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Pub landlady sets up OnlyFans account to tackle energy crisis and save boozer
The cost of living crisis is forcing millions to rethink their spending, and now one pub landlady has set up an OnlyFans to solve her boozer's problems.
Lauren Beers, 32, explained that she took to the subscription-based website - which is popular with adult content creators - in a bid to save her beloved pub from going under amid soaring operating costs.
The pub landlady is now charging £12 a month for adult content featuring herself to save her pub.
She posted: "I've only ever been really good at three things: pulling pints, necking pints and T*TS.
"So . . . I thought I'd combine a guy's (and lots of girls') favourite things.
"You subscribing could mean the survival of a Great British Boozer."
Regulars at the pub have been quick to support their landlady in her new venture, and they're convinced that she's going to be a hit on OnlyFans.
"Lauren is a cracker with a twinkle in her eye," one regular told the Sun. "She'll be a big hit."
The landlady is also being supported by her partner. He said: "She's doing it to save the pub, it's as simple as that."
You can keep up to date with Lauren's bid to save her pub on Instagram.
In other cost of living news, things have got so bad that money saving expert Martin Lewis said there is 'virtually nothing' he can do to help as inflation hits a 30-year high.
He told Sunday Morning: "I've been Money Saving Expert since 2000. I've been through the financial crash, I've been through Covid which was mitigated by some of the measures the Chancellor put in place.
"This is the worst - where we are right now, this is the worst.
"When I'm reading messages from people saying money prioritisation used to be 'do I go to the hairdressers, or do I go to the pub and have a takeaway'.
"Now it's about prioritising 'feeding my children over feeding myself'. That is simply not tenable in our society and there is absolute panic - and it has not started yet."
Lewis explained that while, under normal circumstances, he can help people save money, but his usual tips and tricks won't scratch the surface of the crisis.
"As the Money Saving Expert who's been known for this - I am virtually out of tools to help people now," he said.
"It's not something money management can fix. It's not something for those in the lowest incomes, telling them to cut their bills will work. We need political intervention."

Pub landlady sets up OnlyFans account to tackle energy crisis and save boozer
She said it's about saving the great British boozer.