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ITT: Post a pic of how you feel

me rn on the beach


sorry you're going through a hard time
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
That look says to me, "My wife bought this jacket as a gift for me, and I have to wear it or she'll be hurt."


I watched my favourite film when my back gave out, Sciatica Gattaca.

Yeah at least I don't have anything to do today except some laundry and some dishes.

It's funny how I can't drive my normal car, which would be asking for trouble an account of the stiff clutch. And it has short travel so there are a couple bumps on the way to work that would fuuuuuck me up rn. I bought a backup beater with an automatic a year ago and it has come in very handy a few time.

today i started pulling up my flooring in the living room and hall. what was down was a tile flooring but under that was a carpet. i thought it would have normal underlaying but nope a carpet :messenger_unamused: ripped it all up. tried cleaning up the skirting. still got some nails to rip out and i will take this opportunity to repaint the walls and skirting. still have to rip up the flooring in the kitchen and storage room. i'm dreading the thought of doing the kitchen. some of the flooring is sealed down and i don't know how i'm going to get it out from under the work units. also i need to pull out my cooker, washing machine, and fridge freezer.

when i was pulling up the flooring i almost cut through my internet cable. for some stupid reason i thought the cable went out into the garden but it was routed along the skirting under the flooring and goes out into the front garden. thankfully my internet is still working. i totally wrecked my door "threshold cover" which is where my internet cable was. it's stuck to the cover so i need to get it off to replace the cover. i hope the guys who are coming to put down the new flooring can do a good job with it but we'll see. they won't be here for another 3 weeks so i have lots of time to get all the work done.

i'm exhausted. felt dirty and smelly so went for a shower so now i'm relaxing with a few beers

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