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iZombie - S1 OT of Kicking Ass and Taking Brains - from the creator of Veronica Mars

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Another great episode. I am really liking this so far. I liked that they went with something different for the traits she picked up. Where as last week was sort of played for laughs, this one had that nice emotional moment at the end where she decides to not keeping eating the brain even though it will mean getting the pain of some of this week's moments sooner.

Involving another murder into the case with week and bringing Peyton into things a bit more was good too. Really love the contrast between Liv and Blaine so far.

Along with the Piggy and the Brain quote I loved these two as well:

Liv to Ravi in the morgue: “I am too hungry right now to work out if you are joking or not. Your skull just turned into a giant animated ham.”

Ravi: “Did you just hear something?”
Liv: “Like someone moaning the word brains? No. If you heard aimless shambling of the undead that might have just been me.”
Ravi: “You don’t shamble.”

This show is so funny.

Liv is the best

This was so great. She is just so cute.
The guy's lawyer suck he just let his client signed that confession without saying anything

I watched this on CW website I hope that helps the ratings


The show is really doing it for me. It is case of the week while still clearly working on the bigger picture, something most Case of the Week shows drop after episode 1.

The guy's lawyer suck he just let his client signed that confession without saying anything

I watched this on CW website I hope that helps the ratings

They had exact quotes what the guy said. The lawyer probably realized it wasn't made up.
How would they know it's the exact quote. They could be BS-ing them. It's not like they are under oat in that room. The guy could still denied it
But they are running out of time (show length wise) so wrap it up


Episode 3 was fantastic, love all the twists and turns that the case(s) took, and sociopath Liv was interesting.
There was some horror elements in there too and a more serious tone which contrasted nicely with the humour.

Ravi in a T-shirt and sweatpants, hmmmm. Liv's T-shirt was hilarious too :p

Liv's roommate was way more tolerable in this episode, now that she actually cracked a smile and we saw them interact as friends. Major got a small connection to the plot too with the missing kids, so that's cool.

That kid at the end was kinda stupid, I would never walk off with someone who basically says the equivalent of "nobody will miss you if you're gone, right?"


How would they know it's the exact quote. They could be BS-ing them. It's not like they are under oat in that room. The guy could still denied it
But they are running out of time (show length wise) so wrap it up

The killer knew it was, which is why he signalled his lawyer to stay quiet.
The police, sister knew it was because their zombie told them so. So they pressed on.


my stupid DVR didn't record the ep :(

but I'm having such a holy shit moment in watching the lovely bones and thinking the "hey the sister looks a lot like rose mciver but frumpier...it'd be funny if it was her but there's no way right?...*googles* OMG IT IS"

pics for reference





Really loving this show so far... Just watched episode 2, and about to watch episode 3. It really does feel like Veronica Mars with supernatural elements.

It also reminds me a lot of the earlier more lighthearted seasons of Buffy the Vampire slayer--V. Mars was always sort of a non-supernatural Buffy, so I guess that's not surprising.

Anyway, everything on this show works. The lead actress is massively appealing and has tons of charisma. All the other characters are fantastic too, well acted and well written. The concept has tons of potential, especially the personality traits thing.


my stupid DVR didn't record the ep :(

but I'm having such a holy shit moment in watching the lovely bones and thinking the "hey the sister looks a lot like rose mciver but frumpier...it'd be funny if it was her but there's no way right?...*googles* OMG IT IS"

pics for reference




It is mainly funny because she is much older than the sister.


Great show so far. I really enjoy all the new quirks that Live picks up, the excitement the coroner has for her being a zombie, little details like the painting from E2 still hanging in E3, and her just trying to enjoy life while being undead.


Just watched all three episodes on demand. I wanted the Veronica Mars dialogue, while my fiancee enjoyed zombie Mr. Sark. It's got promise, but we'll have to see how they keep up with the whole "vision of who did it, but how do you get the evidence" issue.

The ex was giving me flashbacks to Chuck with Captain Awesome, which isn't helped by his name being Major.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Major is a majorly boring character with probably the stupidest name in television history. Who would call their child Major? seriously. His entire role is being a satelite love interest and he's already boring me.
I'm assuming the name is a catch 22 reference. Maybe it will come up later.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Yes that was awesome! I still don't understand why they changed Gwen's name to Liv though...I feel like they'll address this in a future episode.

Never read the comic, but isn't it just because Liv Moore - Live More


Major getting a new roomie.. at least brings the world closer together

Liking Liv's pervy brother

It was a fun fight.


Unconfirmed Member
All the good shows are on tuesdays but this interferes with S.H.I.E.L.D


special needs, sexual needs
I didn't know what to expect from this show, but I'm loving it so much. Liv is such a fun character when she gains the personality traits.

I'm crushing so hard on Ravi. He's so adorable; I'd watch anything on his 4K UHD TV anyday.
Good episode.

Ravi and Major quickly becoming buds was really funny, but it worked. Liv's paranoia was great, and we got some Babineaux character development. I like Liv's brother, he's funny.

But let's talk about Blaine. He's got a surprisingly loyal customer base.


Watching ep 4 now and it is super annoying. Its clear from the very beginning the cop was undercover in the visions, why cant the characters realize that? smh


Zombie bodybuilders were fricking awesome. Like..holy shit :D

"You can't flex fat" :D Shame they died, but worth it for the image of Blaine taking out the replacements out of a fricking freezer:D

Very fun episode. I guess that describes the whole show. It's just pure fun.


I agree but I think we'll still see those elements eventually pop up so I'm not too worried (yet)

plus the creators seem to love it and Allred is designing the opening credits which people are raving about

I dunno. I asked him again at WonderCon and he was pretty adamant about not getting into anything overtly supernatural. Diane Ruggiero-Wright wanted those elements included and Thomas didn't; he said he "won" that creative battle. Even the whole zombie thing is from more of a sci-fi perspective than a supernatural one.

That said, I actually like the show a lot so far. Kind of a mix of Chew and Pushing Daisies, both properties I adore.
I love this show, but this first season is definitely giving off that "let's throw some procedural episodes out, form some ideas, see what works, then do better in season 2" vibe. Even so, the show is witty and fun enough that I don't really care. I just hope they don't off Blaine this season; he's definitely one of the parts that's working and he deserves some more time once the writers get situated.

Liv, Blaine, and Ravi are awesome, but I'm on the fence about Major and Clive. It's only been 4 episodes, so I guess time will tell if they grow on me.


Also kind of meh that you convert someone into a zombie with a simple scratch. Seems super-easy to do.

Also, if anyone cares. Ratings have been pretty steady. Not Arrow/The Flash levels but pretty much in-line with most other CW shows so can see this being picked up easily for another season.


I love this show, but this first season is definitely giving off that "let's throw some procedural episodes out, form some ideas, see what works, then do better in season 2" vibe. Even so, the show is witty and fun enough that I don't really care. I just hope they don't off Blaine this season; he's definitely one of the parts that's working and he deserves some more time once the writers get situated.

Liv, Blaine, and Ravi are awesome, but I'm on the fence about Major and Clive. It's only been 4 episodes, so I guess time will tell if they grow on me.
I can see the Clive actor being let go by the end of the season. He feels completely optional as a character needed in the show.
From the getgo I thought this show looked absolutely terrible - her name is Live More, she's a zombie girl who needs to eat brains to solve mysteries, it seems so so so dumb.

But people seem to think it's good. So I might give it a shot.


This show is fantastic. I was skeptical but I gave the first episode a shot and now it might be one of my favorite procedurals. Gaining traits from the brains she eats is a genius way to keep it fresh.

Liv's brother using Peyton's massager.

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