So, looks like he could be acquitted as early as next week. Something tells me the jury liekly won't even deliberate a day on this.
There is no physical evidence of molestation
There is no eye witness evidence of molestation aside from the accuser and his brother
There is virtually no evidence of attempted kidnapping
the little circustantial evidence of the possibility of kidnapping has no link, circumstantial or otherwise, to jackson
there is no evidence that jackson gave alcohol to the kids, circumstantial or otherwise
the mother has been shown to defraud others before for money
the kids have been shown to have a pattern of rudeness and bad behavior before they ever met jackson
there is eye witness account (circumstantial) of having seen the kids drunk and mastrubating outside of jackson's company
three out of five of the complaints ever about jackson molesting kids were dismissed by the kids themselves
the only person to testify of being molested settled for a multimillion dollar settlement and never filed charges
friends of the family testified to wrong doings by the family
Either this is the most elaborate cover-up/smear job ever done by a celebrity, or jackson didn't do anything wrong. Either way, he will be acquitted by late next week, mark my words (on the late next week part.. everyone knows he will be acquitted).
So, looks like he could be acquitted as early as next week. Something tells me the jury liekly won't even deliberate a day on this.
There is no physical evidence of molestation
There is no eye witness evidence of molestation aside from the accuser and his brother
There is virtually no evidence of attempted kidnapping
the little circustantial evidence of the possibility of kidnapping has no link, circumstantial or otherwise, to jackson
there is no evidence that jackson gave alcohol to the kids, circumstantial or otherwise
the mother has been shown to defraud others before for money
the kids have been shown to have a pattern of rudeness and bad behavior before they ever met jackson
there is eye witness account (circumstantial) of having seen the kids drunk and mastrubating outside of jackson's company
three out of five of the complaints ever about jackson molesting kids were dismissed by the kids themselves
the only person to testify of being molested settled for a multimillion dollar settlement and never filed charges
friends of the family testified to wrong doings by the family
Either this is the most elaborate cover-up/smear job ever done by a celebrity, or jackson didn't do anything wrong. Either way, he will be acquitted by late next week, mark my words (on the late next week part.. everyone knows he will be acquitted).