boat as you regarding Japanese :/
Talking with people is the most difficult thing, especially understanding what they're saying. One solution is trying to build a big vocabulary of words, the more words you know the more chances you'll have at understanding people.


Neo Member
I must say Shinkansen, your list made me very happy. I love the simplicity of penne and spaghetti, yet I fear to express it to foodies out of fear of sounding terribly boring.


Pasta rankings? Ha!

1) Spaghetti
2) Penne rigate
3) Spaghetti
4) Penne rigate
5) Spaghetti
6) Penne rigate
7) Tortiglioni (don't you dare say it's the same as penne rigate or I'll strangle you with an overcooked tagliatella!!!)
8) Gnocchetti Sardi

Anyone who thinks otherwise will be dragged in the street and slapped with Pennette umidicce (slightly wet).

If it doesn't have ravioli in the first place it's just wrong, sorry.


If it doesn't have ravioli in the first place it's just wrong, sorry.
Pfff. if we are going with the "queen" of all pastas, then it's lasagne, hands down.
But in truth variety is the best thing. People who just like one specific kind of pasta are freaks to me.


Ok, i'd put lasagne on top as well.

However if we move away from ragu, i'd totally go with:

Pici panna salsiccia e funghi (pici with sausages and mushrooms).


Then put some parmesan on them and you're golden.

for those not familiar, the pici are like really fat spaghetti, made with eggs & flour (like tagliatelle and such).


E' una settimana che c'ho la cagarella e mi mettete la pasta, li mortacci vostri

I've been stomach sick for a week and you keep posting pasta, you gentlemen are so good.


Democracy is over.
Pack it up, guys, nothing left to see here.

I'm curious to see what will be the effect of Berlusconi's demise on the italian left, since it looked like that the only problem in Italy in the last 20 years was him.
Now that the golden scapegoat isn't there anymore, what will be the excuse for their own shortcomings?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
How the hell did I miss this thread?!
And you'd never guess how I ended up in here... from the "Eminem's latest video is full of vg references" thread no less.

Btw, pasta rankings? That seems apt for my first post in here :D
Oh boy, I know already you'll fight me over first place and the definition of pasta...
well ok, here we go:

1) Gnocchi di patate *romani* (God bless Thursdays!)
2) Lasagna
3) Ciriole
4) Mezze Maniche
5) Spaghetti alla Chitarra di grano duro (so not the egg-made kind -which I like nontheless of course-)
6) Ravioli ripieni ricotta e spinaci
6) Fusilli lunghi
7) Fettucine (non-industrial, sorry I'm not being smug, I really can't bear them otherwise. Also meh on Tagliatelle)
8) Rigatoni
9) Orecchiette
10) Strozzapreti

Obviously there's another bazillion pastas I love besides those I've listed :)
But yeah, even tho day to day I might switch what spot a couple of those hold in my top10, the list itself ain't gonna change anytime soon, lol

Oh Italia mia, today is a good day. May tomorrow be even better.


All this pasta rankings and no one quoted the symbol of my region. Guess I'll have to chime in!


Trenette al Pesto or bust!
Also trofie, but they come second

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Don't kill me but I like Trofie waaaaay more. Also (don't shoot!) without the green beans :p
It yeah, love me some Pesto Genovese (>>>>>Siciliano)
All this pasta rankings and no one quoted the symbol of my region. Guess I'll have to chime in!


Trenette al Pesto or bust!
Also trofie, but they come second

Good man (even though I'm with Dash on this one, trofie and and smooth pesto). Honorable mention for Trofie in Salsa di Noci (Walnut Sauce).


Anyway my IELTS test results should come in this week, anybody else did this?


Neo Member
Anyway my IELTS test results should come in this week, anybody else did this?
I've never tried IELTS before, took TOEFL last year because it was preferred by the university I was signing up for.
Did you take the test for something specific, i.e. college/work, or just to have?

Also. those trofie look so good. Oh lord, how I miss eating real Italian food not cooked by myself. :(
I've never tried IELTS before, took TOEFL last year because it was preferred by the university I was signing up for.
Did you take the test for something specific, i.e. college/work, or just to have?

Also. those trofie look so good. Oh lord, how I miss eating real Italian food not cooked by myself. :(

I need the test to enroll in a Master's program in the UK, probably in Leeds. Where you at now?


Neo Member
I need the test to enroll in a Master's program in the UK, probably in Leeds. Where you at now?
I'm in Seattle, took the test in the area as well.
IELTS has real human beings for the speaking section, right? I thought TOEFL was pretty easy over all, but really disliked having to record the speaking parts on a timer.
I'm in Seattle, took the test in the area as well.
IELTS has real human beings for the speaking section, right? I thought TOEFL was pretty easy over all, but really disliked having to record the speaking parts on a timer.

Yes, you get to speak to a real person and the conversation is recorded. The only part I'm worried about is the writing section, I had to describe a freaking salted peanut factory which threw me off a bit.
Anyway my IELTS test results should come in this week, anybody else did this?

I did the Cambridge certification this summer, tested for Advanced ended up Proficency as all A+ ranks pass you to the next level automatically in that.

It was a bit harder than expected, I was really anxious!

Then next July... JLPT N2! :D
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