I don't follow italian politics enough.
Was Renzi not well liked?
Are there decent replacements in his party?
Concerns of various regions of loosing too much power makes sense though. That's something that'd be hard to pass in a lot of European countries.
Italian PM is
never liked. During his resignation speech tonight, he made a list of the achievements of his government during those two years (which is the fourth longest govern we've ever had since we've been a republic) and even I didn't remember most of them. Why? Because we love to spread hate on every politician instead of having actual debates.
In his party? Nobody. Letta was chosen in 2013 because he was a good name for both the left and the right, but couldn't achieve almost anything. Renzi stepped up and managed to "steal" a few senators from Berlusconi (Alfano and his group) and together they made something but not enough (for example, the "civil union" law was severely cut because of Alfano, they refused for example to vote a law that allowed gay couples to have adoption or something like that). Most of this constitutional reform was voted by everyone in the parliament except for Lega Nord (which are dumb-right) and M5S (which, before 2013 elections were "no alliances, we vote depending on the law" and then became "fuck you PD we'll always vote no"). Berlusconi himself voted yes for all the SIX times it passed in the Senate. Part of PD undermined the reform because "hurr durr peoplez should elect senators". Which is something we haven't done since 1994, because in the south they used to literally sell their vote to corrupt members of the various mafia.
After Renzi there's noone else good enough in PD (which says something about PD and italian politics in general). They'll probably choose someone superpartes to have a new electional law, then go to elections and still have nothing accomplished because the results will be almost like 4 years earlier (30% PD, 30% M5S, 20% right IMHO).
We italians love to say "we have to change!" but when the time comes we say "maybe next time!".
And I don't even like Renzi that much, but he's the only credible politic right now in Italy.
Flavio Tosi man. I know "Fare" isn't a big party, but still.
I liked them in 2013, but they need to do something more if they want to get atleast a few seats in the parliament.
Wait, wasn't the turnout much greater in the north/center?
"SI" only won in Trentino (53,87%), Emilia-Romagna (50,39%) and Toscana (52,51%). "NO" was close and sometimes even higher than 70% in the south.