In theory, the twist with Dany wasn't bad. I think there were hints about it from the beginning and I do think it's what RR Martin wanted to do with the character. It's just the rushed and sudden way in which they did it which sucked.
yeah that's what i hear, that the rushed nature of the final season is really what did it in. like the army of frost zombies is set up to be this epic battle and it's over in a single ep? i can see how one would feel cheated.
it's still there IMO, if you go to Halloween part or Dragon Con or something you will always see tons of
GOT. people love the books, they still like the show, it was just really popular to bash it for a while. they just don't have a show on right now so there is a little more of a dry spell in media being taken up by
Star Wars and
Cats and
Sonic and whatever else.
i was kind of surprised at how quickly public opinion turned on the writers. there was so much outrage at them. i'm not going to call it fan outrage, because it wasn't just fans, in fact there were tons of articles by the access media acting toxic towards these creators, calling them hacks, saying SW is better off without them, etc. as always the media setting a shitty example they later blame on "toxic fans". they did a Q&A and everything people took offense for, to me it read like pretty typical thoughts from two collaborative creatives. people were saying "look at these hacks, they know nothing about running a tv show". as if any of us know what that is like lol.
for instance them working with the actors and asking them for input was taken as a weakness, a sign they were shitty writers, rather than them actually being open to more possibilities, asking the actors to chip in as a more democratic way to do things. but the narrative was "these guys are bad" so anything to grab onto was clutched. it's odd how closely all that happened with the announcement of them leaving Lucasfilm. seemingly a flood of pro-hate articles were written seamlessly leading from the reviewing of the final season into their firing from Star Wars. one week it just all dropped at once. gotta keep that narrative going...